M Jackson

Loves labours lost in space??!!!!! That's one of the greatest episodes ever!!!!!!!!!!! So are.....You know what I really really like every episode on your list. I couldn't disagree more!
Although Where the buggalo roam is probably the weakest out of the ones you've listed.

Bending Unit
Originally posted by [AdAM]: Everybody's always picking on IDAR.... That's a very good episode. (also LLLIS) I agree. I really enjoyed the Napster parody and the Don't Date Robots movie. Zapp: "Now there's a wave of destruction that's easy on the eyes!" Funny stuff! Another underrated episode in my opinion is A Leela of Her Own. I guess it helps to be a baseball fan. Loved the Hank Aaron cameo! "Hmm..Wade Boggs, goes down smooth!", LOL!
M Jackson

I Dated a Robot is brilliant!

DOOP Secretary



worst has to be when bender is god.... *yawn*
juts dragged for me.. funny fry with the monks tho pmsl
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: So what you're saying is that there's nothing actually wrong with the episode: the reason that it's the worst is because a lot of people don't like it? *picks key up from table, slides it into door, unlocks door, walks in, see's the word " main" written on wall, and makes sure not to confuse this with " nothing"*...


if all you people hated a leela of her own, you must hate homer at the bat, which was defintly one of my favorite episodes.


Originally posted by fat_boz: worst has to be when bender is god.... *yawn*
juts dragged for me.. funny fry with the monks tho pmsl Godfellas? I couldn't disagree more! That was such a sweet episode... But hey, whatever works for you... I love every single Futurama episode. But if I have to pick my least favorite, it'd be "The Cryonic Woman" simply because it was one big continuity error.
Dr. Morberg


There were tons of problems with it, including, but not limited to, How LA looks compared to That's Lobstertainment, the color of Michelle's hair, Fry getting dropped out of the ship at the end, people in the cryo tubes, etc...
Anyway, I agree with "Cryonic Woman" as being the worst episode. I just cannot watch that one. Also, I hate "Mars U", if only because of Gunter.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: I don't really care. When you stop caring, so do I.


By production season: Season 1: A Fishfull of Dollars Season 2: The Cryonic Woman


Originally posted by TheLampIncident: Man, who knew the Cryonic Woman was such a widely disliked episode? Besides the Pauly Shore cameo, I liked it. I didn't like the entire second half of the episode. The whole LA stuff just didn't work for me. TCW is one of the few episodes I sometimes skip when rewatching the dvds.