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Author Topic: Adult Swim?  (Read 994 times)
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« on: 10-02-2003 17:26 »

Sorry if this has already been brought up before, but I was just wondering if anyone's thought about writing to Adult Swim and seeing if they'd be interested in picking the show up.  Like, for new episodes.  I think the show's proved it still has an audience, the ratings (as far as I know) have been really solid, even in reruns, and it's not like the writing was really suffering at the end, the ratings weren't good because no one knew when it was on.  Just wondering if anyone else was thinking along those lines, or if someone actually tried it.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 10-02-2003 17:41 »

I think they're waiting to go through all the episodes again.. tonight is My Three Suns, the seventh episode, so we're just going to have to wait until they reach 30% Iron Chef and find out if they'll begin advertising the new episodes they've acquired.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 10-02-2003 17:45 »
« Last Edit on: 10-02-2003 17:45 »

*sigh* No offense persephohi; you couldn't know... but this has been discussed many a time before. Anyway, Cartoon Network apparently would like to make new episodes, but they lack the money to do so. They certainly seem to recognize its potential, though.
Originally posted by Action Jacktion:
This is going to get closed. Nixorbo will probably post that dumb Penny Arcade cartoon.

Hey, I LIKE that cartoon!
Action Jacktion

« Reply #3 on: 10-02-2003 17:47 »

This has been discussed many times before.  Basically, they are interested in making new episodes, but they can't right now because doing that is like nothing they've ever done before, and they really don't have enough money.

This is going to get closed.  Nixorbo will probably post that dumb Penny Arcade cartoon.

« Reply #4 on: 10-02-2003 17:50 »

Okay, I was wondering if it hadn't been brought up before.  Thanks for the info.  :)


« Reply #5 on: 10-02-2003 19:42 »

I don't think the "having enough money argument" is a good case for why the show can't come back.
For example, Look at what they did with Justice League. When Bruce Timms earlier shows where on networks such as fox and the wb they had budgets ranging from 1.5 million to 1.2 million a ep but when cartoon network decided to buy Justice League which in my opinion is just a continuation of sorts of the the Batman/superman cartoons on the networks they reduced the budget to 700 thousand. And if you have ever seen both of the shows you would see that even though the Justice league
does not have the same kind of budget as it's earlier shows it still worked out very well, True the animation is not on the same level as the Batman/superman adventures but if you think about it the show Justice league is on a much bigger scale then the earlier shows. Also, Not dissing Justice League or anything but I'm sure that Futurama would bring in better ratings for cartoon network then Justice League.
My Wha?

« Reply #6 on: 10-02-2003 20:42 »

While it may be blasphemy, I'm not sure i'd like it if Cartoon Network started making new episodes.  My opinion is based on the only adult swim episode i've ever seen, in which they edited "Jesus" out of "Sweet Zombie Jesus."  "Sweet Zombie Jesus" being one of the funniest lines I had ever heard, I was duly turned off from the whole thing.

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 10-02-2003 21:51 »

And if Adult Swim (part of Cartoon Network owned by Ted Turner) did get new episodes, I don't think we'd get the origional cast of writers, animators and voice over guys. I worry that if the original cast wasn't completely reunited, the show we all love and worship would never be the same.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #8 on: 10-02-2003 21:54 »

Originally posted by NoAPOlogies:
And if Adult Swim (part of Cartoon Network owned by Ted Turner) did get new episodes, I don't think we'd get the origional cast of writers, animators and voice over guys. I worry that if the original cast wasn't completely reunited, the show we all love and worship would never be the same.

What are all the writers, and voice actors, and editors, and artists, and 3d-animators up to now? Makes you wonder.
Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 10-03-2003 02:48 »

what sucks about CN's budget is that CN could actually afford Futurama. They could afford it 3 times over. CN's spending $500,000,000 over the next 5 years on exclusive programming for the network. the problem is Futurama is in Adult Swim land, and for whatever reason Cartoon Network isn't letting Adult Swim in on that big $500 million pot of gold, and Adult Swim is getting shafted in the budget department. which is why they have mostly low budget or non-union shows. Most of the profits made off Adult Swim end up going to help fund the kids' shows (because that's the network's primary focus - kids age 6-11), which CN is constantly...CONSTANTLY putting more money into because they're trying to find their next big breakout hit show. Adult Swim's budget almost never increases, and when it does, it's by a slight amount. :/ Maybe Adult Swim's ratings will have to decrease before CN realizes they need to put more money into it.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #10 on: 10-03-2003 02:50 »

^^ lfv makes a great point, I don't think it's come up before. That's the most unfortunate thing about television networks... they're aimed at the KIDS, who shouldn't watch that much TV, and not at the bigger picture of every other age group, who want to see shows like Futurama.

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 10-04-2003 16:46 »

I hate kids. I want to take them all out, line them up against a wall. . .and flick boogers on them.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #12 on: 10-04-2003 18:14 »

ah well, if you want children beating, i guess you have to do it yourself *rolls up sleeves*
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