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Author Topic: Which episodes of Futurama have the most Mac references in it  (Read 1260 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 10-01-2003 00:13 »
« Last Edit on: 10-15-2003 00:00 »

I think that FOABP sets the standards for Mac references, you have the obvious ones, the Computer Judge resembles a Mac 128K, then the subtle ones, the "Start of Human Hunt" Trumpeter's chord is actually a Mac startup chime (an old beige box, a 7500 if i remember correctly), and the Robot Elders eyes and mouth colors resemble the iMac/iBook "Flavor" schemes

from left to right;
Strawberry, Lime, Blueberry, Tangerine, i think the final Elder's color scheme was an attempt at Key Lime, but KL is difficult to produce on TV and in print, in this case, it just came out yellow...

yes there are other Mac references in Futurama, iZac, iHawk, The menus used on the "Internet" in Bicyclops are Classic Mac OS menus that use the Chicago font and even feature the "cloverleaf" logo on the Command/Apple key keyboard shortcuts, Bender's quote about Anglyene's legs not "Quitting unexpectedly" ("the application "Kiddnapster" has unexpectedly quit because an error of type 2 has occured" ), etc... but FOABP seems to have the highest  concentration of them in a single episode

[ZealotMode™ ON]it's almost like MG's trying to make up for Homer's Assimilation by Inhel [/Z.M. OFF]      ;)

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 10-01-2003 13:49 »
« Last Edit on: 10-01-2003 13:49 »

Yeah, numerous Mac references throughout the show. Personally I think they're doing it to get free Mac's from Apple. But according to David Cohen they're   
still waiting for their free Mac's to arrive.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 10-02-2003 00:17 »

Oh, it's gotta be "Fear of a Bot Planet". No question.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 10-02-2003 00:30 »

Yep, definately FOABP. Most Mac references (or references to anything for that matter) usually get pointed out in the DVD commentaries anyway.
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 10-02-2003 09:28 »

Yes, I too believe that FOABP is the most mac-heavy episode...
But for you, MacTech, I think you left out the most significant one (in MY head, at least) in the series... Farnsworth uses Mac!! You can tell because of the blank robots from "I Dated a Robot"- They are Mac formatted (says so on the box)
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 10-02-2003 16:48 »

Heh, I didn't even know a lot of those things you mentioned were Mac references, MacTech!  But of course, I hadn't actually sat down and used a Mac in about six or seven years.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #6 on: 10-02-2003 21:04 »

Rev. C iMac's clockwise from top;

Key Lime iBook, bright, radioactive green, in fact if you use it under a black light, the green parts will glow, they're reactive to UV light  ;)
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 10-03-2003 16:47 »

It's just amazing that they put such details into the show.  I mean, if you don't use Macs (like me), then you'd never get the joke of the robot elders' eyes color.

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 10-04-2003 04:44 »

Originally posted by Evil Fox Exec:
 you'd never get the joke of the robot elders' eyes color.

Aw, Crap. It took me... a few months to get that joke. Seriously.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 10-05-2003 13:12 »

It would be awesome if I showed that episode to my co-workers. They would crack up at the Mac startup sound used in the fanfare trumpet. And it is obvious Groening loves Macs. You can't really escape them in a work environment that revolves around animation.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #10 on: 10-15-2003 23:19 »

I have a better picture of the Key Lime iBook (and not just because Zoidberg's in it  ;) ), it's one i just built out of some spare parts lying around at work, had a dead logic board, i swapped in a new one, and <Zoidberg> Hooray, it's useful again!</Zoidberg>

shield your eyes, it's *bright*  ;)


Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 10-16-2003 00:42 »

Cool! :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #12 on: 10-16-2003 19:56 »

Im so used to windows i cant even open anything in macs!!.  People say it has better picture and sound but it seems less set up than windows.  Hey im using windows now!.(mac lovers dont kick me)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #13 on: 10-16-2003 22:05 »
« Last Edit on: 10-16-2003 22:05 »

<Zoidberg>Windoze, BAH!, incompetent excuse for an OS if you ask me</Z>, has more security holes in it than swiss cheese, besides, it's a pirated OS, pirated from Apple.

a history lesson in a nutshell;
Xerox was the grandfather of the modern graphical computer, the Star, created at the Palo Alto Reasearch Center (PARC), the Steves (Jobs and Woz) went to Xerox, saw the Star, and made a licencing deal with Xerox on the spot, some Apple Founder stock for the rights to the Star's windowing/menu technology, a *legal business transaction*

gates and his spineless minions came oozing up to Apple (rather like H.G. Blob, in fact) and claimed to want to "help them write apps for Apple's new computer" on the one hand, and doing such a crappy job of it that Apple had to send programmers to m$ to show them how to do it right without screwing up.

 on the other hand, they were reverse-engineering (taking apart) the Lisa (the Mac's predecessor, and used as a developer platform for the Mac) to see how it worked so they could make their own pathetic ripoff (what we now know as windoze), Apple didn't recieve one red cent from m$, the codebase for windoze was *stolen* from Apple

that's one of the many reasons we Mac fanatics hate m$ (a.k.a. "the Collective" ) with a passion, their unimatrix is based off of stolen code...

they're an evil monopoly, not unlike Mom's Freindly Robot Company, or the Brainslugs on the brainslug planet

hey.... maybe that's why m$ has gotten so big, their products all contain little Nano-Brainslugs that control the user's mind....

or maybe like the BrainSpawn's stupefaction field...

Delivery Boy
« Reply #14 on: 10-16-2003 22:10 »
« Last Edit on: 10-16-2003 22:10 »

Sorry, double post, move along, nothing to see

Mods, feel free to nuke this one if you see fit  ;)

Space Pope
« Reply #15 on: 10-16-2003 23:31 »

Originally posted by MacTech:
<Zoidberg>Windoze, BAH!, incompetent excuse for an OS if you ask me</Z>,

that's one of the many reasons we Mac fanatics hate m$ (a.k.a. "the Collective" ) with a passion, their unimatrix is based off of stolen code...

Paging Nixorbo... relevant Penny Arcade strip in Aisle 3...
less than hero

Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 10-23-2003 11:38 »

Machtech, that laptop's bloody bright...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #17 on: 10-23-2003 12:40 »
« Last Edit on: 10-23-2003 12:40 »

Don't forget whenever we see Hermes using his laptop it's an iBook (without the Apple logo on the back).

I'd post a pic of my iBook, but it's gone off for another battery repair     :(

Originally posted by Just Chris:
You can't really escape them in a work environment that revolves around animation.

Although in the S1 DVD video Rough Draft clearly use Unix    :)

Originally posted by MacTech:
Apple didn't recieve one red cent from m$, the codebase for windoze was *stolen* from Apple

Apple sued Microsoft, but the suit was "dismissed" (ie, Microsoft paid Apple an undisclosed amount and promised to continue software development for the mac) - partly because if Apple had won Xerox would have ground to sue Apple.

Originally posted by MacTech:
the Steves (Jobs and Woz) went to Xerox, saw the Star, and made a licencing deal with Xerox on the spot

No, they didn't licence it - they effectively cloned it. Jobs claimed that much of the work on the GUI was completed "before they visited PARC". Xerox sued Apple in 1991, but the case was dismissed.
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 10-23-2003 16:24 »

Excuse me for my lack of computer knowledge, but what is Unix?  Is it some sort of operating system?
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #19 on: 10-23-2003 21:22 »

Originally posted by Evil Fox Exec:
...what is Unix?  Is it some sort of operating system?

Several punchlines spring to mind, but I'll spare you.  I'll let someone else field this one.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #20 on: 10-24-2003 04:34 »
« Last Edit on: 10-24-2003 04:34 »

Originally posted by Evil Fox Exec:
Excuse me for my lack of computer knowledge, but what is Unix?  Is it some sort of operating system?

UNIX was the first Operating System to ever allow multi tasking, something we take for granted now (at the moment, I'm listening to an MP3, typing this, burning a CD and automatically checking my emails).

UNIX was originally developed at Bell Laboratories as a private research project by a small group of people starting in 1969. This group had experience with a number of different operating systems research efforts in the 1970's. The goals of the group were to design an operating system to satisfy the following objectives:

- Simple and elegant
- Written in a high level language rather than assembly language
- Allow re-use of code

At the time, typically operating system were very large, and all written in assembly language. UNIX had a very small amount written in assembly language (called "The Kernel" ), and the rest in high level C.

...OK, but why was (and still is) UNIX one of the most popular OS's?

- Only a very small amount of code in UNIX is written in assembly language. This makes it relatively easy for a computer vendor to get UNIX running on their system.

- The user benefit which results from this is that UNIX runs on a wide variety of computer systems. Many traditional vendors have made UNIX available on their systems in addition to their proprietary operating systems.

- The application program interface allows many different types of applications to be easily implemented under UNIX without writing assembly language.

- Third party software vendors can save costs by supporting a single UNIX version of their software rather than four completely different vendor specific versions requiring four times the maintenance.

- Vendor-independent networking allows users to easily network multiple systems from many different vendors.

Mac OSX runs Unix, but does it so cleverly you rarely notice - however, you can enter the rather mysterious world of BSD by the "Terminal"...


Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 10-24-2003 13:55 »

Let's see, on topic, on topic...

Oh yeah, I love iZac in A Flight To Remember.

It's nice to see fellow Futurama-loving Maclovers.



I'm waiting a bit for other people to find any serious flaws, then I'm popping it into my Blueberry Robot Elder!

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #22 on: 10-24-2003 14:31 »

I'm still using OS 9.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #23 on: 10-24-2003 15:13 »

Timo, Panther is quite solid now, i work at an Apple service provider/retailer (Small Dog Electronics) as a repair tech, and i have Panther running on all my systems, (got it on the 23rd, one of the advantages of working at a Mac retailer), and it's been rock solid, it even runs on my heavilly upgraded Sawtooth G4 tower with a Sonnet 800MHz processor upgrade, even though it *officially* "doesn't support" processor upgrades, mine's booting fine...

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #24 on: 10-25-2003 09:54 »

Apple relies heavily on product placement.
Did anyone happen to see Final Destination 2? It was filled with macs, so to speak.

« Reply #25 on: 10-27-2003 04:38 »

they're an evil monopoly, not unlike Mom's Freindly Robot Company, or the Brainslugs on the brainslug planet

hey.... maybe that's why m$ has gotten so big, their products all contain little Nano-Brainslugs that control the user's mind....

or maybe like the BrainSpawn's stupefaction field...
Maybe MS may be "moms friendly robot company", but i does NOT think on MS as BrainSlugs. Thats rather MACS style:
* Colored transparent round things
* Strongly addictive. Users are almost impossible to turn away.
* All  users of it says that its better than other things, but in reality its slower, dumber, and uglier (that last thing is just my opinion).
* Suck (minds/moneys) out of it users.
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #26 on: 10-27-2003 20:44 »

Come to think of it, just what is the reason why Mac's are less popular than Windows-based computers?  I was told that Mac's tend to crash a lot.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #27 on: 10-27-2003 21:14 »
« Last Edit on: 10-27-2003 21:14 »

It's to do with supply. There are so many more suppliers of PC equipment than of MAC equipment. Enthusiasts wouldn't mind, for them it's a matter of getting the best, even if they have to fiddle with it themself. But for the average consumer, convinience and price counts. With more suppliers on the PC market, there's more competition, which in turn leads to better prices.

In the end, it's not so much Mac vs Windows, as it is Mac vs IBM-compatible PC. In the early days of private computers, several configurations fought to be the standard. The company whose design would emerge victorious stood a good chance of becomming filthy rich. Apple developed it's system by themself, and copyrighted everything. They have, as far as I understand, exclusive rights to the basic design, components, etc. IBM took the other aproach. Developed a basic design, and made it available to everybody to use and improve. Naturally the industry jumped all over IBM's design (while Apple's design was developed and marketed by Apple alone), in short time it became the de-facto standard for computer design, and still is today.

MicroSoft was one of the many companies supporting the IBM-design, and the monopoly of Windows/DOS is merely a side-effect of the IBM-standard, as are Intel's dominance in the microchip industry.

In the end IBM became filthy rich.
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 10-28-2003 18:45 »
« Last Edit on: 10-28-2003 18:45 »

Heh, that's interesting.  Looks like Mac accidently killed themselves (by being too greedy, perhaps?).

Edit:  Come to think of it, another question springs to mind.  Is the Mac operating system just as good as the Windows/IBM operating system, or do people just use it in order to avoid using Microsoft products?
Tropic of Fry

« Reply #29 on: 10-29-2003 00:54 »

Windows is about as stable as a drunk three legged mule. Their security is pathetic too. I don't know any techna-jargon specifics, but i will say this: After six long, painful, arduous, hardrive crashing years with windows, i have finally made the switch to Mac. And boy am i pleased.

may microsoft burn in their golden hell.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #30 on: 10-29-2003 01:41 »

Welcome aboard, Tropic of Fry.  Once you go Mac, you never go back.   :cool:

Evil Fox Exec, the Mac operating system is actually better than Windows.  The only advantage of Windows is that its prevalence makes Windows software more available.  Essentially, everybody uses Windows because everybody uses Windows.
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #31 on: 10-29-2003 12:04 »

Actually, from my experience, Windows XP is very stable.  It hasn't yet crashed since I've been using it.  But it's true about the security holes.  Every so often, you have to download these updates to fix all the security problems with Windows XP.  Anyway, thanks for responding too, David A.  What you said makes perfect sense come to think of it, because that's the exact reason why I use Windows!   

Space Pope
« Reply #32 on: 10-29-2003 12:27 »

I've found Windows XP to be exceedingly stable for me, and i like to use it.

That and windows has all the software, it's not my fault that's the way it developed. I don't see why i should switch to something like mac when they lack the software. And i don't want a list of mac alternatives to windows programs please.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #33 on: 10-30-2003 06:39 »

Just took a look at the DVD Times S4 menu screen shots - one of menu selection screens is a laptop running what looks like OS X...
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