
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by leelaholic: Dan Castellaneta. His Robot Devil voice is just plain brilliant. Also, on an unrelated note, he's Homer! What the hell beats that? Billy West as Fry, and as everyone else he voices, big parts or small. I never liked Homer's voice anyway, I was shocked that the Robot Devil's amazing voice was done by the same guy that voiced Homer (oh how he bothers me).

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #86 on: 10-10-2003 14:30 »
« Last Edit on: 10-10-2003 14:30 »
I'm a bit amazed about the lack of love for Maurice Lamarche. This guy play such a wide range of voices, it's just unbelieveable.
Just to name a few: Kif, Morbo, Lrrr, the HyperChicken, Calculon, Clamps, the AOI narrator, Walt, Malachi, and, what I consider one of his best achievements, iHawk (so close to Alan Alda's "Hawkeye" Pierce it was just uncanny).
And for the region 1'ers: he'll be on the season 3 DVD, you have something to look forward to.

DOOP Secretary

Better than all his voices on Futurama is LaMarche's The Brain.


My favorite is Dr.Zoidberg,homeowner! :P So..Billy West


Who is the guy that does Nibbler and other animals? Thats the difficultiest I think... and I don't think he's in the choice of actors

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Frank Welker.
Welcome to PEEL, Stinky. Enjoy it here.


Great work Marc, one thing, are you sure DiMaggio voices Sal? I am pretty sure that's West.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Great list, mArc. One error thoug. According to the audio commentaries That Guy was voiced by Dave Herman, not Tom Kenny.
Tom Kenny voiced Abner Doubledeal (the URFL/NNY Mets owner) and Adlai.


Billy West gets extra points for doing a whole commentary as Zoidberg - But Frank Welker deserves some sort of special hat for being in Scooby Doo.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The Birdbot Of Ice-catraz

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by ratm9200: Teral, why is that a spoiler? Because the season 3 DVD isn't released in Region 1 yet. I thought some people would prefer not knowing it, and since the name of the thread doesn't warn that season 3 DVD extras might be discussed, I decided it was better to be safe than sorry.


Technically: Frank Welker As dude himself: John Dimaggio
Action Jacktion


Originally posted by Teral: Great list, mArc. One error thoug. According to the audio commentaries That Guy was voiced by Dave Herman, not Tom Kenny.
Tom Kenny voiced Abner Doubledeal (the URFL/NNY Mets owner) and Adlai. The IMDb also lists that Kenny voiced Joey Mousepad, but wasn't that DiMaggio? Kenny wasn't credited in either of the episodes in which the character appeared, anyway.


If you're talking about the number of females then I see what you mean, but if you're talking about personal range then Tress wins. I love her on the commentaries in Season 3!


I know what you mean - she's got that quality to her voice that seems to come across all of her work. I was watching Hey Arnold the other day (which I'd never seen before) with his grandma in, and i sat up and went "Hang on, that's Tress!" Got me some very strange looks from my roommates! In that episode (and I apologize if this has already been done to death  ) they leave the temp line "Spa 5? Is it good?" which is Tress MacNeille. You can hear that it's not Dawnn Lewis straightaway.