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Author Topic: Twisted Trivia  (Read 21536 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 09-12-2003 19:30 »

Originally posted by Zack Brannigan:
You're missing the point, Action Jacktion. The whole point of this second trivia thread was to steer away from the "what connects, etc" questions.
If you want to post those, then put them in the other thread.

You got it!   ;)

I actually loved the "What Connects?", and other types that you had to think about.  This is a trivia thread with (as suggested by the title) a twist!  So, if you don't care for any kind of trivia except for knowing facts and tidbits, no problem.  But I advise you to the Triviarama thread.  This thread will consist of "What connects?" questions and any others that are a bit off the wall.   
I advise that if you are posting a "What connects?" question, then be sure to have a good answer.  Let's do without the "Oh yeah, I forgot about that time." responces.  Typically there is more than one answer, but go for the one that the asker desires.

The rules are still the same...

1) Only the person who answered the last question correctly may ask a new one.
a) Unless an answer is given, confirmation is made, and 24 hours pass after the confirmation post. Then the next question is up for grabs.
b) Unless after 3 days/72 hours there is no correct answer, the last person to ask a question may provide a new question.
c) Unless after 3 days/72 hours, there is no confirmation to any guesses or any hints given, someone else may ask a new question.
2) No googling nor watching the the episode to find the answer.

Now the champagne bottle that I break against the ship...

What connects...
My 3 Suns
Flight to Remember
X-Mas Story
Put Your Head On My Shoulder
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back
A Taste of Freedom  and
Less Than Hero?

It's a connection that involves one character.  Here's hoping this thread is a success! 
Zack Brannigan

Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 09-12-2003 19:44 »

I have a strong feeling it has something to do with Zoidberg.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 09-12-2003 19:48 »

Does Fry get beat up in all of them? Or maybe they all have Zoidberg being the hero (not the superhero kind). I think he just helps in all the episodes somehow.

Wait was Zoidberg even in My 3 Suns?? I think he was... oh yeah, he was.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 09-12-2003 20:04 »
« Last Edit on: 09-12-2003 20:04 »

Asylum Fry!  We have a winner!  Zoidberg manages to save the day in all of them!
My Three Suns- Stopping the water in the door
Flight to Remember- Stopping the door from closing
X-mas STory- Cutting the Christmas Tree Lights
Head on my Shoulder- Saving Fry's head
Hermes Groove- Brought Hermes to the building
Taste of Freedom- Destroyed Oppression ship
Less Than Hero- Gave Fry and leela the cream

You're up Asylum Fry!  Nicely done!
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #4 on: 09-13-2003 03:27 »
« Last Edit on: 09-13-2003 03:27 »

my friend Domino made this thread for a about two month ago, that thread was closed after one hour, i dont know if that thread counts now or dose it?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 09-13-2003 03:43 »

Bobby - I really don't recommend leaving the O out of the word "count," trust me here.  :)

However, I would say that this thread DOES count now, since the "What connects..." questions have been banned from the other trivia topic. Still, it's for the mods to decide.
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 09-13-2003 03:56 »
« Last Edit on: 09-13-2003 03:56 »

thanks Beamer   :), my englich is not that good, but its working

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 09-13-2003 04:09 »

That's alright. Everyone makes typo's (and you've got a decent excuse considering English isn't your main language) - but your typo pretty much spelt out the most offensive swear word in the English language.  :)

Anyway, getting back on topic - it's your turn, Asylum-Fry!

Starship Captain
« Reply #8 on: 09-13-2003 15:50 »

someone ele ask a question aslyum not asking

Space Pope
« Reply #9 on: 09-13-2003 15:52 »

There's a 24 hour rule, not been 24 hours yet.

Starship Captain
« Reply #10 on: 09-13-2003 15:57 »

he posted on the 12th its the 13th but shes still got 5 hours left cuz his last post here was at 20:04 you posted (which os now) at 15:52 military time

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 09-13-2003 16:03 »

Originally posted by SuperFry:
he posted on the 12th its the 13th but shes still got 5 hours left cuz his last post here was at 20:04 you posted (which os now) at 15:52 military time

And the point of that post was? I noticed the post was yesterday, but i also looked at the times and noticed that he had hours left.

If i answered a question before going to bed it could take me ages before i got back to a PC to post a new question, so be patient.

Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 09-13-2003 16:58 »

Originally posted by SuperFry in Twisted Trivia:
he posted on the 12th its the 13th but shes still got 5 hours left cuz his last post here was at 20:04 you posted (which os now) at 15:52 military time

I'm assuming that "shes" in the post above was a typo, because otherwise SuperFry would seem to imply that Asylum-Fry is both male and female. This is correct as of her gender icon, but she is indeed female.

This doesn't warrant a response, just stating a fact.

Starship Captain
« Reply #13 on: 09-13-2003 17:58 »

i mean the she and is contraction she's i forgot the little ' icon i didnt mean shes as in she then a he i mean: she is
Action Jacktion

« Reply #14 on: 09-14-2003 04:41 »

I'll try to revive this topic, though first I want to point out that connections questions were not banned from the other topic, a few people just expressed their dislike for them and Zack Brannigan mistakenly thought the new trivia topic had been created to get away from those questions, when really it was created because the old one was closed.

Anyway, the question.  I think I have all the episodes that fit, but I may have missed one.  What connects:

"How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back"
"A Clone of My Own"
"The Birdbot of Ice-Catraz"
"The Sting"

I'm not sure how difficult this one is, but you can watch the episodes/read transcripts/look at frame grabs if you want.

Starship Captain
« Reply #15 on: 09-14-2003 09:13 »
« Last Edit on: 09-14-2003 09:13 »

A g irl always ends up likng Fry. Or Hermes saves the day in all of them. Or Leela kicks someones butt in all of them.

Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 09-14-2003 12:07 »

Bender is not in his normal mode?
Hermes- "Please insert girder"
Clone- dressed as Deathbot
Birdbot- Penguin-mode
Sting- Bee mode
Action Jacktion

« Reply #17 on: 09-14-2003 13:03 »

Jolly Mon

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 09-14-2003 22:37 »
« Last Edit on: 09-14-2003 22:37 »

Maybe it's the fact that a character is sent away, or dispatched from the rest of the crew.

HHRHGB-Hermes goes to the labor camp
ACOMO-The Professor goes to the near death star
BBOI-Bender goes off with the penguins
TS-Leela goes into a coma
Action Jacktion

« Reply #19 on: 09-14-2003 22:56 »
« Last Edit on: 09-14-2003 22:56 »

No, there are many other episodes in which the characters go off, such as "The Cryonic Woman" and "War is the H-Word" (in an older thread there was a question with that answer, though).

The answer isn't as plot-related as that.  It's more of a detail that all of the episodes share (that's why I said it's okay to look at frame grabs and so forth).
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #20 on: 09-15-2003 00:38 »
« Last Edit on: 09-15-2003 00:38 »

Bender has to clean up some kind of fluid?

Hermes: Earwax.
Clone: Cubert's blood.
Birdbot: Dark matter
Sting: Honey

This would also have to include Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles, where he pumps tar, and Leela's Homeworld where he dumps spit-jars.

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 09-15-2003 22:39 »

It's so specific I'd have to go look at framegrabs?  Sorry, I'm gonna have to give up on this one...
Action Jacktion

« Reply #22 on: 09-15-2003 22:59 »

So my question isn't worth an hour and a half of your time, to sit down and watch the episodes?  I see... sniff....

Anyway, I'd give a hint, but I there's already a really big one on this page.

Starship Captain
« Reply #23 on: 09-16-2003 07:46 »

This question makes no sense there has been 5 guesses and not one was right.

Lt. Kroker

Bending Unit
« Reply #24 on: 09-16-2003 11:53 »

Bender wears a hat?

HHRHGB - Visor in the poker game
Clone - Cloak with hood
Bird-Bot - Captain's Hat
The Sting - Golfing hat
Action Jacktion

« Reply #25 on: 09-16-2003 13:02 »

Bender wears hats at other times.  But the answer is about clothing.
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #26 on: 09-16-2003 13:22 »

Fry gives a jacket to Leela?
Lt. Kroker

Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 09-16-2003 13:51 »

Ooh, I've got it ...maybe. People give coats to other people?

HHRHGB - Bender takes Zoidy's coat
Clone - Fry takes the Prof's
Bird-Bot - Bender gets Leela's
Sting - Leela gets Fry's

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 09-16-2003 13:52 »

bender wears pants
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #29 on: 09-16-2003 13:53 »

Originally posted by Action Jacktion:
So my question isn't worth an hour and a half of your time, to sit down and watch the episodes?  I see... sniff....

Anyway, I'd give a hint, but I there's already a really big one on this page.

your avy
Action Jacktion

« Reply #30 on: 09-16-2003 14:36 »

Originally posted by Lt. Kroker:
Ooh, I've got it ...maybe. People give coats to other people?

HHRHGB - Bender takes Zoidy's coat
Clone - Fry takes the Prof's
Bird-Bot - Bender gets Leela's
Sting - Leela gets Fry's
That's it.  Specifically I was thinking of characters wearing clothes usually worn by others.
Lt. Kroker

Bending Unit
« Reply #31 on: 09-16-2003 14:48 »

Yay! I'm not sure how hard this is, but here goes. What connects:
Something a hippy might say
A kitchen implement
An Xmas gift

Bending Unit
« Reply #32 on: 09-16-2003 17:22 »

Wow, AJ, that was a good one.  Nicely done!
Now as for this question...
At first glance, I'm clueless about the hippy saying and kitchen implement, but here's all the X-mas gifts that jump to mind..
A parrot
Set of combs
Pogo Stick
...um..maybe the lizards could count too..
Jolly Mon

Bending Unit
« Reply #33 on: 09-16-2003 21:35 »
« Last Edit on: 09-16-2003 21:35 »

Thier all about injuring or killing?
the hippy-killed penguins
a kitchen implement-can opener paralyzed Bender
an Xmas Gift-The parrot was killed with a TOW missle
Lt. Kroker

Bending Unit
« Reply #34 on: 09-17-2003 12:12 »

I believe a hint is in order. It's not something they've done, it's something they are. This might be ridiculously hard, as the hippy clue contains references to two different episodes, but the other two should be OK.

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 09-17-2003 19:58 »
« Last Edit on: 09-17-2003 19:58 »

Is the kitchen implement in fact the giant can opener?
I didn't think of that right off, but it does jump to mind as the only 'kitchen' tool to have a recurring appearence.

EDIT:  Except for the microwave....oh, and the coffee maker!..and the garbage disposal!  Ah!  My brain hurts!
Lt. Kroker

Bending Unit
« Reply #36 on: 09-18-2003 11:28 »

The kitchen implement is involved in seasoning.

Bending Unit
« Reply #37 on: 09-18-2003 18:50 »

Spice Weasel?
Lt. Kroker

Bending Unit
« Reply #38 on: 09-19-2003 12:03 »

Indeed. Since not many people are guessing, I'll give another (big) clue.

The thing said by a hippy is a normal phrase a particular hippy likes to say a lot, and it helps Fry win a contest in another episode.
less than hero

Bending Unit
« Reply #39 on: 09-19-2003 14:43 »

awwwww....I don't know.  Dude, that's hard...
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