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Author Topic: What exactly did Matt Groaning do for Futurama?  (Read 1793 times)
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« on: 09-09-2003 21:07 »

Well I know he created it but I'm talking about when they were making the episodes. Was he just pretty much a supervisor?

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 09-09-2003 21:17 »

Him and David X wrote the piolet I recall.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 09-09-2003 21:25 »

Hmm good question, naturally he created most of the characters (he is a cartoonist last I heard) during the making I guess he just supervised and made sure things were going the way he wanted, along with David X....
He was the main man in charge so he basically told everyone else what to do based on his ideas....(Only guessing but it sounds right to me)

« Reply #3 on: 09-09-2003 21:35 »

well he alonjg with David x were the ones that pretty much created the characters and the whole world after that i guess they suppervised the stoyboards too keep it inside the general idea

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 09-09-2003 21:41 »

matt g gives approval. I didn't think he really came up with like, a lot of story lines. did he?
Zack Brannigan

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 09-10-2003 01:26 »

He contributed several ideas, such as the coffee pot that turned against it's owners, but the only episode he wrote was the pilot with DXC.

He probably just supervised, made sure story lines weren't TOO outrageous, etc.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 09-10-2003 03:37 »

Well, according to the credits - he's the Executive Producer. However, judging by some of the things said on the DVD commentary, he sounds more like a supervisor to the show.
M Jackson
« Reply #7 on: 09-10-2003 14:42 »

Don't ever doubt Matt Groenings input. Futurama would be a drastically different show without him. The whole thing stinks of pure Groening. (that's a good thing)

"I love the smell of Groening in the morning. Smells like, victory."
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 09-10-2003 17:18 »

Yeah, as Beamer said, all you have to do is listen to the commentaries, and never again will you doubt Matt Groening's influence on the show.  He's a creative genius. 
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #9 on: 09-10-2003 18:37 »

I think Matt G. and DXC had some of the ongoing storylines (Leela's origins, how and why Fry was frozen) mapped out right from the beginning.

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 09-10-2003 18:42 »

Originally posted by Evil Fox Exec:
Yeah, as Beamer said, all you have to do is listen to the commentaries, and never again will you doubt Matt Groening's influence on the show.  He's a creative genius. 
so from the commentary i have learned that Matt G doesn't like Nixon. He really is a creative genius!

Urban Legend
« Reply #11 on: 09-10-2003 19:29 »

Just so you know most times an Executive Producer is an overall supervisor to the show, not in all cases though.

Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 09-10-2003 22:16 »

Yeah, Exec. Producers usually handle the business end of things -- securing money, relations with the studio, etc.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 09-11-2003 15:03 »

I guess someone had to sign the paychecks, fend of the hoardes of rampaging FOX execs and lobby for a better timeslot.

Then again David X Cohen is listed as Executive Producer as well, and judging on the audio commentaries he had a finger in virtually everything at The Curiosity Company. Writer meetings, selecting scripts, casting voice actors, table reads, writing episodes, you-name-it. If it was possible, I'm sure he'd be all over Rough Draft Studios as well.  :D

Sound slike Matt took care of business and David ran production on a daily basis. Ofcourse they both fleshed out the show and set up the overall stary-archs.
« Reply #14 on: 09-15-2003 15:51 »

but its weird you also get on the credits

produced by.

i mean how many people are nesseacery to make a show.

Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 09-15-2003 20:54 »

In the words of Tiny Toon Andventures:

"Some guy who doesn't do anything but put his name on the pictures."   :p

« Reply #16 on: 09-16-2003 04:42 »

Without Matt, it wouldn't be Futurama. He has a tremendous influence on the show, the plot and all the characters.

Sorry for my bad english, i'm from denmark, so...

Starship Captain
« Reply #17 on: 09-16-2003 07:45 »

What ever he does he sure does a good job of it.

I think he just gives ideas and approves ideas for each episode. He also might design characters. Im not really sure.

Urban Legend
« Reply #18 on: 09-16-2003 11:39 »

There is no set job description for the producer, but for comparrisen:

South Park:
Executive Producers: Matt Stone & Trey Parker
Job: Series Concept, Writing, Most Music and Most Voices.

Made In Canada:
Executive Producer: Rick Mercer
Job: Series Concept, Writing and One of the 4 main stars.

Sienfled (sp?)
Executive Producer (one of them): Jerry Sienfled
Job: Main Star, Writing and Series Creator

Devon LoParo

« Reply #19 on: 09-16-2003 11:43 »

AND he did the DVD commentary.
less than hero

Bending Unit
« Reply #20 on: 09-18-2003 14:06 »

without groening there'd be no overbite

« Reply #21 on: 09-18-2003 14:18 »

He created the original concept of the show and the characters, and he's an exec. And, don't forget, without Groening, FOX might not have hated Futurama so much.

« Reply #22 on: 09-19-2003 01:46 »

Originally posted by Teral:
If it was possible, I'm sure he'd be all over Rough Draft Studios as well.   :D

Oooo, maybe he should compose the show's music, too...and wouldn't it be cool if he did Zoidberg's voice? David's a writer, Teral, not an animator. Why on earth would you even think that David being all over RDS would make Futurama better?   Get a clue, dude.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 09-19-2003 11:13 »

Ah, yes taking quotes out context. Always fun on the bun.

Originally posted by rikki_rakko:
 Why on earth would you even think that David being all over RDS would make Futurama better? Get a clue, dude.

And where, pray tell, did I ever indicate I thought it would make Futurama a better show? Additionally, the smilie might indicate the line wasn't meant to be taken all that serious.

I was talking about David's energetic enthusiasm for the show, how he was involved in pretty much every stage of the show at the Curiosisty Company.
Zack Brannigan

Bending Unit
« Reply #24 on: 09-20-2003 20:37 »

I remember reading somewhere that anyone who comes up with a joke that goes into the show gets a "producer" cred on the screen.  That's why you'll see so many of the writers as producers in the credits.

« Reply #25 on: 09-20-2003 22:47 »

I think he came up with the idea, drew some pictures and called it a day. Then FOX "accidentally" stumbles on his work and makes a show out of it. He then makes sure everythings o.k. in the show, goes home, does it again the next day. Takes a vacation every now and then and he's done. I'm not saying he's not important, I'm just saying he has a pretty routine job there, is very important and is recognized for the work he's done in the past. He really doesn't need a big job there to keep his career going.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 09-21-2003 04:51 »

MonkeyLord - that's not how it happened at all. He said he wanted to make a sci-fi/comedy cartoon, and he made it alongside David. One they had the pilot all set out, THEY approached Fox and pitched the idea. Since The Simpsons was such a big hit, Fox immediately ordered 13 episodes. The way the show began was no accident.

Anyway, there's no doubt Matt does contribute to the series. Just listen to the commentary for A Big Piece Of Garbage - he was the one who came up with the joke where Fry misses the button. Also, on the Featurette of the Season One DVD, when one of the staff is going on about the storyboards, she mentions that the final professional version is the one that "Matt and the writers get."

This would lead me to think he's just really a supervisor of sorts to the series. He comes in and aproves scripts. He DOES contribute things to the episodes, although the only one he has a credit of writing on is the first one, alongside David.
« Reply #27 on: 09-21-2003 16:08 »

he wrote the missing the button joke?
i loved that.

he wrote the joke of the record vault combination
being "3" as well

Bending Unit
« Reply #28 on: 09-22-2003 14:00 »

Groening can barely draw, look at his drawings in picture galleries in 1st season, he can barely draw!
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #29 on: 09-22-2003 17:15 »

Or even look at Matt Groening's Life in Hell, for that matter.  But keep in mind that Matt Groening's a storyteller, not an animator.
less than hero

Bending Unit
« Reply #30 on: 09-23-2003 11:40 »

Also, as said in the audio commentary for a bicyclops built for two, he was designed by the animators as a fourth internet nerd.  He had enough power to remove himnself, but Cohen didn't.  Either he doesn't enjoy being self-depricatory, or he has a lot of power over the storylines.

« Reply #31 on: 09-23-2003 14:16 »

I'm pretty sure Cohen has enough power to have himself removed too, but he probably *wanted* to be in that shot.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #32 on: 09-23-2003 15:16 »

He's an internet guy playing a FPS computer game, I'm sure he loved every minute of it. Ironicly it only lasted a few seconds.

Kaplan and Keeler would probably have no problems getting themself remmoved either, but thumb up for being good sports about it. What with being portrayed as geeky internet nerds (who're afraid of women) and all.
Evil Fox Exec

Bending Unit
« Reply #33 on: 09-23-2003 16:48 »

I wonder why Matt wanted himself removed.  After all, in the pilot episode, he was shown as a head in a jar.
« Reply #34 on: 09-23-2003 18:46 »

on simpsons homer and marge are in art gallery
and there's a picture by matt groening up
and homer says
"matt groening? what's he doing in a museum, he can barley draw."
so i reckon he can take insults.
thing is i don't think he looks nerdy enough anyway.

Starship Captain
« Reply #35 on: 09-23-2003 18:53 »

Hes makes a lot of cameos in the simpsons so maybey he wanted to pass it on to someone else.
Pikka Bird

Space Pope
« Reply #36 on: 09-24-2003 10:15 »

About Matt removed: it might be just BECAUSE of the head in the jar... Matt in TWO places would be a tad weird, however cool it might seem...
Hey Strit!! I'm from DK too. (and BTW- I didn't find any errors in the post).
And I think we have the "Matt's influence" topic all worked out by now. But keep it going. Some interesting stuff is going on still.
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