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Author Topic: Create-A-Cold Opening  (Read 869 times)
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Jesse X Barboza

Bending Unit
« on: 09-01-2003 18:57 »

Everyone loves the cold openings, but the majority of episodes past Season 1 don't have them. Here, you can make up your own for the episodes that lack them. They can build upon the main plot ("Mars University" ), be something totally random ("My Three Suns" ), or be a sponsor message ("I Second That Emotion" ). I'll get it started:

2ACV03, "A Head in the Polls":
(Fry and Bender sit on the couch watching cartoons.)
FRY: Man, cartoons look so much better in the year 3000.
BENDER: Well, it's all done on computers now. Except on the planet Schlesinger 4 - there, it's all live-action.
FRY: They didn't use computers nearly as much back in the 20th century.
BENDER: Yeah, and those cartoons suck. The studios switched when they realized how faulty the older methods were.
(Suddenly, splotches of dirt begin appearing on the screen. Fry and Bender begin to move jerkily, and their colors bleed outside the outlines.)
FRY: Hand me a Slurm, will you?
BENDER: Here ya go.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 09-01-2003 20:12 »
« Last Edit on: 09-01-2003 20:12 »


I've got one but I'm going to use it for my next fanscript.  :p

EDIT: it's coming soon

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 09-01-2003 20:15 »

Does anyone know why they sort of canned the idea of having these openings on later episodes?
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #3 on: 09-01-2003 20:27 »

I think someone said in the DVD commentaries that they thought people needed a bit of a wake-up call in the beginning of the show (i.e., the crazy theme song).

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 09-02-2003 01:26 »


This is a GREAT idea for a thread!  I can't think of one now, but I'll be back.

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 09-02-2003 08:01 »

Great idea for a thread, and a nice opening, but i think this is a bit more of a "Fan Art & Fiction" topic.
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 09-02-2003 13:04 »
« Last Edit on: 09-02-2003 13:04 »

*Cue Dramatic music*
(fade in Lab of Dr. Wierd, South Jersy shore)

Dr. Wierd: Gentlemen, I have created the ultimate Life-form.  Behold!

Steve: Dr. Wierd, are you sure the radiation leve-

Dr. Wierd: Silence you fool!

(Door opens reveals Melllvar)

Dr. Wierd: And now mighty one, to the UN, to resolve world peace.

(Melllvar shoots Steve with lightning)

Dr. Wierd: MOM!  Your son has become a MAAAAAAN!

« Reply #7 on: 09-02-2003 15:56 »

Originally posted by Jesse X Barboza:
2ACV03, "A Head in the Polls":
(Fry and Bender sit on the couch watching cartoons.)
FRY: Man, cartoons look so much better in the year 3000.
BENDER: Well, it's all done on computers now. Except on the planet Schlesinger 4 - there, it's all live-action.
FRY: They didn't use computers nearly as much back in the 20th century.
BENDER: Yeah, and those cartoons suck. The studios switched when they realized how faulty the older methods were.
(Suddenly, splotches of dirt begin appearing on the screen. Fry and Bender begin to move jerkily, and their colors bleed outside the outlines.)
FRY: Hand me a Slurm, will you?
BENDER: Here ya go.

"I wish I'd thought of that."  ;)

OK I'll have a go at a sponsor clip.

[Fry, Leela and Bender are in the oval.]

Announcer: Futurama is brought to you by: Human Technic!

[The oval shoots into the corner and is replaced by a little boy who is made of Lego. He move a model human around with a remote control.]

Model Human: Where are my keys?

A very cryptic joke. I'll try a short scene.

[In the meeting room the crew lounge around during one of Hermes' meeting. Fry is asleep. An alarm goes off and suddenly wakes him. He panicks but no one else does.]

Fry: Whuh? What? Is that the fire alarm?! What do we do what do we do?

Leela: Relax Fry, there's a fire door we use if this sort of thing happens.

[Hermes walks into the hangar area and opens a door. The fire stands up by itself and walks outside and jumps into the river. Fry stares in confusion.]

Cheap gag.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #8 on: 09-03-2003 00:40 »

Heheh. Good one, Smitty.

Unless I have mistaken a cold opening (aren't they a small scene before the opening credits/theme song thing?), here's one I made. Bit long because it's the opening scene of my in-progress Futurama fanfiction..

[Bender is sitting on the couch, drinking beer and holding a cigar. He burps fire and lights the cigar, which he pops into his mouth and smokes. On TV are Morbo and Linda.]

CUT TO - A2 News

[Between Morbo and Linda is a picture of Mom, from Mom’s Friendly Robot Company.]

Linda: And in later news, Mom, of Mom’s Friendly Robot Company, has created a new brand of Robot Oil for high-class robots – Mom’s Friendly Robot Oil Deluxe.

Morbo: Some robots can’t afford this oil. I WILL DESTROY THEM!!!

Linda: (laughs)

CUT TO – Bender Sitting At Couch

Bender: I’m going to add that to my list of “Things To Steal Before I Die”. (pulls a notepad out of his chest compartment and writes with his finger)

[Leela walks over to Bender, her shirt stained with oil and grime, carrying a crowbar and a clean mop.]

Leela: Bender, get off your lazy bum and start washing the ship.

Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass, Leela.

Leela: If you don’t go start washing the ship right now, I’m going to whack you so hard with this crowbar you won’t be able to sit for a week.

Bender: If I said no again, what would you do?

CUT TO - Outside View of Planet Express HQ

OS: Clanging sound


(( Pretty crummy... I'm none too good with witty jokes. My fic's a bit tragic anyhow. And if I can't say "ass" on this website then tell me now. ))

« Reply #9 on: 09-03-2003 15:59 »

Asylum-Fry: Dude, this is a Futurama message board. What would be the point of posting if you couldn't say ass? For one thing, we wouldn't be able to quote nearly any of Bender's lines.

What I thought was odd about the cold openings is that they go from all but two episodes having them in season 1 to only four episodes having them in season 2 (If you count stuff like Molten Boron as a cold opening).
Your face

« Reply #10 on: 09-03-2003 16:19 »

4ACV12, "The Sting"

CUBERT: Hello.

[Cut to opening credits. Opening caption: "I like pancakes."]

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 09-03-2003 17:11 »

Spanish Fry:

Professor: Good news everyone! we're going camping!

Bender:Ahhh I've always wanted to go to the great outdoors. Trees, sun, grass. Yes, the outdoors have it all.

Fry: Hey Bender, wanna go on a hiking trip to the mountains with me?

Bender: HELL NO!

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 09-03-2003 22:31 »

I got one:

"300 Big Boys"

Inside: giant ape fight. Fry and Leela are in the crouds cheering a fight on.

Fry: Kick his ass!

Leela: Yeah!

A gorilla gets hit, everybody cheers.

Fry: Wow that was fun.

Leela: Whose next?

Fry: Well, there's Crunkor, I hear that he has great hearing, but he sucks and......

Voice: I heard that!

Chair hits Fry in face.

less than hero

Bending Unit
« Reply #13 on: 09-05-2003 11:43 »

Aww....I can't think of one yet...
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