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Author Topic: Maybe Fry COULD get Leela  (Read 972 times)
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« on: 08-21-2003 16:25 »

I’m not sure if anyone has ever thought of this before (I wasn’t here for "Time Keeps on Slippin" conversations) but scientifically, I believe it would be easy for Fry to show Leela the love note made of stars.

Our closest star relative is Alpha Centari. Light from AC takes 4 years to get to earth. Since light takes time to travel, all Fry would have to do is warp speed Leela to a point in space where the light from the love note hadn’t reached yet, and then she’d see the stars being gravity-pumped into the love note.

Of course, in "A Clone of My Own," Prof tells Cubert that the speed of light has been increased…so maybe that shoots a hole in my theory. But then again, Cuberts explanation of how the ship moves space around it is the basic idea behind warp, so Fry should be able to warp ahead of the light and set up a romantic dinner while the love note falls into place.
Ozor Mox

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 08-21-2003 16:35 »

Wouldn't the light arrive in lots of different places at lots of different times? If you imagine that light moved way way slower, it isn't like you can stand at one end of a room and see the other end of the room happening that end only 5 minutes late. I imagine I am missing the point altogether however...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 08-21-2003 16:40 »

The PE ship can't travel faster than the speed of light, even Farnsworth said that would be preposterous. By encreasing the speed of light, they could reach ridiculous speed, while staying below the speed of light.

Since the light of the love-note travel with New Lightspeed, Fry can't overtake it.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 08-21-2003 16:44 »

Scruffy: Second.
Hey, I used that twice in one day!
Delivery Boy
« Reply #4 on: 08-21-2003 18:21 »

Why doesn't he just use the gravity pump to move some other stars and do it again since he figured it out.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 08-21-2003 18:27 »

That would be too easy, and stuff.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 08-21-2003 18:31 »

Originally posted by Teral:
The PE ship can't travel faster than the speed of light, even Farnsworth said that would be preposterous. By encreasing the speed of light, they could reach ridiculous speed, while staying below the speed of light.

Since the light of the love-note travel with New Lightspeed, Fry can't overtake it.

What if the PE ship travels as fast as possible, then shoots Leela out of a torpedo tube?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 08-21-2003 18:33 »

Fry would spend the rest of his life blaming himself for Leela's death.

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 08-21-2003 20:34 »
« Last Edit on: 08-21-2003 20:34 »

Couldn't they technically increase the speed of light again?   :p

Then the love note would be traveling at Old New Lightspeed and Fry/Leela would be able to travel at New New Lightspeed.   ;)

Seems like a lot of effort though. Much simpler to time-travel back to before the note is destroyed. And if there's one thing Star Trek taught us, it's that flying around the Sun at ridiculous speeds results in Time Travel. Problem solved.  :p
Lionel Hutz Esq

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 08-21-2003 22:58 »

While traveling faster than the speed of light may be impossible, we know that time travel is possible (just not usually controlable), if Fry could get the professors time machine to work, he could take Leela back in time where the message would be readable.  A bit of a labor, but, heck, she is worth it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 08-22-2003 01:08 »

Or he could just find another supernova and put some metal in the microwave.

« Reply #11 on: 08-22-2003 06:02 »

Originally posted by sk8ghost:
Why doesn't he just use the gravity pump to move some other stars and do it again since he figured it out.

Because they got rid of the gravity pump.
Ozor Mox

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 08-22-2003 08:45 »

Originally posted by Cube_166:
 Because they got rid of the gravity pump.

And there's no way they could spend all of Earth's money again...
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