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Author Topic: I had a dream about Futurama,.....  (Read 26769 times)
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Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #160 on: 02-03-2013 14:13 »

Sooner or later, I will probably be dreaming about Peel, and I most certainly already know the basic setting:

My dreams are mostly rather unspectacular. I often dream about meeting people I know at various events, like going to the cinema, a pub, etc.. .
Yet, the settings/constellations always do get mixed up: E.g. when I dream of attenting an Irish Folk concert, the people going with me are not my fellow Folk fans, but rather e.g. tabletop wargamers I know. Or I go to Hamburg to meet some friends, but the people are meet there are all friends from Munich, etc, etc, etc.. .

So I guess I sooner or later might e.g. dream of going to a Peelathon, but more than half of the folks there will not be Peelers at all. Or whatever...

Space Pope
« Reply #161 on: 02-03-2013 14:25 »

I usually forget my dreams unless I concentrate really hard the following morning, and then it's often only a few very minor details I recall.

Actually, I just remembered a minor detail of a Futurama dream I had some tine last year before 7A aired.

It was The Bots and the Bees, and Bev wasn't a vending machine, but a fountain. Bender was a total man-whore, and it didn't even properly introduce Bev; it just cut directly to Bender screwing her.

« Reply #162 on: 02-22-2013 22:32 »

I was blessed with one yesterday... Dreamed that I was in the episode of the farnsworth parabox, it was real weird but pretty amazing ^^

And then I woke up :shifty:

Space Pope
« Reply #163 on: 02-22-2013 23:38 »

Yeah, my bad. I flipped a coin to decide if I should wake up or not, but it came up as tails, so I kept sleeping. :)
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #164 on: 02-22-2013 23:51 »

I only remember one dream related to futurama, and I think it was related to Fry Am The Egg-Man. It was only all of us in a barn discussing some sort of plan of action, but it was enough to intrigue me.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #165 on: 02-23-2013 00:01 »

Haven't yet had a dream about Futurama itself.  But I do dream of Peelers quite often!


Delivery Boy
« Reply #166 on: 03-29-2013 20:41 »

 Once, I had a dream that Fry had a crush on me and for some reason, Bender wanted to kill Fry. Then, I agreed to help kill Fry and ended up attacking Fry with a gun and randomly, Zoidberg joined the fight and I just sat back and watched Fry and Zoidberg battle it out. Unfortunately, I woke up and didn't find out who won, though I'm pretty sure the winner was Zoidberg :)

« Reply #167 on: 03-29-2013 22:17 »

Haha! That's totally awsome :laff: zoidberg for da win!

Starship Captain
« Reply #168 on: 03-30-2013 06:30 »

I haven't had a dream specifically about the characters of Futurama, but I have had one set in someplace that looked very much like New New York. I got to ride in the tube system and fly a car that resembled the Thundercougarfalconbird!

« Reply #169 on: 04-29-2013 10:59 »

Tonight I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed of a sports contest with an enormous trampoline, then suddenly there was a fire started by a laptop somehow... when outside a friend of mines who had the laptop with her created an account on neopets which gave her a really cool my little pony pegasus oit of nowhere (and somehow I had twilight sparkle as a pony but she  was missing O_o) then everybody was at a party with punch that made you instant drunk. Leela was standing next to me and we watched a stone get carved out into a gorilla and I said it would be cooler if it was a cyclops gorilla. Also fry, bender and Albert(the orphan child) where there, albert liked the punch very much....

My head is crazy.

« Reply #170 on: 04-29-2013 23:11 »

I had a dream about the Futurama opening sequence. I don't remember anything else except the opening sequence.

lol me too but it was the theme song and when the ship crashes into the screen nothing happened it just stayed there.

« Reply #171 on: 05-10-2013 02:30 »

You think your dream is strange?

I had a dream for some reason I was hallucinating and guess what.
I saw Fry and Leela as flowers.

What in the hell, brain?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #172 on: 05-24-2013 17:34 »

I just had another weird Futurama related dream recently. The strange thing was that there were also Family Guy characters, and they were all having a party or something. Then, a meteorite randomly crashed the party(literally) and everyone panicked. Next thing I know Fry is dead on the ground in front of me and Zoidberg is all like, " Hooray! Food!" and ughh, he eats the corpse.
Quantum Neutrino Field

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #173 on: 05-24-2013 17:45 »

Once, I had a dream that Fry had a crush on me and for some reason, Bender wanted to kill Fry. Then, I agreed to help kill Fry and ended up attacking Fry with a gun and randomly, Zoidberg joined the fight and I just sat back and watched Fry and Zoidberg battle it out. Unfortunately, I woke up and didn't find out who won, though I'm pretty sure the winner was Zoidberg :)
... Then, a meteorite randomly crashed the party(literally) and everyone panicked. Next thing I know Fry is dead on the ground in front of me and Zoidberg is all like, " Hooray! Food!" and ughh, he eats the corpse.

You really don't like Fry, do you? He seems to get killed in your dreams.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #174 on: 05-25-2013 00:22 »

Perhaps not. I can't speak for others, but when I come up with a story, the character that goes through the most punishment is usually the character I like the most. I think it's because I feel I'm entitled to do what I want with said character, since I love them so much. I also want readers to sympathise with the character, and getting beaten up unnecessarily is a good way to do that.

« Reply #175 on: 06-08-2013 05:37 »

I had a dream on a scene from APTR where the crew remembers Bender's funeral.
Well, it was several seconds long from where I remember.
Mr Zoidberg

Delivery Boy
« Reply #176 on: 06-28-2013 20:39 »

I had a strange one quite a while ago. Living in the uk, I have not yet seen Season 7's Naturama, but have heard of it through the Internet. I can't remember it that well but the PE crew were either fish or fish-sized-humans. They were all standing near a drainpipe when a massive flood came over and flushed ten all down, and I went with them. So I suppose that was Naturama 2!

Urban Legend
« Reply #177 on: 09-29-2013 23:27 »

I once had a dream I got a new Futurama comic book. And Ben (Bender's son) was in it!) Fry and Bender were in bed and Bender asked Fry to check on Ben. Fry saw that Ben lost his pacifier, then Fry and Bender go to a store to get one.  Fry didn't feel right leaving Ben behind so he takes him with them.  Bender tells him to leave Ben there because he thought Ben wouldn't notice they're gone.

Once they arrived, the store was closed, and Ben comes out of Fry's pajama top. Then Bender and Fry get into a heated arguement about it, and everyone was laughing at them.  Bender screams at the people, "What?  You've never seen a robot scream in his underwear before"?  Then Ben throws a rock at the window and gets the pacifier himself!  Bender was proud!  Ben says, "You taught well, Daddy!"* Didn't see Leela, Amy, Hermes, or Bev, though.

The comic was called "Two Men and A Ben".  Then I woke up. Wish Ben would make an apperance in the comic book!

This other one I had,  I was at the Comic Con, and people were being shown this unknown episode of Futurama.* *In the episode it showed Fry and Bender having fun going through this obstacle course and they kept screaming everytime they encounter a bad guy.

They kept talking about Leela in it, but she wasn't there. Didn't see her. Then I saw someone tied up in a chair with a bag over his/her head and I couldn't see who it was. Then the mad scientist comes to whoever it was in the chair and says, "enjoying the show?* Come with me, I've got huge plans for you". Then it shows Fry and Bender in the obstacle course some more, and then I woke up. Couldn't see or think of for the life of me who was in that chair! The person in the chair was crying about being rescued and being doomed as well. Everyone at the Comic Con was cheering, "YAY! GO FRY"!

Think it might've been Zoidberg now that I look back on it.

Anyone know who the person in the chair might've been?

« Reply #178 on: 09-30-2013 01:54 »

^ Kurt, what do you do before bed? That is the most detailed dream I've ever heard in my life.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #179 on: 09-30-2013 03:18 »

I had a dream about two weeks ago that Bender was in some sort of College with The Crushinator, who was chasing him around the campus. He jumped into some sort of cafeteria, which was having a garage sale inside, where he hid in one of the vendor's booths.

I had another one about a month ago that the Planet Express crew was holding auditions for a new crew member, while Fry was out in a city hearing thoughts and getting really stressed, which seems to have came straight out of ITWGY.
Lost My Phone

« Reply #180 on: 09-30-2013 03:22 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2013 05:30 »


« Reply #181 on: 09-30-2013 03:24 »

I had a dream about the Sting, where Leela got stung by a space bee, right after watching the Sting.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #182 on: 09-30-2013 03:25 »
« Last Edit on: 09-30-2013 03:26 »

A few months ago, I told myself repeatedly, "I'm going to have a dream tonight about sleeping with Leela." Instead, I had a dream in which I received radiation poisoning. :cry:
Maybe you received Radiation Poisoning by Sleeping with Leela. :hmpf:

I had a dream that I joined an online forum called PEEL that was full of Hobos pretending to watch Futurama, when in reality they're just watching the back of a Pizza Box.
Lost My Phone

« Reply #183 on: 09-30-2013 03:27 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2013 05:31 »

dghkghfhbjghghjgtjhubgjnbubhj ujjhg

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #184 on: 09-30-2013 03:29 »

Call Of Dreamingofslepingwithleelawhohasradiationposining 4? I love that Game! :D
Lost My Phone

« Reply #185 on: 09-30-2013 03:32 »
« Last Edit on: 12-15-2013 05:31 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #186 on: 09-30-2013 03:34 »

100,000,000 Billion.  :cool:

Those are the only two Futurama dreams that I've had so far, although I'm sure I'll have more in the Future, considering I am 'Addicted'.

Starship Captain
« Reply #187 on: 11-06-2013 05:47 »

I had a dream that Futurama returned to make a DVD movie called "Bender's Back!" where he had his wooden form from "Obsoletely Fabulous" but he was purple and was a giant robot who lived in space.  Quite weird.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #188 on: 11-06-2013 05:50 »

I've had that same dream myself, it's not that weird.

Urban Legend
« Reply #189 on: 11-12-2013 14:20 »
« Last Edit on: 11-12-2013 17:58 »

I had a dream last night I was on tour at the 20th Century Fox studios and I slipped away from the crowd and found an original copy of LATGS.  But it was called "Fry and the Genestalk". It was the same premise but it was Fry who got the tentacles.  And Leela sold the PE Ship and got tricked by the Magic Beans salesman who was voiced by Jon Hamm.

Then everyone berates Leela for messing up as the stalk grows.  Then a giant comes down and takes Fry away.  Leela vows to save him.  Bender wants to come, but Leela wants to do it alone.   She's about to go up the stalk and the Magic Beans salesman finds her and gives her back the PE Ship because he felt bad for swindling her.  She goes into the spaceship, flies to Momsanto, beats up the giant, Mom's sons, saves Fry (who was bound and gagged), calls the cops and has Mom arrested for her crimes.   Leela then blows up the castle.   It was like the ending to Police Story 2.

Matt and David saw what I did.  They told me it was that version of the episode I found they really wanted to show, but they were stopped by the John Birch society who blackmailed them to make it about Leela getting tentacles and captured.   Because the John Birch society wanted Fry to be the hero.   So, I negotatied with Matt and David and they threw out the version that was shown, and replaced it with the one I found.  Then they made me an honorary writer for the comics.

Urban Legend
« Reply #190 on: 11-12-2013 15:05 »

If it's such a travesty for something like that to happen to Leela, then I fail to see how it's okay for it to happen to Fry. Also, had that been what the episode was about you still would have hated it for having Leela get swindled and then berated by the rest of Planet Express for being swindled.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #191 on: 11-12-2013 15:21 »

You'd write the best fanfictions, Kurt.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #192 on: 11-12-2013 19:50 »

That wasn't a dream. :eek:

« Reply #193 on: 12-22-2013 15:06 »

This is incredible..

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #194 on: 12-23-2013 01:27 »

I had a dream about MeatablePie giving my meat a good ol' rub again.  :cry:

« Reply #195 on: 12-23-2013 04:25 »

What's wrong with your mind, MRM?

I would never rub someone's hot Italian sausage, I prefer spicy Mexican.

Urban Legend
« Reply #196 on: 01-08-2014 13:26 »

Had this dream last night that Fry, Leela, and Bender were running out of a mansion and a demonic cult lived there.  Leela and Bender got away and Fry got left behind.

Didn't see what happened after that.....

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #197 on: 01-08-2014 14:22 »

Had this dream last night that Fry, Leela, and Bender were running out of a mansion and a demonic cult lived there.  Leela and Bender got away and Fry got left behind.

Didn't see what happened after that.....

Leela got captured all by herself.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #198 on: 01-08-2014 20:59 »
« Last Edit on: 01-13-2014 00:53 »

Had this dream last night that Fry, Leela, and Bender were running out of a mansion and a demonic cult lived there.  Leela and Bender got away and Fry got left behind.

Didn't see what happened after that.....
I assume the Cult inexplicably gave Fry two heads then continually posted questions regarding his new found friendship with said head on an internet forum.

« Reply #199 on: 01-13-2014 00:38 »
« Last Edit on: 01-13-2014 00:43 »

It's like Kurt writes fanfics in his dreams.

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