My girlfriend and I went to the Wizard World convention in Chicago, IL this weekend and I got the rare chance to meet with other Futurama fans and buy officially liscensed Futurama merchandise at low, low prices. Firstly, I purchased the set of Fry, Leela, and Bender action figures. I then bought the tin, wind-up Bender. Another guy was selling Futurama clacker-noise-maker thingies for 1.00 each, so I bought three of them as well. I picked up a few issues of the comic book later in the day. But I also had the chance to meet up with a bunch of different comic artists. I don't know if any of you have ever been to a con before, but some of the artists will do personalized sketches for you for a fee. I found a guy who did some Futurama charicatures of my girlfriend and I, with me as Fry and her as Amy (she's Asian, and probably wouldn't look good as Leela). I thought I'd post them here so that you could just take a look at them and tell me what you think.
So here are the charicatures . . .

And here are a few pics of myself and my girlfriend for reference . . .