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Author Topic: Thoughts on [4ACV18] - The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings  (Read 21081 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #280 on: 09-16-2003 03:15 »
« Last Edit on: 09-16-2003 03:15 »

Originally posted by Strit:

PS: have heard that they would show season 6 on Cartoon Network. ust a rumour.

Yes, for $1 million a pop.

We can only wish that Cartoon Network will do that, but there is no garuntee.    :(

I really enjoyed the episode. The only part I didn't like was the Holophoner opera, before the Robot Devil comes. It was quite boring and I really am not a big music fan. That may be what offset me from what seems to be the best episode ever (though you all know there's categories to define 'best').

The episode did seem surreal, like The Sting. For all we know, the episode is Fry's dream. The entire Futurama series could be a dream Fry has when he wangs his head on tube 40, like in AOI I. It just didn't feel like a real episode.

The end bothers me. I hate cliffhangers as well... so do they get married? Do they date? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?

I know there wasn't a lot of time for the script writers to crank this episode out. Sorry for bashing it, but Devil's Hands could have used some work.

EDIT: TOTP: B-E-N-D-E-R Song & Dance ("Gimme a B- gimme an E- gimme an N- gimme a DERRRRRRR!" )

Bending Unit
« Reply #281 on: 09-21-2003 15:12 »

That episode really looked like it could be an anthology of interest

« Reply #282 on: 10-02-2003 22:42 »

you sick sick bastard

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #283 on: 10-02-2003 22:46 »

Originally posted by ralf0zero:
you sick sick bastard

Um... who and why   :confused:
« Reply #284 on: 11-17-2003 12:37 »

First post for me on PEEL.  Kinda sad that's its on the last episode, but what're ya gonna do.
I finally got to see it a few days ago.  A friend of mine had taped it and got around to letting me see it. It was an excellent episode.  I'm all about the singing, but it was the absolute end that made me smile. Got a little misty too.  I was especially happy that in addition to the holophonar music, there was a choir in the background.  It was subtle,making the moment absolutely perfect.   

« Reply #285 on: 02-01-2004 00:54 »


the line in itself is subtle
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #286 on: 02-01-2004 00:59 »

Originally posted by jngshin:
the line in itself is subtle

No, it's ironic.   ;)

Welcome to PEEL, jngshin.  You're our 4000th member.   :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #287 on: 02-01-2004 04:09 »

That's not ironic, that's just mean!

« Reply #288 on: 02-01-2004 05:46 »

Originally posted by jngshin:

That was one of my favourite lines of the whole episode too.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #289 on: 02-01-2004 06:58 »

That was a great line! Oh, and I'm wondering, do you think that Bender had a good send-off, with his last line being, "The use of words expressing something other than the literal intention. Now that---is---ironyyyy!"?
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #290 on: 02-01-2004 12:47 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2004 12:47 »

Originally posted by jngshin:

the line in itself is subtle

It isn't though. In fact, the whole point of the joke is that it's one of the least subtle self-contradictory jokes in Futurama history. See also A Big Piece Of Garbage: "Don't give up Professor. There were plenty of times in my century when I was gonna give up, but I never did. Never! Hey, are you even listening to me? Oh, I give up."
E the B

« Reply #291 on: 02-02-2004 20:22 »
« Last Edit on: 02-02-2004 20:22 »

So, I'm very new to the whole Futurama thing...and "The Devil's Hands...." was one of the first handful of episodes that I watched on Cartoon Network. At the time, I had no clue that it was the last episode, or even that the series wasn't in production anymore. I remember telling my friend who is into the show that it seemed a little different from a usual episode. When he told me that it was the last episode I felt like someone had just kicked me in the popplers. Nothing like getting into a TV series then seeing the finale two weeks later    ;).

But after I got used to it as the end of the series I really started to appreciate it more. Like I said before, it just kinda feels different from most other episodes, but it has some great moments. Seeing Leela sitting alone in the theater in the end was excellent. Really, it was about all I could expect from a finale, amusing yet it leaves you feeling kinda mellow about it all being over. It's a good feeling.

Bending Unit
« Reply #292 on: 02-04-2004 11:38 »

I like that episode a lot more than I used to now, I watched it the other day and it really did leave me with that kinda mellow feeling, but the song is just hilarious too! The table read on the DVD is pretty funny too!

Bending Unit
« Reply #293 on: 02-04-2004 16:42 »

I have watched it on dvd about twenty times now and it makes me teary eyed everytime. It was a good episode, it wasn't the best. I would have prefered them to go out on something with the brain spawn like the why of fry.

« Reply #294 on: 02-04-2004 17:16 »

I like that episode more and more each time I see it, I just cant believe how great the opera is!

« Reply #295 on: 03-16-2004 16:51 »

- Bumpedy bump -

I like the way they animate Leela in this episode - its like they spent twice as long drawing more detail into her.

If not then she still has a hot dress on and looks damn fine!  :love:

Starship Captain
« Reply #296 on: 03-16-2004 17:54 »

Too much romantic crap. Not enough comedy.

« Reply #297 on: 03-26-2004 18:22 »

Great Episode  2 thumbs up 110% excellence

Urban Legend
« Reply #298 on: 03-26-2004 18:32 »

I came pretty close to vomiting when I saw the opera. If you ask me, they saved the worst for last.
Digital Dragon

Bending Unit
« Reply #299 on: 03-26-2004 19:28 »

I don't know why people seem to dislike the opera, I loved it. The actual opera done by Fry was pretty silly, but that's because it was meant to be funny and the character's bout of singing was incredible, fantastic music, fantastic voicing and fantastic writing. That last bit, with Leela and Fry alone in the opera house and that piece of music, somehow both crude and beautiful as the two childlike representations of them disapear into the distance, becoming just a point of light. It's probably the closest an animated show, indeed any show has came to bringing me to tears.

Bending Unit
« Reply #300 on: 03-26-2004 20:19 »
« Last Edit on: 03-26-2004 20:19 »

Fantastic episode, one of my faves. I don't have anything to say that hasn't been said already, so I'll just put what you all came to see: A+
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #301 on: 03-26-2004 21:41 »

ditto CrazyDoc, this and prob. the Sting are my 2 favorites. Although, I would love to see new episodes, i believe that this was a great ending to a great series

Delivery Boy
« Reply #302 on: 07-01-2004 14:47 »

Couldn't find any other references to this, and I wasn't sure where to post it, so I'll go with this topic.

Was just watching this ep again, and I realized something that most other people probably got instantly: Beelzebot misses his only opportunity to point out something actually ironic. Leela mentions how cold the Robot Devil's hands are, and he mentions "And yet Hell is so hot!" This is irony. (Not the definition Bender reads, but ironic in another sense). He does point it out, but why doesn't he specifically mention the irony? I suspect because Bender's not there to argue with him.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #303 on: 07-01-2004 15:12 »

Now that's ironic.
John Pannozzi

Starship Captain
« Reply #304 on: 07-02-2004 10:41 »

I'm a bit sad that Amy, Prof. Farnsworth, Hermes, Bender and Morbo (perhaps my most favorite character) did pretty much nothing. I love the Amy-Kif relatonship, and was disappointed that it was completely absent in the final episode. For all we know, Amy and Kif could have broken up between 300BB and tD'sHaIPt. And where were Morris, Munda and Nibbler? I thought this was a decent conclusion, but not a great conclusion and didn't do complete justice to the greatness of Futurama. The fact that there will prob'ly never be more episodes and/or movies of Futurama (FOX hates Futurama and would prob'ly never give the OK to make new episodes or movies) makes me even more disappointed in this episode. I think its end credits should have had all of the characters (including Cubert, Dwight, LaBarbara, Morris, Munda, Leo, Inez, Betsy, Nibbler, Flexo, Mom, her sons and the cops) popping out of a bullseye and saying "A-thea-thea-that's all, folks!"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #305 on: 07-02-2004 19:27 »

I've severely changed my opinion on this since I first saw it. A-

Delivery Boy
« Reply #306 on: 07-02-2004 21:45 »

Like some other people, I came to Futurama after it was already cancelled, and when I saw TDHAIP on Cartoon Network, I had no idea it was the series finale.  I have to say I'm strongly in the pro-TDHAIP camp, just because I actually did think it was a strong episode.  Like all episodes focused on the Fry-Leela relationship, you don't get as much of the fun with the whole cast, but the opera was really a hoot and the episode did provide a decent sense of closure.  I didn't feel that I had to see what happens next.

You want a terrible series finale?  Check out Farscape.  Of course, that wasn't their fault. 

« Reply #307 on: 07-02-2004 22:41 »

It was a truly fantastic episode. I really enjoyed the return of Hedonismbot- "surgery, in an opera? How wonderfully decadent!" A great character. Robot devil was great too. Everyone is great!!!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #308 on: 07-02-2004 23:00 »

" I really enjoyed the return of Hedonismbot- "surgery, in an opera? How wonderfully decadent!" A great character."

Isn't this also the episode where he says something like:

"My friends, let us revel like the Greeks!  You all know which ones I mean..."

I loved that.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #309 on: 07-11-2004 09:47 »

So after nearly 6 months of having Season 4 on dvd and laying off watching the final ep, I finally caved in today.... :(
Actually I'm moving house soon and because Futurama began for me where I live now, I wanted it to end here as well....

I loved it, TDHAIP was everything that made Futurama great....it was funny, brilliant, beautiful to watch and listen to, and it was sad to see it end but also beautiful the way it was done....I'm a half shipper and I loved how Fry and Leela may have finally gotten together....I guess we'll never know.... :cry:
Or will we....?  :)

As usual everything I loved about this has already been mentioned, so I won't repeat....one of the best eps of the best shows ever made....

Thank you Matt Groening for creating the best TV show ever....thank you David X Cohen for helping make the show what it was, and what it became....
Thank you Billy West for your fantastic voice(s) Zoidberg will always make me laugh no matter what.... :laff:
Thank you John Dimaggio for making Bender so memorable, thank you Katy Segal for breathing life into Leela.... and everyone else who was involved in Futurama....

Thank you....

Urban Legend
« Reply #310 on: 07-11-2004 09:53 »

Gleno finally watched TDHAIP?

I guess Futurama really has died in Australia...

Now, go watch those comentaries, chum!  :)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #311 on: 07-12-2004 02:18 »

Originally posted by SlackJawedMoron:
Gleno finally watched TDHAIP?

I guess Futurama really has died in Australia...

Now, go listen to those comentaries, chum!   :)

I've already listened to them all except for Devil's Hands.... :p
I was already on my second run through them as well.... :)

the fool

Delivery Boy
« Reply #312 on: 07-12-2004 02:29 »

I really liked it alot. I know alot of people who were kind of disapointed with the way it ended, but it would have been hard to try and figure out a way to end it all. If only it could go on forever...

Urban Legend
« Reply #313 on: 07-12-2004 02:52 »

I've said it before, it was perfect way to end it, but it wasn't the ending Matt had wanted.  It was a "just in case this is the last episode" last episode.  It ends with the happy note that Fry and Leela will be together and that is the main issue of Futurama, that is what Futurama was building to, Fry and Leela finally together.

The only thing I can complain is that we don't know what Nibbler meant in TWIF when he said Leela was "the other".  That is one of Futurama mysteries that still plagues my mind.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #314 on: 07-12-2004 11:09 »

I think they way they ended the show was fine... Some say it leaves you hanging which it does but with an obvious result. You can figure what happens next with the last words of the series. That's just my take on it.

But still I'm hoping that the ending isn't the end for this series.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #315 on: 07-16-2004 22:58 »

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, er, just when you thought the thread was dead...

Having viewed the episode again when CTN ended their run earlier this week, I realized a what I feel is a fundemental flaw with TDHAIP: There's never a logical reason given why the Robot Devil wants to marry Leela.  Sure, there's always pure cussedness as a motive, but that's pretty weak IMO.  Even a couple of references earlier in the episode that established the RD thought Leela was hot or whatever would have helped. 
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #316 on: 07-16-2004 23:12 »

Originally posted by CWD:
There's never a logical reason given why the Robot Devil wants to marry Leela.

He doesn't want to marry Leela.  What he wants is to get his hands back, and he knows that Fry will give the hands back in exchange for Leela.  Tricking Leela into agreeing to marry him was just a means to an end.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #317 on: 07-16-2004 23:20 »

Well, that's not entirely the impression I got from the climactic opera scene, but that does make more sense. 

« Reply #318 on: 07-17-2004 01:10 »

That was the impression I got..it was all part of his plan throughout the episode.
-Tempt Bender
-Bender makes Leela deaf.
-Bargain with Leela, ears for hands. (he doesn't want Leelas hands though he wants his
-The fine print said hand in marriage therefore Fry will give him back his own hands in order to save Leela from this fate.

Urban Legend
« Reply #319 on: 07-17-2004 01:29 »

I have a question for those people who live in Europe and have Season 4 on DVD, are there any deleted scenes in TDHAIPT?  I really want to know and I don't want to wait.  Please tell me, you can post it as a spoiler so anybody who doesn't want to know as of yet can see it.  Please response by telling me if there is a deleted scene in the final episode and what is it?
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