El Zilcho


I agree completely, as does almost everyone else here. We tried a petition, which had many, many names, it was sent to FOX, and they did nothing. We sent letters to the FOX execs, and they did nothing. FOX doesn't want Futurama and they never again will. CN won't bring Futurama back because of the enormous cost of each episode. Give it a month or two, the futility will sink in and you'll become one of us.
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
Very well said ob1spyker, and welcome to PEEL, but im afraid theres nothing you can really do unless you have a few million bucks lying around to donate to CN FOX doesn't want Futurama and they never again will Im afraid its true, and no other stations (As far as i know. I know nudda about american TV) are rich enough to buy the show, ive heard each episode can cost up to $250,000 or more. Again, to quote El Zilcho Give it a month or two, the futility will sink in and you'll become one of us.


Thanks guys. I guess I will have to come to terms with my frustration and digest the reruns and wait for all the boxed sets. I actually thought the shows were more expensive than the $250,000 price; something more like over $1,000,000 per episode. The only other network I think would be a good fit would be The Sci-Fi network. I think it would find a nice little niche there and they do seem to have some pricey original shows, Farscape can't be cheaper to air than Futurama, can it? Maybe we should divert our attention to them? Well anyhoo, I think I'm going to pop in my dvd's and drown my sorrows in a can of Slurm! Oh and Fox...
El Zilcho


I'll settle this: one ep of Futurama costs (on average) $1.3 milion. And, as ThreeD said, I don't think it's that cheap to make a reality show. The most likely reason for Futurama's cancellation is Groening wanted total creative control, and FOX said "screw you, we'll give you a bad timeslot and stop showing Futurama ads."


And, as ThreeD said, I don't think it's that cheap to make a reality show. Considerably cheaper than $1.3 million dollars. The reason we have so many of them on TV is that the networks can just churn them out quickly and without much cost.

Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 08-07-2003 09:52 »
« Last Edit on: 08-07-2003 09:52 »
Originally posted by ob1spyker: And most importantly... ...How can I stop it? Well, you can't unless you have a lot of money. but you can express your feelings, you can send feedback. the link : http://http://fox.com/community/askfox/ Just look at that list for shows not coming back in the next season...whew... also, can you believe it! on this site, they actually have a picture for futurama dvd season 2 on the FRONT page: http://http://www.foxhome.com/index_frames.html also again, they congratulate the staff for the emmy when you enter their futurama page, like they mean it. pfft.

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Futurama_Hil: Well, you can't unless you have a lot of money. but you can express your feelings, you can send feedback. the link : http://http://fox.com/community/askfox/ Just look at that list for shows not coming back in the next season...whew...
also, can you believe it! on this site, they actually have a picture for futurama dvd season 2 on the FRONT page: http://http://www.foxhome.com/index_frames.html
also again, they congratulate the staff for the emmy when you enter their futurama page, like they mean it. pfft. Fux is schizophrenic. They cancel Futurama without "cancelling" it. They spend $1 million plus, per ep. Then they don't promote the expensive show they've just paid for. They air the remaining ep's, then schedule repeats.Fux Television treats the show like a bastard stepchild, while Fux Home Entertainment promoted the DVD's. Schizophrenia. *sigh* Go figure...


Does anyone know how many PEELers there are in the know universe?


Originally posted by SpaceCase: Fux is schizophrenic. They cancel Futurama without "cancelling" it. They spend $1 million plus, per ep. Then they don't promote the expensive show they've just paid for. They air the remaining ep's, then schedule repeats. Fux Television treats the show like a bastard stepchild, while Fux Home Entertainment promoted the DVD's.
Schizophrenia. *sigh* Go figure... I agree, the show could have been a goldmine for Fox if they would have just promoted it right! But the show got overrun by simpsons re runs and Football.


You heard it here PEELer's, open up your pocketbooks and cough up $500.00 each and we'll have $1,501,000 to spend on one more episode.
Or we can just spend $30.00 and get the complete second season.
OR, we can spend $530.00 and get the complete second season AND a brand new episode!
Whatdayall think?


Oh yeah, I never ponied up my $530.00!
Think of how many anchovies we can buy with this money!
Hey ... how about instead of petitions we all send FOX cans of anchovies to show them how we feel about taking the show off the air?