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Author Topic: A small request: the end sequel  (Read 869 times)
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Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« on: 08-03-2003 14:03 »

Sorry but i can`t just remain silence after what i had read.. the previous thread was closed before i could post my answer so sorry but i open this new even if it means to be closed incredible soon (here some mods appears to compete wich each others for who close threads faster).

While i agree that posting a preview of the next week episode is not bad , i only have to add that sometimes it should be chosed better.. i mean... i renember that almost a week before the airing of "leela´s homeworld" the preview pic was a clearly shoot of both Leela´s parents with Fry so 50% of the episode was spoiled... (you then knew all in a second.. that Leela´s parents was those two spoted in "i second that emotion" , that she was going to know them in the episode and that she was a mutant.. all in one pic)
that is... i`m ok with posting a preview pic but it should sometimes chosed better to avoid spoiling in the possible..

Originally posted by *mst99*:
Guys, Don't waste your time even responding to this thread. This has to be one of the stupidest threads I have ever seen. Assassin, I have a quick and simple solution to your problem. You don't like it. Don't come to the site.

Sorry for this mod.. but it`s just bad to get people like mst99 post things like this and just after close the thread like if he was right or something..(like if he had the last word about) , assasin only just made a request.. a request that you can agree or disagree (even me disagree it in some points and agree in others how i said before) but that just not clear people like mst99 to blame others for that.. just express disagree with him, arguee and .. voila.. what easy is to get some good discusions.. not just blaming and calling others how assholes they are...


Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 08-03-2003 15:12 »

I agree with what Assasin is trying to say, but normally i'm ok with the PEEL picture.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 08-03-2003 15:40 »
« Last Edit on: 08-03-2003 15:40 »

closing a thread does not mean that the last person to post was right. also there is a thread to complain and this is not it.

and isn't this just about the most useless discussion ever, considering that Futurama will not air any new episodes after next week? Let's all get worked up over something like that.

« Reply #3 on: 08-03-2003 17:17 »

  Javier Lopez, Most people here have live's and are not so anal as to let a picture ruin the ep for them.If you read the last thread you will see that most people disagree with assasin and you.
Another thing is why n hell would you wait to bitch about something like this until the second to last new ep airs. assasin, a member of the board since oct 02 and you a member since sep 01 would have realized that this is how the guy who does the website handle's it.

anyway, Will bush get impeached. Probably not
will Fox stop canceling good shows. I doubt it
Will the guys who does the website change there ways for the likes of you and assasin. What do you think.

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 08-03-2003 17:28 »

i see i made a mistake by not closing this thread. yo mst99. you keep this up and i'll suspend your account. it's flaming, and I don't appreciate it.
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