

« Reply #160 on: 03-02-2005 15:29 »
« Last Edit on: 03-02-2005 15:29 »
Zoidberg as Jesus was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I literally fell on the floor laughing, and couldn't stop for minutes  . EDIT: TOTP Spasms!

Delivery Boy
Originally posted by Zmithy: Zoidberg as Jesus was the funniest thing I have ever seen.
I literally fell on the floor laughing, and couldn't stop for minutes.

So so so so many!
In Less Than Hero:
Mugger: Give me your wallets now or my robot'll shoot.
[He pulls his hat off his hand, revealing a small robot names Andrew with a gun.]
Andrew: Don't make me hurt you.
[Fry and Leela shriek. Fry fumbles for his wallet.]
Fry: I'm too scared to find my pocket. Here, I'll just take of my pants and give you those.
[He starts to unzip them. The mugger cringes and puts his hand to his face.]
Mugger: Hey! I don't like what I'm seeing. Give it to him Andrew! __________ I love that robot!
In Insane In The Mainframe
[When fry and better have been shoved in a box to be taken to the robot insane asylum]
Fry: Ow! My head! Ow! My feet! Ow! My head! Ow! My feet!
Farnsworth: Keep your chin-up!
Fry: Ow! My chin!
In Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Salesman: I understand and I think its wonderful you don't care whether anyone questions your sexual orientation.
Fry: I care! I care plenty! I just don't know how to make them stop!
Salesman: One word...Thundercougarfalconbir d!
In Anthology Of Interest Pt. 1
Hawking: There he is. Seize him.
Fry: Who said that?
Where The Buggalo Roam
Leela: Wow, look at that! Olympus Mons! The tallest volcano in the solar system!
Fry: Where?
Kif: We'll camp near the top. The rustlers will be sure to spot us there.
Fry: Where?
Leela (shouting): We're in the eye of the storm!
Fry: Where?
Roswell That Ends Well
Fry: Let's go microwave, I'm in a hurry here! [He opens the door and is about to put the popcorn in when he sees something.] Hm? [It is a label that says Warning: Do Not Put In Microwave. Fry tears it off and chuckles. He puts it in the microwave and presses the button. The popcorn fizzles and a blue thing leaks out of the microwave and begins to engulf the room.]
Hey, what smells like blue?
Zoidberg: So what are you guys doing tonight? I'm up for whatever!
Doctor #1: Stomach contents: One deviled egg.
[He puts it in a kidney bowl.]
Zoidberg: Deviled egg?
[He eats it. The doctor pulls it out again.]
Doctor #1: The same deviled egg.
War is The H Word
Man: This is the worst part. The calm before the battle.
Fry: And then the battle's not so bad?
Man: Oh, right. I forgot about the battle. [Whimpers]
Zapp: Damn it, Kif. Where's the little umbrella? That's what makes it a scotch on the rocks!
Zapp: A little lower. Lower. Lower. A lot lower. Too low!!!.......Lower.
_____________________________ _
Monk: This is the worst crazy sect i've ever been in.
Monk: We cooked our shoes in the dryer and ate them.. now we're bored!


In the mars university episode there were 2 hilarious lines
Professor after his genius monkey ran away explaining how he did on the test "He just turned in a piece of paper smeared with feces on it... he tied with fry"
Professor after his monkey jumped out of the window in the middle of the test "why... WHY DIDNT I BREAK HIS LEGS!?"


"Why Must I be a Crustacean in Love?"
Bender: ""It's always so sad when a friend goes crazy and you have to have a big clam bake and cook him. Yeehaw!"
Farnsworth: "We, by which I mean you, will have to rush him to his ancient homeworld, which will shortly erupt in an orgy of invertebrate sex." Fry: "Oh, baby. I'm there!" Leela: "Fry, do you even understand the word invertebrate?" Fry: "Nope, but that's not the word I'm interested in. No need to pack pants, people. Let's roll!"
Fry: "Listen, Doc. If you wanna score, you gotta fake that you're in love. Just look her in the eye, start crying, and say 'I've never been so happy'." Leela: "Ugh! If a guy ever did that to me, I'd know it. Wait a second. They've all been doing that to me. Even Shawn!" *runs away crying*
Zoidberg: "It's all so complicated with the flowers and the romance and the lies upon lies!" Fry: "Ok, ok, don't worry. The lovemeister will take you under his wing." Zoidberg: "What? Now there's a bird involved?"
Zoidberg: "I'm confused, Fry. I'm feeling a strange new emotion. Is it love when you care about a female for reasons beyond mating?" Fry: "Nope. Must be some weird alien emotion."
Bender: "Fry, I've never asked you for anything before but if it's not too much trouble... when it comes to the ninth round, just let him win." Fry: "But it's a fight to the death!" Bender: "Oh, so suddenly this is all about you! Sheesh."
from "Put Your Head on my Shoulder":
Farnsworth: "I still don't understand why you wouldn't let me craft a laser cannon onto your chest to crush those who disobey you ... But I guess we're just too different people."
In "The Cyber House Rules," when Amy tells of her cuteness reduction surgury...
There are so many...and reading through the thread made me forget the one I was thinking of...oh well. Next time...


Farnsworth saying "Ooh! A lesson in History from Mr. I'm My Own Grampa! Screw History!" in RTEW is Hilarious! In fact, Basically all of RTEW is Great!


I loved the part when the Slurm Queen sucked slurm out of her own behind... that was so disturbing and hilarious at the same time.
Another is when Bender turned human and was eating the hot dog while in the dance club and kissing the girl at the same time... awesome!


Parasites Lost
Zoidberg: "Gumbercules? I love that guy"
Zoidberg: "You'll never guess where I've been!" when he comes in riding the sperm.
The labels on the elevator: Brain Lungs Liver Ball Room

Bending Unit
« Reply #183 on: 05-12-2005 13:07 »
« Last Edit on: 05-12-2005 13:07 »
So many to mention, so little time...
The Route of All Evil
Announcer: This week, on The Real World - The Sun... Contestant: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I'M BURNING TO DEATH!![/i]
The Cryonic Woman
Leela: Pizza delivery for... (reads receipt) I. C. Weiner. (Fry and Bender laugh) Yeah, very funny. Now cough up the $12.95. Fry: Sorry, but if it's not here in half an hour, it's free. Leela: It's only been 23 minutes. Fry: Well, I've got 33 minutes. (Leela places the pizza box on the desk and presses a button on it - the guy on the pizza box starts talking) Pizza box guy: It's only been-a 23 minutes, you dumb-a cannoli! You gotta problem? We can take it outside! Fry: Okay, I'll fight the box. I think I can take him. Leela: Fry, just pay me. I still owe 30 bucks on this uniform. Pizza box guy: Thirty-five, you stupid meatball!
How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back
Zoidberg: Finally, I have a good claw. See? Three human females, a number, and a king giving himself brain surgery. Fry: (sighs) It doesn't matter how many human females you have. Bender's on a hot streak. Bender: Eh, what can I say? Must be my lucky shades. (Presses a button on his shades - they're really X-ray specs) Nothing, nothing, crap, crap, garbage. Read 'em and leak saltwater! (Spreads out 3 aces, a 7 and a 5)
Mars University
Gearshift: Fatbot, NO!! (Fatbot eats Dean Vernon's ship model) Fatbot: When I get nervous, I get hungry. (Vernon glares at them) Bender: Cheese it! (They bolt) Vernon: Robot HOUSE!![/i]
Anthology of Interest II
Human Bender: Well, let's see what kind of things this body can do. (Hocks a loogie in Hermes' general direction) Hey, that's pretty fun! (Barfs) Ha ha ha! Being human is great! (Vomits 2 more times) Zoidberg: (Clicks claws) Hooray! It's just like Mardi Gras!
Insane in the Mainframe
Malfunctioning Eddie: Pleased to meet you. Fry: Actually, we met once before. Malfunctioning Eddie: WHAT?! (Explodes)
Dave B

Urban Legend
I think on Anthology of Interest II the funniest part is when Fry is shooting up to the Space Invaders and Fry says: Fry: "Watch as I shoot up through my own shield!" then Bender goes (this is the really funny part I think!) Bender: "He's a mad man... a maddd mannnnn!!!" LMAO!


the farnsworthparabox when the proffeser wacks hermies hand with the hammer for trying to look inside the box
hemies:you hurt my colator farnsworth:i dont care


I, Roomate: Bender: You know Fry, of all the friends I've had, you're the first
Mars University: Fry: My roommates a monkey? Guenther: Brilliant deduction, you're a credit to your species.
Both crack me up!


When Leela kicks Fry in 'Bender Gets Made', hilarious!


'And my coffee is shaking, I don't want my coffee shaking'