Amy and Leela's tent from Spanish Fry. Including the completely naked Amy and Leela within.
Wait, no, changed my mind. Naked Leela and Amy can stay in my fantasies, and maybe on certain websites that I don't care to mention here. What I want is the oxygen scene from "Love and Rocket", either the frame where Fry plugs his oxygen into Leela's mask or the frame where Leela is trying to revive him.
Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 07-14-2003 15:52 »
« Last Edit on: 07-19-2003 00:00 »
what is a cell? like a picture from the show?
Originally posted by aussie dude: yeah but this is the 'what if' universe where the wizard can give us anything and futurama wasnt cancelled you rang?
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #33 on: 07-15-2003 14:29 »
« Last Edit on: 07-15-2003 14:29 »
So many cells I would love to have. These are just some of them. Fry and Leela floating in space during Leela's coma in "The Sting." ExampleLeela and Nibbler at the end of "The Day Earth Stood Stupid". Example.The first closeup of Leela in SP3K This exact frameLeela's fightpose after dishing out asswhoppings in "Hell Is Other Robots" exampleOr any shot with Leela wearing the New New York Mets uniform. And in the sexy department: this or this (that's my Leela! Asswhoppings and lollipops. And she's fresh out of lollipops!)
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I'm not sure what I'd go for... Maybe this Actually, probably not, but it'd still be clool