

I totally agree. I like Season 1 slightly more than Season 2, and I feel that I expected more from Season 3. I haven't actually counted the number of episodes the season consisted of, but it seemed like it was too short. Either that or it just didn't have many GREAT episodes...
It seems my old nick at PEEL, JasonCGEF, is not registered anymore for some reason. So I'll have to start over again. D'oh...


Season 3 had the best and worst episodes so it probally averages out as about as good as season 2, but better than season 1.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

they should show Season 1 Episode 1 again sometime...its been a while since ive seen it and i wanna see it again (i didnt start recording the show until midway season 2)


I must agree with season 2. It had Many classics (IMHO: Flight to remember, Aliens Attack, Second that Emotion, Brannigan begin again, head in pools, xmas, anthology of interest).
And so many other good ones that, while not classics, still hold up the season very well.
i think it's sad that season three didn't get the chance to be as long as it was supposed to be. Season 3 had some good some bad, and many mediocre. It's the level of mediocracy that desturbs me. I liked how season 2 was almost consistantly above average.
Season one is classic, of course, but too short to be a contender IMHO.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

season 3 was basically built around the fry/leela thing going on...it had its moments, but yeah season 2 had the most exciting ones...
frozen fry

Delivery Boy
Originally posted by futurefreak: they should show Season 1 Episode 1 again sometime...its been a while since ive seen it and i wanna see it again (i didnt start recording the show until midway season 2)
yeah they sould show episode 1 the last time i seen it was whan it first aired 3/28/99 [This message has been edited by frozen fry (edited 07-03-2001).]


Thatīs one of the most difficult questions Iīve ever faced (since my last maths-test  ) I like season 1 because you get to know everybody. But after all I love season three: I feel like a member of Planet Express cause of knowing the people well and experiences their traits of character...and...Theeta, youīre perfectly right, i LOVE the Leela/Fry thing. Maybe itīs better if they donīt make it; but itīs sad, I confess!! For people to dislike that romance-thing it has to be bad to watch season three, but III am too curious what comes next... Season 2 has also good episodes. Hmm, maybe I love them all... I think, they got every now and then a little bit more serious...like in the luck of the fryish when Fry he gives back that seven-leaf-clover to his nephew... After all, theyīre funny, but Fry grows up...


Originally posted by [-mArc-]: For quite some time, i thought season 2 ... but now im more with season 3. Love luck of the fryish, parasite lost, time keeps on slipping and amazone women. too bad Santa2 and AoI2 didnt make it ... Given though, Season 3 had the most crap ones, too. I really liked luck of the fryish too. very cool episode. But I have to say season 1 for many of the same reasons as many other have listed above.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
I'm surprised that people are saying season one was the best. It wasn't bad, but two and three are way better.
And I think I'm going to change my vote from two to three. Like Marc said, there are so many great episodes. Amazon Women, Parasites Lost, War Is The H-Word(technically a season 2 episode, but oh well), Luck of the Fryrish, Time Keeps On Slippin'...these are some of the best episodes ever. And then there are plenty of other good ones like Birdbot of Ice-catraz, Insane In The Mainframe, and Cyberhouse Rules. And except for the Cubert one, all the unaired episodes sound like they will rock.
Flying Hellfish


Season 3 reminded me of the later Simpsons seasons - inconsistent. Season 2 was great, but for me, there wasn't anything that really stuck out, while there were plenty of highlights (and lowlights) in Season 3. What would you like to see in Season 4 that would make it the best? I know my answer: Blurrrrrrrnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!