Originally posted by Teral: Exactly that. Fry won the draw to chose weapon by guessing what animal the king where thinking of. The thing is these draws are usually done by a coin-toss or another way that would exclude cheating. Having to guess what animal a person is thinking of, and then trust him when he say which person won is a bit stupid, especially in a fight to the death. I always thought he was thinking of 'lobster' and that the joke was that Zoidy didn't think of it. That makes sense too though.
It's "I'm sooo into you!"
There's a Sartre(sp) quote that says "Hell is other people", so naturally, in Robot Hell...
The Pharoh
Isn't it ironic that this, out of all posts, has the most replies?
what's so darn funny about richard 'tricky dick' nixon? In the audio commentaries they mention its funny, but how?
Action Jacktion
It gets its name because it's a joint (place) that's hip (cool). But it happens to share its name with a part of the body. It's supposed to be one of those slow realization jokes.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
It's basically a time-travel joke as I see it. Causality is the relation between cause and effect. It states that distinct causes have distinct effects. Farnsworth had until then been very careful not to change anything in the past, because if would have effects in the future. After destroying Roswell Airbase they've just made a gigantic amount of changes to the past, and it should have serious consequences for the future. Farnsworth shout "choke on that casuality" as a way of saying "take that time-line".
Ofcourse in the end nothing change about the future.
I don't get the joke when in the second episode, Leela and Bender are talking about how rich AMY is and Amy says, "We're not that rich" and Leela says "Oh yeah, what sorority do you belong to?" and AMy replies"... Cappa Cappa(sp?) Wong"
Urban Legend
« Reply #546 on: 04-19-2004 20:44 »
« Last Edit on: 04-19-2004 20:44 »
Kappa Kappa Wong. A sorority is a chiefly social organization of women students at a college or university, usually designated by Greek letters. Kappa is a greek letter. However, they're so rich they have their own house. Kappa Kappa Wong.
When everyone was turned idiotic, they said stupid stuff. Hermes thought that if he couldn't see others, he must be invisible (duh), amy wanted to buy internet stock (dot com bubble burst, so buying internet stock is pretty dumb), zoidberg wanted to buy on margin (this means buying stock on credit, so buying with money you don't have. Buying on margin was one of the reasons the great depression happened), the professor wants to play the lottery (which is pretty dumb, since you're basically wasting your money) and they all wanted to join the reform party because reform parties never win and are full of loonies.
WHERE NO FAN HAS GONE BEFORE- that thing was loa-ded!!! I can explain anything anyone wants- and then some - but I may sound NER-ish!!!!!!!
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #552 on: 04-20-2004 11:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2004 11:00 »
It's actually 4 million lines of Basic. Basic is a programming language, but Basic isn't wellsuited for programming shapes and objects, so writing a holoshed program in Basic would be a gigantic undertaking and result in a monstrously complicated and bloated program. Radio tubes was the forerunner for transistors, which in turn was the forerunner for the integrated circuits of today. Meaning radio tubes is a very old technology. Since the PE ship used radio tubes in it's systems it must be a very old ship, but, being a woman ( ), she probably lied herself younger.
casual hello,
Thanks a lot for all the great hints here, but there are still some things that are purple haze for me as non us citizen with lousy english. So maybe you can waste your time on me:
Insane in the Mainframe Fry: Let me guess, he thinks he's Lincoln robot2013?: Well, he's supposed to, Problem is, he's got multiple personalities All of them Lincoln
I don't know too much about american presidents, was Lincoln kind of a 'Twoface'? and that leads to A Head in the Polls Was Washington a heavy boozer? Bender: Same reason you hocked your teeth. Washington: Ah, Booze money.
That would be the president questions, i don't want to explain me the whole presidential losers section.
But another thing in A Tale of two Santas. They read out the children x-mas letters on their way to santa. You choked him with a chestnut last year, and he's beginning to smell a lot like x-mas if you know what i mean! so this kid had to live a whole year with his dead grandpa in his room, is that right? i find that offensive,
naa, i'm just kiddin anyway thanks for somebodies help!