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Author Topic: Futurama Drinking Game [2003] Version 1.0  (Read 30059 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #40 on: 03-19-2012 04:34 »

I have to say UnrealLegend, that I haven't heard those stereotypes before! Ha ha. ;)
The stereotypes of Aussies (that I've only just started hearing in the last few years) are that you are all really relaxed about everything, that you have a lot of barbecues and you drink and surf a lot and that older Aussies are sporty and casually racist. :S
(I guess they don't know who or what to kick.)
I bet you guys drink about the same amount as we do in England. How much of the above was even remotely accurate? :S
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 03-19-2012 04:45 »

Ever hear any Jewish stereotypes? There aren't many. :shifty:

Bending Unit
« Reply #42 on: 03-19-2012 05:00 »

Ha ha. Only as I've gotten older and heard them from TV and movies. I bet there are loads but I only know two: apparently they all have roman noses and they're academic and therefore good at making money.
There don't seem to be many Jewish people in the English countryside towns. I guess they all live in the cities. As far as I know, I've never met a Jew! O.O I guess that's pretty weird to an American?
There just isn't much diversity in the West Midlands of England. Foreign people choose to live in cities.

Starship Captain
« Reply #43 on: 03-19-2012 05:45 »

And they complain a lot, supposedly.

Bending Unit
« Reply #44 on: 03-19-2012 05:56 »

Yeh we do, but for good reasons: It's always cold, even when it's warm. And on the rare occassion that it's hot, it's too hot!
The sky is always grey and because we are meticulously half-arsed, our public transport and technology sucks so we're always frustrated because our lives are hindered by late buses and poorly programmed self-service tills in the supermarkets.
In other words:
England: >:( Nothing works properly!
The rest of the world: Well then why not improve it?
England: Pffft. Can't be bothered.

Starship Captain
« Reply #45 on: 03-19-2012 06:04 »

I meant Jewish people, but I guess it's true about everyone if you think about it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #46 on: 03-19-2012 06:31 »

Ha ha ooh right. Sorry, I'm kinda tired (my sleeping pattern is terrible) so I must have read it wrong. It's currently 5:30am over here, for some reason PEEL has added an extra hour to my time? :/
What time is it where you live? :)

Yeh it is true that everyone complains. But no country's people do it quite so prolifically as the English! Ha ha. :)
Starship Captain
« Reply #47 on: 03-19-2012 07:52 »

Aussies have the best stereotypes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going ride my kangaroo down to the pub and hunt a few dingos. Or something.

"Sure, drinking kills brain cells ... BUT ONLY THE WEAK ONES!!!"

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #48 on: 03-19-2012 09:01 »
« Last Edit on: 03-19-2012 09:08 »

What's this thread about...Futurama drinking games...? I am pretty sure that thread already exists (if I find it, I'll merge).

edit: found one. The initial post of this thread from 2003 is pretty interesting so I merged that thread with this one.

Here are some more ideas:

Drink when...
Leela becomes opinionated.
Bender's says one of his top ten.
Fry says something stupid.
Professor acts senile.


Starship Captain
« Reply #49 on: 03-19-2012 09:14 »

Ha ha ooh right. Sorry, I'm kinda tired (my sleeping pattern is terrible) so I must have read it wrong. It's currently 5:30am over here, for some reason PEEL has added an extra hour to my time? :/
What time is it where you live? :)

Well I also could've been more specific. I'm the same though with the messed up sleeping schedule, having worked nights most of my adult life (and currently). To answer your question, I'm four hours behind you.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #50 on: 03-19-2012 11:19 »

I meant Jewish people, but I guess it's true about everyone if you think about it.
What? I demand an apology! That's not fair! I'm telling [-mArc-]. Wait, we do complain a lot!

Bending Unit
« Reply #51 on: 03-19-2012 18:50 »

Hey I got merged, I thought it's frowned upon to post on threads that no one has posted on for years(?) so I made my own one 'When you see the robot, drink!' thread.
I guess it's OK to bump extinct threads then?
Hey guys, I think we should move this stereotype thing to the Culture Questions thread in Offtopic. I'd give ya a link but y'know, my phone, can't copy and paste, blah, blah, blah.
Drinking games should be kept simple, the fewer rules the better.
No one can remember 10 or more rules whilst drinking.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #52 on: 03-19-2012 19:04 »

Hey I got merged, I thought it's frowned upon to post on threads that no one has posted on for years(?) so I made my own one 'When you see the robot, drink!' thread.
I guess it's OK to bump extinct threads then?

I don't think there's any problem with it, as long as you are making a meaningful and contributing post.

Drinking games should be kept simple, the fewer rules the better.
No one can remember 10 or more rules whilst drinking.

If you have to keep a cheat sheet to follow along while drinking, you're doing it wrong! :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #53 on: 03-19-2012 19:41 »

Huh? What's a cheat sheet? What am I doing wrong? :/

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #54 on: 03-19-2012 19:45 »

What's a cheat sheet?

A piece of paper with written notes intended to aid one's memory, typically one used surreptitiously in an examination.

What am I doing wrong? :/

Double posting. :p

Bending Unit
« Reply #55 on: 03-19-2012 20:04 »

Yeh sorry about that. :( It's my shite cell-phone-telephone. [Eye roll.]
But if you're playing a drinking game which involves watching something, you don't want to have to keep pausing it to read something. Do ya? :/
Just generally I think games with simpler/ fewer rules are more fun because they're more fast paced.
Know what I mean? :)
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #56 on: 03-19-2012 20:59 »

Don't worry, it takes time to get used to how to properly use PEEL. There already happens to be an eye roll smiley: :rolleyes: There's also already a slangy face: :hmpf:. Just try to catch your mistakes more often so you get better at PEELing. ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #57 on: 03-19-2012 21:07 »

Thanks SGB.
My phone takes so long to load and post a comment that I've resorted to always using the 'quick reply' option at the bottom, so there's no smileys to choose. :/
Ha ha, I just noticed what I did there. /\
Also my cell-phone-telephone limits my online text to 512 characters a go. I presume it's just to annoy me as there's no other tangible reason.
Meaning that using the smileys on here take up a lot of space if I'm leaving anything but a short post. :(

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #58 on: 03-20-2012 04:55 »

...three of your last four posts were concentrated on the plights of your phone.

I understand your frustrations but you must adjust...making posts to try and explain your inabilities to do certain things does not contribute to the integrity of the original intention of this thread. And we all want to respect a good drinking game thread! :p

I don't think it is too much to ask that we stay on topic (everyone) else we might find some of our fancy narrations gone MIA :eek: Now let's get back on topic.

I have yet to accomplish an actual Futurama drinking game yet, but I have gotten drunk watching Futurama, does that count? :evillaugh:

Next time I see leiapadme I think we should try some of those rules in the first post. You don't have to do them all Lucy, they're just suggestions. Just pick a couple or whatever you can do without getting totally blasted heh...

Bending Unit
« Reply #59 on: 03-21-2012 07:16 »

Ooh, so they were. :/ I didn't even notice! :O
Next time someone says something I should do that my phone prevents me from doing, I shall (at the risk of being rude) just ignore it. It's not worth explaining and if it's really annoying someone, then I guess they can personally message me about whatever it is that I'm doing or not doing.
I wouldn't say that getting drunk whilst watching it counts. So, have fun with the game! :) Let me know the results. (Probably a hangover from Hell.)
What's MIA by the way?

Space Pope
« Reply #60 on: 03-21-2012 10:02 »

MIA= Missing in action.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #61 on: 03-21-2012 10:09 »

Heh, is that cultural thing too (the mia thing)?

Yeah, when people irritate you here, best to not draw attention to it, else you be a Danny...(I kid, I kid, he knows I <3 him...)

I've played like actual card drinking games before, the problem is that I don't want to take massive shots of tequila. I am the only one who doesn't pass out or puke though :D

Here's an odd one - drink every time a character asks a question. It seems like that is always happening quite a bit...

Bending Unit
« Reply #62 on: 03-21-2012 10:36 »

I didn't mean it annoyed me, I meant if I annoy another person.

Anyway, yeh I think MIA isn't a phrase on this side of the ocean. Is it a military term?

I've played a card drinking game before, that was fun. I hardly remember any of the rules to it now though as it was almost two years ago.
There was a lot of pointing involved. If you missed your chance to point at who or what you were supposed to then you had to drink.

The question drinking game sounds cool, I may have to try that sometime. :)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #63 on: 03-21-2012 10:44 »

MIA is a military term that has been adopted into colloquial use.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #64 on: 03-21-2012 10:44 »

Yes lets all become raging alcoholics.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #65 on: 03-21-2012 10:47 »

Ooohh! Me first! Me first! :evillaugh:

Wait... is the emphasis on raging or on alcoholics?

Bending Unit
« Reply #66 on: 03-21-2012 10:54 »

Yes lets all become raging alcoholics.
Waaay ahead of ya, kid.

Yes, um, what if we already are borderline alcoholics?
Wait, you're only addicted to something if you admit it, right?
In that case: "I am not an alcoholic."
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #67 on: 03-21-2012 10:59 »

This thread reminds me of this. And admitted or not, you will always be an alcoholic. ALWAYS, LUCY.

Bending Unit
« Reply #68 on: 03-21-2012 11:09 »

[I fall to my knees and clench my fists.]
[I then pick up a bottle and start drinking from it as I cry.]

By the way, I can't stream videos, can you give me the gist?
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #69 on: 03-21-2012 12:24 »

Homer: Well beer, we've had some great times.
       When I was seventeen,
       I drank some very good beer,
       I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID,
       My name was Brian McGee,
       I stayed up listening to Queen,
       When I was seventeen.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #70 on: 03-21-2012 12:30 »

Homer: "Alright Brain, you don't like me, and I don't like you. But lets just do this, and I can get back to killing you with beer."

This thread reminds me of this. And admitted or not, you will always be an alcoholic. ALWAYS, LUCY.

I think your link is invalid.

Starship Captain
« Reply #71 on: 03-22-2012 01:19 »

Yes lets all become raging alcoholics.
Waaay ahead of ya, kid.

Yes, um, what if we already are borderline alcoholics?
Wait, you're only addicted to something if you admit it, right?
In that case: "I am not an alcoholic."

No, I believe you can't quit until you admit it. You can still be one without admitting it. Or you could admit it and still not quit, like me with cigarettes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #72 on: 03-22-2012 01:59 »

Ha ha, I was (mostly) joking. I drink a lot but I don't NEED to drink. Sometimes I really don't feel like it and sometimes I do, I don't drink everyday, maybe two or three nights a week if I'm having a bad time, otherwise it's once a week or not at all. Some of it is social drinking too.
So I drink often but each time I do, it isn't loads. Maybe three pints of cider or three glasses of wine or whatever. Point is, if I am an alcoholic, I'm a very moderate and fussy one! Ha ha. :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #73 on: 03-22-2012 04:05 »

Me and some friends tried to do "When you see the robot, drink" once to The Beast with a Billion Backs but we nearly killed ourselves from alcohol poisoning after 15 minutes and gave up.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #74 on: 03-22-2012 08:36 »

Homer: "Alright Brain, you don't like me, and I don't like you. But lets just do this, and I can get back to killing you with beer."
I read Brain as Brian.

Bending Unit
« Reply #75 on: 03-22-2012 11:32 »
« Last Edit on: 03-22-2012 11:33 »

Me and some friends tried to do "When you see the robot, drink" once to The Beast with a Billion Backs but we nearly killed ourselves from alcohol poisoning after 15 minutes and gave up.
If you can get through Love and Rocket without pausing it other than for going to the loo or getting another drink (in other words, no breaks) then you're a God! Ha ha.
Also, I did the same Beanoz4, until I reread it. :)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #76 on: 03-22-2012 20:25 »

Homer: "Alright Brain, you don't like me, and I don't like you. But lets just do this, and I can get back to killing you with beer."
I read Brain as Brian.

Hahahahaha! :laff: Killing Brian with beer. That's hilaaaarious. :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #77 on: 03-23-2012 03:25 »

Ah but Brian who? :)

Space Pope
« Reply #78 on: 03-23-2012 08:13 »
« Last Edit on: 03-23-2012 08:22 »

I have to say UnrealLegend, that I haven't heard those stereotypes before! Ha ha. ;)
The stereotypes of Aussies (that I've only just started hearing in the last few years) are that you are all really relaxed about everything, that you have a lot of barbecues and you drink and surf a lot and that older Aussies are sporty and casually racist. :S
(I guess they don't know who or what to kick.)
I bet you guys drink about the same amount as we do in England. How much of the above was even remotely accurate? :S

I missed this post.

The stereotypes you listed are actually pretty accurate, other than maybe surfing. But to be fair, I live in Adelaide, which isn't really know for surfing anyway.

And yes, some Aussies can be very racist. Not me though. I'm too perfect.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #79 on: 03-23-2012 12:22 »

That's what makes him so Unreal. :)
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