Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by ZombieJesus: Actual slogan at beginning of a certain Futurama episode:
Drink if you see the robot!
That ought to get me drunk enough. Technically, it's When you see the robot, drink! What I'm trying to prove by pointing that out, I don't know...
YAHOO!This shall b fun!...I think...*random cussing in background*
Bending Unit
Hang on, am I forgetting something from Mobius Dick? The only robots in that episode are Lifter and Bender, right? The infinite Benders are in Benderama. Playing that game with another Bender heavy episode could be good fun, like The Lesser Of Two Evils or Bendless Love. That is, if you counted Flexo towards the drinking. What is Bender - 1 by the way? :/
The only episode I can think of with too little Bender for it to work is "The Why of Fry," where he's absent for most of the middle of the episode
Bending Unit
WYSTRS is way funner.
I assume the S is short for smoke? As in, toke? If so that may well be hilarious to try! XD Bender's Big Score will destroy your liver. Literally.
Ha ha, it definitely would! O.O But only right at the end I'd say. Also when he's stalking Fry in the past, that may take some effort to get through.
DOOP Secretary
So in Scotland he'd be well on his way to destroying his liver.