Bending Unit
« on: 06-24-2003 15:27 »
Hiya All Me and a Friend have begun work on a Futurama Mod for Half-Life. However, if the mod is to be half decent, we need a team. If anyone can contribute by: Mapping, Modeling, Coding or Creating art to be used within the game, would be much appreciated. Anyone who can do good impressions of the Characters can contribute their voicing skills too! The game is still in the planning stages, and any question/ideas are welcome. A website (still in production) can be found at Thanks!
M Jackson
Instead of getting people to do impressions for the voices, why don't you use actual audio files taken from the show? I'm afraid I know nothing else about game coding so I can't help you.
why don't you use actual audio files taken from the show? I think you'd have to be careful not to breach any copyright law with that idea. Fox are particularly ruthless with 'their property'. I'd be willing to help if I can. Areas of programming I'm not very good at, but I can probably do some artwork (or if you need it, I could do some music too ). And I could try my hand at some impersonating. And welcome to PEEL too!
El Zilcho
I do a good Nixon impression. And I'm pretty good at programming, as long as I know what code I'm programming in.
my suggestions, dont use halflife it's too damn dated, use HL2 when it comes out or if u cant wait try q3a, please use a game that has a 3d engine worth playing on!
my other suggestion, use me for voices!
Australian Guy
Liquid Emperor
Yes wait for hl2, although ive seen some pretty well animated dbz mods on Hl. You can find Info on game ocding Here @ codenewbie
Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 06-25-2003 14:13 »
« Last Edit on: 06-25-2003 14:13 »
Thanks for the replies everyone. Firstly, I could wait for HL2, but when it comes out, im betting that it'll have a different system of mapping/coding/everything, and no one will know how to do anything for quite a while. I could use voice samples, but then, what do I do if I need some custom voicing? On that note, anyone who would like to be in the mod voice-wise, send samples to Grim: I know your Zapp/Kif are brill, so your auto-hired if I need those :P If you can do any others, great! The HL engine may be dated, but its well known and CAN look very nice. As before, more ideas are welcome Thanks, Cheeez
Bending Unit
« Reply #12 on: 06-25-2003 15:39 »
« Last Edit on: 06-25-2003 15:39 »
Little More Info: The Mod will probably have several modes, including Deathmatch and Teamplay. Some of the missions (or maps, whatever :P) will possibly involve delivering packages in a set time limit, or mabye ideas from the show, like collecting Space Honey without being killed by vicious space bees . We may include cut-scenes, and some 'Lame Ass (TM)' humor by me :P. It could work in SinglePlayer and Multiplayer, depends how big a team we get and how good they are :P EDIT: Send Samples of everything (Artwork/Voicing/etc.) to Thanks!
DOOP Secretary
Mod?!? ::Reads thread:: Ohh.
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