

« on: 06-21-2003 11:44 »
For my first-ever post, I thought I'd put up this list I made...
Things To Do When You're Obsessed With Futurama (and there are no new episodes or DVDs coming anytime soon)
-Watch every episode in order
-Watch all the special features on the DVDs, esp. the audio commentaries
-Write fanfics
-Draw fanart
-Play with Futurama action figures
-Spend way too much time on the Internet looking at fanart, posting messages, playing games, and trying desparately to download that *one* episode you don't have
-Work yourself into a frenzy over merchandise you can't own and episodes you can't see
-Play Final Fantasy X with your eyes closed
-Play Tomb Raider and pretend Lara is Leela in disguise
-See how many episodes you can replay in your head
-Read the comic books
-Read the comic books and mentally provide the voices
-Reenact episodes with action figures
-Paint a pop can to look like a Slurm can
-Play any video game where you can rename the characters and name them all after appropriate Futurama characters
-Invent 5-tiered Scrabble, then play it
-Quote Futurama at every opportunity and laugh hysterically whether anyone around you gets it or not
-Be prepared to give 'Why Futurama is great' and 'FOX sucks' speeches at all times
-Try to see everything the actors have been in (Yeah, right! That'll take years!)
-Download every scrap of Futurama-related music and made your own CD
-Play The Sims, make a family as close to the PE crew as possible, and laugh hysterically as thay do stuff like cook and talk to each other ('OMG Leela's talking to Fry about the weather!!! This is so great!!')
-Make your own Futurama board and card games
-Make lists like this
-Make KiSS dolls of Leela and Amy
-Watch all the movies Futurama ever referenced
-Twist any song you hear so it reminds you of Futurama
-Watch The Simpsons and list everything that might be slightly Futurama-related
And finally:
-Just barely get yourself out of the Futurama obsession, just in time to start it up again when you watch the Cartoon Network rerun at 11...
Anyone else got any funny ones?


Same here - I've now seen the Matrix Reloaded four times without once paying for it because by friends have bought me tickets and popcorn in the hope that I'll stop being obsessed with Futurama and go back to the Matrix.
They haven't succeeded.
i have one - I did this yesterday.
-Play your friends the episodes without the audio commentary, then say everything that the creators say in the commentary, interjecting at relevant points and sound incredibly knowledgeable. Whether your friend cares or not is another matter.


-Design skins for Unreal Tournament 2003 of Bender so you can kick ass! (I had a go but they sucked, so I downloaded someone else's, which were...much better. Did anyone think it was really funny on the commentary for Fear of a Bot Planet (1ACV06) about Lew Morton getting told off for wearing a Bender "Death to humans!!" shirt? Or was it just me. I'll shut up now. 


Take a song from an episode and remix it so that it's filled with quotes from the episode. Like this.

Delivery Boy
i am definatly going to make a custom futurama t-shirt soon, i thought a bender 'death to humans' one would be cool, or a design i made featuring fry lazing on the couch with the slogan. "my parents all always at me to groom myself and wear underpants, what am i? the pope?". nearly any bender phrase would look cool on a t-shirt. "cheese it!", "ill save me!" or "hey sexy momma, wanna kill all humans?" would look cool there is a place in my town which does t-shirts, mouse mats, hats, badges, etc. i could even get commemertive bender plates for my mantlepiece. btw: i got the t-shirt idea from the commentary 
M Jackson

Some of the things on that list are a bit too OTT! bordering on Phycotic, and sad. But I think it's fair to say that I am well and truely obsessed with Futurama (in a healthy way). I own all 3 Seasons available on DVD and I've watched them all several times over including commentaries. Before the DVDs came out I had several VHS recorded tapes of every broadcast episode (I have since given them to my mate Joe as he loves Futurama to, but is too lazy to buy the DVDs). I've got a fairly big collection of merchandise (see my "How Much Ya Got" thread in the stockroom). I've named my tropical fish after Futurama characters. As an art student, I sometimes do sketches of the characters, one of the luxuries of being able to draw well. But apart from talking about episodes casualy to my friends and using this web site on a regular basis I don't think I do anything too out of the ordinary related to Futurama (unless you count the 50ft wicker Bender shrine in my back garden, I burn non believers inside it on a weekly basis, THEY MUST PAY THE ULTIMATE PRICE!)
I hope everyone realises that last bit isn't true.


shout "we are dooooooooomed" repetedly untilk you sound exactly like two benders and the same time.


just forgo the barbie and dye your own hair purple...use a fork as an eye poker (thats a time saver) and walk around in your white tank top stretch pants and boots saying "ok if everyone's done being stupid" hahaa


Whoa i have done 3/4 of those things. -Make more people Futurama Fans(i have converted two of my friends to this religion  ) And welcome you two

DOOP Secretary

Holy crap, I've done about 1/3 of these things...

Bending Unit
i half done atleast half those things......freaky i also may try i few things that people have listed  ......i am bored a lot and have so much free time on the weekends here is one i did twice (on my sims game and my friends): -make a sims family consisting of fry, two eyed leela, human bender, amy, hermes, child cubert, professor, zap, ect. build the planet express office for theier house (hard as hell!) and try your hardest to get fry and leela in love...and maybe more  !!

Bending Unit
Originally posted by the_dudefather: wear your blue jeans, white shirt and red safeway jacket (without name badge) and run around the house doing fry impressions i actualy did that, help me) 


For my art project I did me and several of my friends as Futurama characters. I modelled my art teacher on the shop clerk at the beginning of War is the H-Word (2ACV17), my best friend on Leela, my singing partner on Linda, my friend Tabi on Amy, my music teacher on Gary Gygax and myself on Nichelle Nichols. I have far too much time on my hands! The covers of my school folder (both inside and out) are covered in quotes from both the episodes and the commentaries - I actually need a new folder because I've run out of space! 
M Jackson

I once actually accidently dressed as Fry. I was already wearing my blue baggy jeans and a plain white TShirt. I had to run down the bottom of the garden to the stables but it was raining hard. So I quickly grabbed the red fleece I wear for work (I'm an art student with a part time job at Sainsburys) and wouldn't you know it when I came back to the house my sister pointed out who I was dressed like. Ah......-True story.


Make a shirt saying: I hate Bottles.
M Jackson

Do you look anything like your little Hair Robot icon?