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A his dark matter engine is better, it moves the entire universe, and delivers 200% fuel efficiency


The finglonger


The thing that makes people sound like him.

Delivery Boy
Originally posted by Australian Guy: The racoon toaster never existed. ...a man can dream... ok that was for the finglonger (which he later invented)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #22 on: 06-19-2003 13:09 »
« Last Edit on: 06-19-2003 13:09 »
Originally posted by SwanMan3000: the professor didnt invent the ship Erm...you're wrong, and (edit) comiccollector5 is right - he did invent the ship... To quote from the pilot: Fry: Whoa! A real live spaceship! Farnsworth: I designed it myself. Let me show you some of the different lengths of wire I used. If "designing" a ship isn't "inventing" it...


I like all the doomsday devices. He should use them more often. I'm sure he could become supreme president of earth if he wanted to.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by the_dudefather: he made it at some point as it is in the "bird-bot of ice-katraz" and he uses it to activate the hole-map-screen-thing.
He couldn't have invented the fing-longer. If he did, everybody will know about Leela's impulsive tendencies (and what she'd do to Fry) and Fry's importance to the stability of the space-time continuum. That would make Fry in "The Why Of Fry" seem pretty stupid, sorry, stupid er. More likely somebody else invented the finglonger, and it was a smashing succes. Farnsworth then axe his What If machine what would've happened if he had invented it. Anyway, the PE ship is easily his best invention. His best crazy invention is the glowing nose machine. "It can do other things, why shouldn't it!?"

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

But if he had invented the finglonger, the story Farnsworth saw in the What If machine would've played out. He would've summoned them to his laboratory to show them the finglonger, they would ask about the What If machine, etc.
AOI is basically what would've happened if Farnsworth had been the inventor of the finglonger.

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Grim: A his dark matter engine is better, it moves the entire universe, and delivers 200% fuel efficiency The Engines totally. And he designed the ship, he didn't invent the spaceship. It's not like you can invent something that has already been invented. Altough i will say that it's a nicely designed ship.


The ship's great. But I maintain that the atomic monsters in "Time Keeps On Slippin'" are fantastic!


He won't have invented the finglonger. I totally agree with Teral there. If he had it would have been a good invention. Secondly he won't have invented spaceships in general but it's clear that he invented most things on the Planet Express Ship (The Engines, The Newspaper Cannon etc). Therefore I say that his best invention is that imitator.