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Author Topic: Thoughts on 3ACV09 The Cyber House Rules  (Read 5411 times)
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Delivery Boy
« Reply #40 on: 04-06-2001 13:43 »

By the way...the Doc's name is Addilay Atkinson, the normality obsessed Doctor. "Once we have defined what normality is, you may leave. At that point anything you can't deal with is your own problem"

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 04-07-2001 05:38 »

To answer your question Juliet:

Most likely because it would be kinda weird for them to adopt a black child. Then again she was freakin' $499. Too rich for my blood. BTW, the captions said Adlai. It's like jai lai (high lie). It sounds almost nothing like its spelled.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 04-17-2001 17:23 »

ok but I would adopt little Nina  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #43 on: 04-19-2001 00:50 »
« Last Edit on: 08-12-2001 00:00 by Moderator Nixorbo »

One eye!  One eye!  Stupid as a French guy!

« Reply #44 on: 08-12-2001 21:37 »

WHEE! I finally saw this episode! ^_^ I'd missed it earlier since I got home too late to watch it.
Anyway, about the episode...

Getting know a little of Leela's past. I can sort of relate, myself.
All the orphans, but espically the girl with an ear on her head -- I forgot her name.
Zoidy's ink...
Leela going out to buy all that two-eye stuff.

Leela's two eyes just sort of freaked me out. I mean, she doesn't look bad, but they just creeped me out.
Adlai...he was way too normal. Normal scary.

Favorite Quotes:
"You make me feel so...not weird."
"Pileup on Fry!"

"I'm a space captain and you're all sleeze." (Or something like that.)

"Daddy Bender, I need to go poopie."
"You should've thought of that before it was time to run out on the bill!"

"Every other day, it's food, food, food!"

"Can we have Bender Burgers again?"
"NO! The Cat Protection Agency is on to me!"

Space Pope
« Reply #45 on: 08-12-2001 22:44 »

The three-eared orphan girl's name is Sally.

« Reply #46 on: 08-13-2001 00:42 »
« Last Edit on: 08-13-2001 00:42 by edeltraut »

I have a whole new level of respect for both Fry and Bender.  It was oddly noble for Fry to be against Leela's surgery.  It proves that Fry, despite possessing a brain, can be a sweet guy.  Bender becoming emotionally attached to the kids could have become cheesy and mushy, thus cancelling out the funny parts at the beginning (Big Daddy and Liar, Liar anybody?), but it didn't which made it even funnier.
"Hey I smoke a cigar, not a candy cane!"
"Bender's Crime Record-By the Police..."

Delivery Boy
« Reply #47 on: 08-23-2001 10:53 »

Um. If anyone at all is still talking or thinking about the episode, let me give my opinion. The ending was sweet, I like sweet endings. The Simpsons used to have endings like that, Like in Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington Or Three Men and a Comic book and that made for good TV dammit! This is why I liked the one with the 7 leaf clover so much. But about the Cyber House: At the end, Bender put the picture inside him with a MAGNET! Don't those make him go insane in the Brain? (Cypress hill style.)

Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 08-23-2001 11:10 »

No, the magnet has to be near his head, not his chest cabinet. I loved the part with Benders arrest record. Thats where I got my avitar. Its benders pic.

« Reply #49 on: 10-05-2013 00:27 »


I consider this episode a classic, and one of the best of Season 3. The Leela having two eyes plot was pretty good, and played out really nicely. The Bender Subplot is the highlight of the episode, and I loved how the two plots intertwined with each other, which resulted in a really good episode.

« Reply #50 on: 10-05-2013 14:07 »

I'd say 8.8. It's an interesting plot, and had me hooked. The Fry jealous scenes were funny, mainly the ones in Elzar's and the one at Planet Express after Adalai asked her out.

Space Pope
« Reply #51 on: 10-05-2013 14:39 »

This episode is acceptable. Heck, it's more than acceptable: it's adequately satisfactory.  :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #52 on: 10-05-2013 17:45 »

That's a fucking awesome review, UnrealLegend!
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #53 on: 01-16-2024 15:45 »

I love this episode, but I really, really, really dislike the ending.

Here's why.   Leela's hypocrisy as a person is a core element of when she gets played for humour: for example her telling Adelai that she hated being judged like a piece of meat by prospective adopters, before dismissing Albert as "kinda fatty".   

But here, I found how she treated Sally in the final scenes at the Orphinarium really unlikeable.   She is witnessing history repeat itself: Sally is being tormented by the other orphans the same way Leela was a child for a physical abnormality, something that continues to cause Leela much sadness and low self esteem as an adult.  I really didn't like hearing Leela argue with Adelai about what Sally should or shouldn't have like Sally wasn't right there, without either of them even thinking to ask Sally herself what she wanted.  Like, you'd expect that from Adelai based on everything we know aboput him at that point, but you'd think Leela would be a bit more mindful.   And then after getting Sally's hopes up, Leela comes to a self realisation, and then leaves Sally to rot in the same situation that has caused Leela so much misery that still affects her as an adult. 

What would have saved the ending for me is Leela admitting to Sally that she isn't ready to be a mother after all and she can't afford to raise a child on her own now that she has broken up with her boyfriend. but she will volunteer from now on at the Orphanarium as a big sister/mentor to Sally.  I just really disliked how the ending basically had Leela use Sally to learn an ephinany about herself, then abandoning her without a second though, which made a great episode end on a really sour note for me.

I think establishing some sort of peer mentor relationship between Leela and Sally could have been really interesting, and be for the benefit of both characters, due to how similar their situations were/are.  Sally needs someone like Leela to look up to, and Leela could gain some much needed closure about her painful childhood by helping to break the cycle. 

That's my rant, but otherwise this is a classic and extremely enjoyable episode for me.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #54 on: 01-21-2024 01:42 »

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: Bender treated Sally better than Leela did, and he tried to sell her as livestock to a restaurant.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #55 on: 01-21-2024 09:51 »

I am so glad that someone else saw it.  Because he really did.
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