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Author Topic: A "Half Full" Comment on a Closed Thread  (Read 1132 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 06-18-2003 10:52 »
« Last Edit on: 06-18-2003 10:52 »

I'm catching up on some threads and saw a closed one below entitled "Futurama.......a possible return?".  The gist was "Will it return?" and because the answer is an obvious "no", the thread was closed.

Well - there is nothing on the Futurama radar to report, but reports say that FOX is considering a "Family Guy" TV movie. 

Like Futurama - "Family Guy" has some rabid fans, it was cancelled before its time by FOX who never understood, respected or even really liked the show, it found a new audience on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim (I'm raising my hand here) and the recently released DVDs have sold well.  Take the "Simpsons" connection out of the mix and the histories of "Futurama" and "Family Guy" are very similar.

So - the Cartoon Network and DVD success has led to at least talks of another shot for "Family Guy".  Will it actully happen?  Who knows, but the fact they are even talking is the first positive news for fans of the show in a long time.

Will the same happen to Futurama?  David and Matt have both been quoted as wanting to do a movie (aka "extra long episode" ).  We all know the Cartoon Network success story and the DVDs have sold well worldwide. 

On the down side, we all know there is no love lost between Groening and FOX, but if DVD set 2 sells well... who knows?  FOX - like any entertainment company is not above swallowing a little pride if there is money to be made.

Trust me - I'm definitely in the "I'll believe it when I see it" camp, but I wanted to make sure that in these final days of Futurama, people knew that there is always the tiniest sliver of hope.  If the "Family Guy" people are able to make this deal and raise the dead - and they don't have a third of the juice Matt Groening does - then miracles can happen.
Australian Guy

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 06-18-2003 12:11 »

Its generally accepted that fox cancelled it because of a grudge against greoining. I wouldnt count on it.

The greoining connection IS futurama and the simpsons.

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 06-18-2003 13:09 »

i agree with u there is always a slim chance, it seems to me that the people in PEEL gave up pretty quickly with hope and this thread will probably be closed by 2moro- shame.

Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 06-18-2003 13:15 »
« Last Edit on: 06-18-2003 13:15 »

There is a slim chance, but the issue here is not really the Groening thing. If anything, I would have thought it would work in his favour. FOX would want to get back on his good side, for future projects and maintaining a good relationship on The Simpsons.

The more important matter is cash. Family Guy doesn't have any of the 3D stuff of Futurama, and in general just seems a "cheaper" sort of animation than Futurama. As mArc pointed out, a "Flash" style of animation for the show wouldn't be as difficult to sell as for Futurama.

So, while I believe that yes, there is a slim chance for Futurama to get a movie, I'm not going to hold my breath. As far as I'm concerned, we got at least 4 seasons of pretty good show. Anything further would be an amazing bonus.

I'd also like to add that a full-length Futurama episode would fit so much better than a Family Guy one.  :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 06-18-2003 13:20 »

I damn sure hope so!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 06-18-2003 14:25 »

Keep in midn the "Family Guy" feature being discussed would likely be straight to dvd/video, not an actual theater thing.

But yeah, I think there's still the possibility of it.  I think there is still some talk of doing a Futurama feature down the line.  As for new seasons, the hopes of that are pretty slim, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of a feature or even more video games.

Starship Captain
« Reply #6 on: 06-18-2003 14:43 »

Originally posted by *Damitol

*I'm catching up on some threads and saw a closed one below entitled "Futurama.......a possible return?". The gist was "Will it return?" and because the answer is an obvious "no", the thread was closed.*
I started that thread and everyone who replied threated my like a complete jack-ass for even thinking it and then this thread opens and everyone seems interested, whats going on?

« Reply #7 on: 06-18-2003 14:51 »

Originally posted by davids:
I started that thread and everyone who replied threated my like a complete jack-ass for even thinking it and then this thread opens and everyone seems interested, whats going on?
It's a conspiracy.

Your thread was treated the way it was because the issue has been beaten dead into the ground countless times by now, and most people who have been here longer than a month or two are sick and tired of it. I don't give this thread very long either.

Starship Captain
« Reply #8 on: 06-18-2003 14:58 »

Well if thats the case then i'm sorry. I am relativly new and so haven't read a discussion on this topic before.

« Reply #9 on: 06-18-2003 15:12 »

How much would a Futurama movie cost to make... It couldn't be more than around four or five episodes, could it?

« Reply #10 on: 06-18-2003 15:15 »

No, but you have to remember how much one episode costs and figure in the fact that FOX hates the show.

« Reply #11 on: 06-18-2003 15:22 »

it seems to me that the people in PEEL gave up pretty quickly with hope

Considering that Futurama has technically been cancelled over a year now I don't think we gave up hope that quickly. I'm sure PEEL had many topics dealing with the cancellation (before my time though) but in the end, they just clutter the place up.

On the subject of the movie, I doubt FOX will be that interested in making a movie of it. They've done their utmost to bury the show, why dig it out again? We can hope of course and if it does seem likely then I'll be right behind it. The success of Futurama on CN probably hasn't pleased FOX though
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