Pikka Bird
Space Pope
« Reply #160 on: 10-27-2003 18:00 »
« Last Edit on: 12-02-2003 00:00 »
These are my favorites: To Ignite, Strike On Any Surface Press (alien letter) button for free stuff may contain subliBUYSLURMminal messages Accuracy of predicted future brought to you by Stephen Hawkings no writers were injured during the making of this episode- 3 died Brought to you by the f+%*#@ Tourette association Legal note; laughter is NOT a sueable side affect Now with braille subtitles Stay still, we're trying to draw you! This episode runs for DOUBLE the time of a normal half-episode! Play in reverse for waffle recipe Now accepting fanscripts (to burn in a pile for heat) We can see you... and your furniture's ugly Written by Bubba, the script chicken!
And these (for obvious reasons): - Beware the Leapord - Don't Panic
And these are the ones I don't get: Wrote by William Shakespear Stop saying 1A2B3! 1000000th episode! (has this got anything to do with the C64?
And I've even made up some of my own...: -If ingested, induce vomiting. -Spawned itself from the moist shade under Matt's brain. -Steven Seagal is the light... go to the light. -Birkenstox are sooo cool! -Sit still for the non-surgical, wireless brain removal.. oh! ...I see you've been watching American Idol... Nevermind. ...Aaarrgh, those sucked. But don't blame me - I fell off a ledge and was replaced with Steven Seagal for a moment... [EDIT]VERY late totp, so I'll just weave a little[/EDIT]
DOOP Secretary
Pikka Bird - that "Wrote By William Shakespear" one is funny because he's a famous writer and there's a grammar mistake in the title. As for the "1A2B3" one - watch Where No Fan Has Gone Before.
- Now recruiting...
- Ted Turner, if you're watching this, take the hint!
Starship Captain
Promote this man....NOW
thanx, i would quite like a promotion. 2 grand more a year. i week extra holiday and for everyone at peel to address me as Captain SwanMan. heres some more: -futurama in no way promotes DRINKing ALCOHOL -not to be confused with Future Llama- the time travelling pet. -Why doesnt Hermes, the largest employee, simply not eat the others? -Caution may contain some traces of curtain. -Todays lottery numbers were: Spherical -look away now if sensitive to colour -Todays show brought to you by the letter; Green -objects may be closer than they appear
Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: "Tonight's episode narrated by a very drunk Scott Vanzo." That's one of my favorite commentaries!! MG: "Hey, Eric, try to control yourself, man, cos you've just gone wild!" Commentaries avec alcohol
DOOP Secretary
"This episode is simultaneously being uploaded to Kazaa during broadcast!"
"This space for rent." (that one may have already been done in this thread, I can't remember)
"Send all fan-mail directly to Matt Groening (send letter bombs to FOX though)"
Plus that means having to sift through the last 5 pages of thread...*shudders*
Mouse On Venus
Liquid Emperor
Okay, I've gone back and seperated the wheat from the chaff, the chaff, the chaff and the chaff. Here's my top 10 in chronological order:
- "Wrote by William Shakespear" (FRY1476)
- "Now with braile subtitles" (ZombieJesus)
- "A Portion Of The Proceeds Will Avoid Charity" (Cube_166)
- "You're listening to the sounds of DJ Groening" (Just Chris)
- "If episode does not satisfy please erase memory" (Swanman3000)
- "Which letter will the ship fly into today?" (spacepilot3000)
- "As seen on Kazaa" (Aaron Haynes)
- "1000000th episode!" (Prof. Wernstrum)
- "not to be viewed by the blind" (Swanman3000)
- "Comedy power equal to two dead parrots and a lumberjack" (Prof. Wernstrum)
DOOP Secretary
"Please adress all complaints to the wall behind your television."
"It's Decapodian season!" (for all those who don't get it, it's a reference to duck season/rabbit season from Looney Tunes)
"If you're still indoors right now, we just stole your car."
Prof. Wernstrum
Starship Captain
« Reply #190 on: 11-01-2003 19:09 »
« Last Edit on: 11-01-2003 19:09 »
Originally posted by CTV: 'Now with 3.141592653589793238462643383 2795% less nerdy jokes' I like this one. Mmmm... Pi. "Like Red Dwarf on a budget of more than £10 per episode" "Not suitable for children under 20,000 years old" "In some alternate universe, FOX actually likes this show" "Original music by Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandli ch-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nurnburger-bratwustle-gernspurten-mitz-weimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shonedanker-kalbsfleisc h-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm"
DOOP Secretary
"Have YOU found Waldo yet?"
"Now with twice as many continuity errors!"
"A warning in advance for hardcore shippers: This episode is centred around Bender."
'I STILL know'
'Incurs high risk of explosive diorreah when consumed'
'One better than the final frontier'
'TV critics look away...now'
'Now with less h8korz'
'Endorsed by Fishy Joe's'
Starship Captain
Originally posted by Mouse On Venus: Hey SwanMan, this is the second time in this thread you've asked for people's top tens and yet you still haven't submitted one yourself. What gives? yer i think we shud all submit the top ten then try and wittle it down to like the best five or something. the reason why i havent done my top ten is because i keep meaning to do it at a later date but; 1. ive a terrible memory and 2. im a very busy man (swanman that is) on that note ill do it soon but not yet as i must dash.