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Author Topic: [Help] Transcription of [4ACV12] The Farnsworth Parabox  (Read 6369 times)
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« on: 06-16-2003 08:48 »
« Last Edit on: 06-16-2003 08:48 »

I'm trying to transcript that episode to make french subtitles, but there are some parts I don't understand... Can you guys help me please?

2' - Farnsworth hammers Hermes hand:
Hermes: You hurt my [colator?]!

5' - Leela arrives in "Universe 1"
Leela: Bender? Is...is that you?
Bender: You know it. [Laughing/larging] in charge.
Bender 1: This [throws] my entire perception of reality in a question. Clone, robot or [?-?] twins?

Farnsworth A: As you can see, I accidently created a box containing your universe...
Farnsworth 1: Well I, in a [simultanious splendour] created a box containing your universe.
Bender 1: That's explain fruity here. I toasted a coin to pick my finish. [Fuck out greed.]

10' -  Bender A and Bender 1 are walking on the street:
Bender A: I've got [my eye] on you, [boar]
Bender 1: [Don't even think about a large pill.] You'll be dead before you hit the ground!
Bender A: Good point. What [did you say we just hit the strip join]?
Bender 1: I was waiting for one of us to say that.
Bender 1: Bender A, you're a [princimum] robot.
Bender 1: Can you forgive me for distrusting you?
Bender A: I can't stay bad, [it was a surgely] B.
Bender A: I love B.

13 - The two Zoidbergs:
Zoidberg 1: Ohhh, that box. Too good for us, is it?
Zoidberg A: Bah! Someday they watch from down in the [gaggle] they will.
Zoidberg A: as King Zoidberg [caresses]the fancy box.
Zoidberg 1: You know...maybe a certain blue lobster saw where the Professor hid the box.

14' - Behind the giant aquarium:
Leela A: So, we go back through the box and stop Hermes.
Farnsworth A: Right. Good thing, Professor B, [there, have hidden in a ...sealed.. stunck]. No one but a crazy lobster would look there.

Fry A: Yo! The two shellfishs [in scrubs] go by?

18' - in Universe XVII:
Bender 1: Hey pal, look what I sneaked into the ["leaperkin"] parallel Universe
Bender A: Yeah, [leaperk...] universe is fine...if you haven't seen Pirate Universe.
Bender 1: ??? and ???

20' - The end
Fry A: So, hum, Leela, seen now the universe wasn't destroyed, you want to catch an [hip] flip? You know, together?

« Reply #1 on: 06-16-2003 12:43 »

Hermes: You hurt my collater! ("collate" as in stapling papers and things like that)

Leela: Bender? Is...is that you?
Bender: You know it. Large and in charge.

Bender 1: This throws my entire perception of reality in a question. Clone, robot or long lost twin?

Farnsworth A: As you can see, I accidently created a box containing your universe...
Farnsworth 1: Well I, in a simultanious blunder created a box containing your universe.

I can email the whole transcript to you if you want to work off that?

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 06-16-2003 13:13 »

18' - in Universe XVII:
Bender 1: Hey pal, look what I sneaked into the ["leaperkin"] parallel Universe
Bender A: Yeah, [leaperk...] universe is fine...if you haven't seen Pirate Universe.

The words that they say are leprecauns  :)


« Reply #3 on: 06-16-2003 13:54 »
« Last Edit on: 06-16-2003 13:54 »

Smitty:I can email the whole transcript to you if you want to work off that?
Oh, hi Dave! It would be very nice :-) And perhaps "The Sting" too? ;-) I'll e-mail you.

Thank you. Actually, it's leprechauns ;-)

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 06-16-2003 14:37 »
« Last Edit on: 06-16-2003 14:37 »

At the end: "ape fight"

Fry A: So, hum, Leela, seen now the universe wasn't destroyed, you want to catch an ape fight? You know, together?


10' - Bender A and Bender 1 are walking on the street:
Bender A: Good point. What do you say we just hit a strip joint?
Bender 1: I was waiting for one of us to say that.
Bender 1: Bender A, you're a prince among robots.
Bender 1: Can you forgive me for distrusting you?
Bender A: I can't stay mad at what is essentially me.
Bender A: I love me!

13 - The two Zoidbergs:
Zoidberg 1: Ohhh, that box. Too good for us, is it?
Zoidberg A: Bah! Someday they watch from down in the gutters, they will.
Zoidberg A: as King Zoidberg caresses the fancy box.
Zoidberg 1: You know...maybe a certain blue lobster saw where the Professor hid the box.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #5 on: 06-16-2003 14:51 »
« Last Edit on: 06-16-2003 14:51 »

Bender 1: That'd explain fruity here. I tossed a coin to pick my finish. Fog Hack Grey.

« Reply #6 on: 06-17-2003 03:43 »
« Last Edit on: 06-17-2003 03:43 »

Thank you all.     :)

I'm not sure to understand what means: "you want to catch an ape fight?"

Euh...Someone to finish the job?    ;)    :D

I repost here for more clarity:

14' - Behind the giant aquarium:
Leela A: So, we go back through the box and stop Hermes.
Farnsworth A: Right. Good thing, Professor B, [there, have hidden in a ...sealed.. stunck]. No one but a crazy lobster would look there.

Fry A: Yo! The two shellfishs [in scrubs] go by?

18' - in Universe XVII:
Bender 1: Hey pal, look what I sneaked into the Leprechauns Universe
Bender A: Yeah, Leprechauns Universe is fine...if you haven't seen Pirate Universe.
Bender 1: ??? and ???

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 06-17-2003 15:12 »

Havne't you seen Futurestock? Ape fights are big in the future. People pay to watch two apes fight.

14' - Behind the giant aquarium:
Leela A: So, we go back through the box and stop Hermes.
Farnsworth A: Right. Good thing, Professor B, there, hid it in the coelacanth tank. No one but a crazy lobster would look there.

Coelacanth was a prehistoric fish that was believed to be extinct, but was later discovered to be alive.

Fry A: Yo! Did two shellfishs in scrubs go by?

"Scrubs" meaning fancy doctor clothes.

As for the last quote, I have no idea. It's some sort of Latin phrase, I assume. Maybe some other genius can tell us what it means.

« Reply #8 on: 06-17-2003 17:22 »

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
Haven't you seen Futurestock? Ape fights are big in the future.
Nope! But I've discovered it with a google search. I was thinking that it could be an allusion...   ;)   :D

"Scrubs" meaning fancy doctor clothes.
I haven't that meaning of scrubs in my dictionnary...   :(

As for the last quote, I have no idea. It's some sort of Latin phrase, I assume.
It sounds like "filth and bagoda"   :confused:  Maybe a description of the Bender's chest (from Pirate Universe)

Thank you FishyJoe!

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 06-18-2003 01:40 »
« Last Edit on: 06-18-2003 01:40 »

Its an Irish phrase, of what I never learned. Used alot by Cartoon \\le-per-cons//
faith an Bagora! (sp?)

and bender end words  from 8' are "Fog (hack?) Grey"

Bending Unit
« Reply #10 on: 06-18-2003 07:20 »

Plz help me, what Leela says?
BOOB rash or BOOT rash?

« Reply #11 on: 06-18-2003 07:26 »

Originally posted by K5:
Plz help me, what Leela says?
BOOB rash or BOOT rash?

Boot rash.

Bending Unit
« Reply #12 on: 06-18-2003 07:41 »


« Reply #13 on: 06-18-2003 07:41 »

Originally posted by Smitty:
Hermes: You hurt my collater! ("collate" as in stapling papers and things like that)

Actually, the collator is the device that organizes copies of documents. On a photocopier, for example, when you are making multiple copies of a multipage document, the collator mechanically sorts the outgoing pages into trays so that you end up with "X" (however many copies you've tried to make) number of complete copies of the document -- each in its own tray -- rather than "X" number of copies of page 1 on the bottom of a single stack of pages, followed by "X" number of copies of page 2, followed in the stack by "X" number of copies of...

As Hermes apparently does, you can do this by hand. And, there are mechanical collators: driven by a hand-crank (and I'm dating myself, here) particularly common back in the days of 'mimeograph' printing/copying.

« Reply #14 on: 06-18-2003 07:54 »

"Scrubs" meaning fancy doctor clothes.

"Scrubs" as in the fabric over-clothing and boots (originally, only) worn by the medical team in the operating room... name taken from the act of 'scrubbing-up' one's hands and arms before entering the operating room. Loose-fitting (i.e. easy to work in) washable, and not so expensive that they cannot be thrown away if soiled during an operation.

Puny Human 354

Delivery Boy
« Reply #15 on: 06-18-2003 08:32 »
« Last Edit on: 06-18-2003 08:32 »


« Reply #16 on: 06-18-2003 09:06 »

Thank you FlyingTigress!!  :)

Any idea on what Bender1 says?
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