Whenever my faculty complain about how much of a bite out of their grants indirect costs take, I think to myself that they've got dump trucks of flaming grant money so it shouldn't be a big deal.
DOOP Secretary
Look, I CAME HERE FOR AN ARGUMENT, I'm not going to just stand...!!
Liquid Emperor
"Shut up, baby! I know it!" (My response to whenever my husband says, "I love you." Oh, I'm kidding. )
"What!? No marshmallows!?" "Its honey, ordinary honey....this is no ordinary honey!" (only I use whatever it is im talking about rather than honey, I dont like honey that much) "B-E-N-D-E-R....Beeeeeender!" "Woooo, we live to suck another day!" "Stop! Stop! If you interrupt the mating dance the male will become enraged and maul us with his fearsome gonad!" (I dont always have a real application for this, I just love saying it because it cracks me up...then it confuses people ) "I AM lost...so long *waves*" "Hurray, im useful!"
Bending Unit
« Reply #578 on: 11-10-2012 13:42 »
« Last Edit on: 11-10-2012 13:48 »
might not be futurama but here ya go im gonna kill you...WITH A SPOON Heres two that AREfuturama 1:NOONE,YO MAMA,SHUT UP.(whenever someone asks who am im talking to) 2:bite my shiny metal hat(when someone makes fun of me)
I improvise "I'm Melllvar see'er of the tapes knower of the episodes" all the time to fit my job at work, I change Melllvar to my name see'er to the name of my department and episodes to department. It works perfectly. I also use "look the idiots have the box" at work quite a bit too.
Me to -.-', I sleep in the same tent/room as my siter in summers and no matter what I try it is always ME who gets sting! Damn you mosquitos!
BUMP my shiny metal ass!
I always use the Professor's 'HWha?' whenever someone asks me a question. I also like to use some of Zapp's words, like 'Champagin', or even just any word with an added 'eh'.
^ exactly. I often use " It's gonna be fun on a bun", too.
Lost My Phone
"Did you ever try simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?"
Lost My Phone
Originally, every character was going to have 5 of 'em, but it was scrapped in production. He's the only one left from that version of the show. Continuity wise, though, maybe he's a mutant?
Yea, I heard about that. I'm glad they decided to just use four fingers. I think cartoon characters look better like that (except for King of the Hill).
The Sophisticated Shut In
Bending Unit
Oh man, so many of these. - Lately I keep using some variant of Zapp's "Here we are, stealing a supply of birthday grade helium from the unsuspecting moon". Eg "Here I am, stealing a soda from the unsuspecting cooler . . ." - When someone mentions the sun in conversation, I also like to chime in with "At night it's called the moon." - "Let's go already!" - "Hi-yah!" - "I'm so embarrassed, I wish everyone else was dead." - "Shut up baby, I know it" - "But I am already in my pajamas . . ." - "I'll show ye" - I now sing "Coma Chameleon" instead of Karma Chameleon. It's just more fun that way.