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Author Topic: Quotes You Always Use  (Read 63804 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #240 on: 03-10-2004 14:45 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2004 14:45 »

Every... Single... Line...
In OR out of context. Confuses the hell out of everyone.

Example -
Someone: Hey you wanna go -
Someone: Okaaay...

Er. Yeah.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #241 on: 03-10-2004 21:38 »

"Why always the fighting?"
"Bite my glorious golden ass!"

« Reply #242 on: 03-10-2004 23:06 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2004 23:06 »

Two days ago, I said to my friend "so let me get this straight; does anyone here NOT have amnesia?"  And then I said it again yesterday afternoon. It was totally irrelevant to the situation, and she had no clue what I was talking about.  Just like all the rest of the time. 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #243 on: 03-11-2004 03:49 »

Kittengas and Jeeto....using quotes out of context is the funniest thing....I do it all the time.... :laff:

It's usually only funny to one person (me) but in the end....that's all that matters....heh-heh

Bending Unit
« Reply #244 on: 03-11-2004 06:25 »

For some reason i say "Arroooo!" a lot these days.

Space Pope
« Reply #245 on: 03-11-2004 06:27 »

On Tuesday James was talking about a very right wing and opinionated newspaper writer and said "Oh, I can't hate what is essentially me. I love me!"

Starship Captain
« Reply #246 on: 03-11-2004 21:52 »

"im deducing things" Dr. Z
i use it alot.
thought u might like to know.
The Comedy Bee

Delivery Boy
« Reply #247 on: 03-11-2004 21:57 »

What manner of deal is this?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #248 on: 03-12-2004 01:02 »

I like to use this at the people at work.

Dont make me go up side your head.


Starship Captain
« Reply #249 on: 03-12-2004 11:00 »

i managed to use frys quote about radiator women from the radiator planet, though i edited it slightly.

my friend: what are those girls doing to that radiator,

me: your a loser, its pretty obvious their making out with a radiator man from the radiator planet

my friend: but thats just a radiator,

me: well, i hope there's a burn ward around here.

i also used my knpowledge of parasites lost, to help in a discussion about brains we had in biology. yah

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #250 on: 03-17-2004 12:24 »

Last week at work I was talking with one of my coworkers. They happened to wonder aloud why another of our coworkers still had their job. The rest of our conversation went something like this:

SpaceCase: Maybe they have the negatives to the Christmas party?

Co-Worker: Ah! Black mail.

SpaceCase: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer "extortion." The "X" makes it sound cool!

Ah, for another opportunity...   ;)

« Reply #251 on: 03-17-2004 16:41 »

My Friend: Stupid and/or implausible comment
Me: "Like fun it is/you did!"

Various connoitations of that appear frequently in conversation. I may have posted that already, [DXC]but if I did, I don't care.[/DXC]

Bending Unit
« Reply #252 on: 03-17-2004 17:39 »

yesterday i said:
"Life is hillariously cruel"
to my college tutor when he was going through my work.
He didnt get it and said "No, lifes just cruel!" the dumb porkpouch!haha!!

« Reply #253 on: 03-17-2004 17:42 »

Sometimes I use Benders "Learning is fun!" when either I mess something up or I catch someone else hurting themselves.

Bending Unit
« Reply #254 on: 03-17-2004 18:05 »

I always use Bender's "What room? Bath what? What What?!" just with different words, and it makes my friend really angrified. I also use "eh, wha?" a lot, my friends think I'm crazy, they never watch Futurama. Meh.  :p

« Reply #255 on: 03-17-2004 19:16 »

"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate."

"Oh.. it's the hypochondriac"

and the classic "you'll never guess where i've been"

confuses the hell out of our parents when me and my brothers walk around the house talking like that

« Reply #256 on: 03-17-2004 19:18 »

Good choices! Welcome to PEEL, kerryn.

"Well, gentlemen, it appears we're boned." Even when with my female friends.
canned eggs

Space Pope
« Reply #257 on: 03-18-2004 21:05 »

I've recently been using one from a deleted scene in "Bendless Love":

"Make it a malt liquor.  I want to be as clever and handsome as possible."
Woodbot 2.0

Starship Captain
« Reply #258 on: 03-18-2004 21:17 »

Whhhhooohooooooooooooooohohoh ohoohohohohoohpppp!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #259 on: 03-19-2004 01:46 »

belive it or not, i've actually used "Handlin' raw chicken? best part of the job! Mmm-mmm! Finger-lickin' good!" from roswell.

not in context, of course...

« Reply #260 on: 03-20-2004 22:03 »

i use hot diggety dafodils a lot, oh and when im driving a friends car shes built like a stakehouse but handles like a bistro

« Reply #261 on: 03-20-2004 22:56 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2004 22:56 »

My band director, bless his evil heart, is the one I get to use the most random quotes on (his name is Smith, really)

Smith: ...so [the drummer] Sam is in Mexico, tanning and eating guacamole. NOW IT'S UP TO YOU, [taxi drummer] FERRET!
Shaucker: Stop eating our young! And it's pronounced GuacamolE!

Smith: (something about going over a part)
Shaucker: Let this abomination unto the Lord Begin!

Smith: (Cell phone vibrates loud enough to be audible)
Shaucker: What's that squirmle under your shirt?

Smith: ...Nick will be on Bass Clarinet..
Shaucker: Bass Clarinet? But only a few people in the universe can play that! And they're not very good at it!

Other things I say daily:
"Oh my, yes/no"
"Bender don't bend that way!"
"No I'm...doesn't..."
(as Zoidberg) "Hooray, I'm having a wonderful time!"
(from Less than Hero) "We are not amused!"
"What if I've had a few?"
"That makes me feel angry!"
"I'm having a wonderful time"
"The point is, I'm meeting new people/doing new things"
"Shut up and go [blank] with your [blank]!"
(and I've actually used this..."
"Yay! Professy's back!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #262 on: 03-21-2004 04:05 »

The other day i said in the science class when the teacher made a lame joke about lucky dirt i just said "Dirt doesn't need luck!" and recieved many a strange look.

I also have been saying at random intervals
"Monkeys aren't donkeys, quit messing with my head!"
"Monday monkey lives for the weekend!"
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #263 on: 03-21-2004 18:23 »

Everytime i am eating something really good i always say "Wow this is great, its like sex except i'm having it!" Always gets a big laugh out of my friends.

Bending Unit
« Reply #264 on: 03-21-2004 18:49 »

Originally posted by Maltho:
I always use Bender's "What room? Bath what? What What?!" just with different words, and
i use that, and once i was cueing for a concert and someone was stood on a windowledge above us, shouting with the window open, so i shouted 'do a flip'

i tell people to look into their hard drive and open their mercy file

and my favourite is to girls 'you may be a formidable do-er of the nasty'


Urban Legend
« Reply #265 on: 03-21-2004 20:45 »
« Last Edit on: 03-21-2004 20:45 »

Casual hello.  It's me, <name>.  Act natural.
This is quite a shock.  On the other hand, it's not surprising in the least.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #266 on: 03-22-2004 00:04 »

i was on a school trip camping over the weekend, and we were all divided into teams, and our team had finished an activity before the other teams, so we were back at our campsite eating breakfast, and when one of the other teams passed us, we were making fun of them and taunting them with our food, and everyone was saying things like "Ohh, it's sooooooooo good!" and i said, of course, "It's like sex, except I'm having it!" (it was oatmeal)

« Reply #267 on: 03-23-2004 04:29 »

I recently used "champagen" and "Coinessur" (can't spell it either!) when asked what alcoholic beverages we would like at a resturant when me and my brothers took the old dear out for a mothers day meal.

Urban Legend
« Reply #268 on: 03-23-2004 04:38 »

"Awwww, aren't you a fuzzy little guy?"

Used it on my cat earlier. Needless to say, he didn't get the reference.

Bending Unit
« Reply #269 on: 03-23-2004 18:59 »

lately i've been using the deleted line

"wonderful! it's a time now!"

(i think that's what he says?)
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #270 on: 03-23-2004 19:07 »

I love to say the the phrase "boned" now after getting into Futurama. I heard people use it every once in a while, but now i manage to use it in any conversation, even in class discussions!
Bending Unit
« Reply #271 on: 03-23-2004 19:17 »

"I'm back baby" - bender

Bending Unit
« Reply #272 on: 03-24-2004 11:06 »

At the moment, I cant stop shouting:

"By monkey cake, I meant YOUR ASS!!"

The reactions i get are hillarious   :laff:
canned eggs

Space Pope
« Reply #273 on: 04-06-2004 02:42 »

"What kind of party is this?  there's no booze and only one hooker!"

I've used that at every party I've been to for three years.

Urban Legend
« Reply #274 on: 04-06-2004 08:26 »

Whilst on a druken, sign steelin' drive one foggy night, I found ample oppurtunity to yell "Cheese it!"  as we ran back to the car, election sign in hands... I'd sometimes throw in "ROBOT HOUSE!" as well... Some of my heroic company actually got it!Ah, to be young again... and also a drunk.

Starship Captain
« Reply #275 on: 04-06-2004 12:13 »

I have used "You're not nice!" a number of times

« Reply #276 on: 04-06-2004 13:31 »

I can't stop calling "Emeril" "Elzar!"

Agent Rodriquez

Delivery Boy
« Reply #277 on: 04-06-2004 14:11 »

"Did someone say something about a free hot meal?"
"But I am already in my pajamas."
Long squinting stare at someone followed by "I don't like you."
"I'm boned."

My friends and I use these lines all the time.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #278 on: 04-06-2004 14:23 »

"i did do the nasty in the pasty"
(aka Past Nastification)

use that all the time.

« Reply #279 on: 04-07-2004 04:09 »

'oh your god'
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