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Author Topic: CN - overall April ratings  (Read 1002 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 05-30-2003 16:34 »
« Last Edit on: 05-30-2003 16:34 »

#3 - Futurama - "The Lesser of Two Evils" - April 24 - 2.3/4 (1905)
#12 - Futurama - "Why Must I Be A Crustacean In Love?" - April 23 - 2.1/4 (1764)
#15 - Futurama - "I Second That Emotion" - April 17 - 2.1/4 (1764)
#25 - Futurama - "A Head in the Polls" April 21 - 2.0/4 (1649)
#27 - Futurama - "Fry and the Slurm Factory" - April 16 - 2.0/4 (1609)
#31 - Futurama - "Hell is Other Robots" - April 10 - 2.0/4 (1653)
#33 - Futurama - "A Big Piece of Garbage" - April 9 - 2.0/4 (1612)
#39 - Futurama - "Put Your Head on my Shoulder" - April 27 - 1.9/4 (1536)
#44 - Futurama - "Xmas Story" - April 22 - 1.9/4 (1585)
#46 - Futurama - "Brannigan Begin Again" - April 20 - 1.9/4 (1551)
#54 - Futurama - "A Flight to Remember" - April 13 - 1.9/4 (1550)
#98 - Futurama - "Fear of a Bot Planet" - April 6 - 1.8/3 (1455)

Anything under 1.8 wasn't charted. Overall it was a high scoring month for CN.

Download the whole ratings chart here - http://www.itty-bitties.com/toon_april_top_100.xls

« Reply #1 on: 05-30-2003 16:49 »

Good to see that the ratings are holding steady, and even rising a bit. Hooray for CN!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 05-30-2003 16:57 »

Look like they rose a bit from last month. Good for Cn, and Futurama.

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 05-30-2003 18:04 »

They're some good ratings (but i still don't understand what the numbers all mean).
Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 05-30-2003 18:07 »

ill explain. let's take #3 -

#3 - Futurama - "The Lesser of Two Evils" - April 24 - 2.3/4 (1905)

2.3 = 2.3% of everyone in the US who owns a television set was watching Futurama at this time.

4 = 4% of everyone who was watching TV at the time was watching Futurama.

1905 = 1,905,000 households were watching Futurama at the time.

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 05-30-2003 18:12 »

Ah-ha! Thanky you.

« Reply #6 on: 05-31-2003 17:10 »

That's a pretty high percentage of people for a small cable network running up against local news stations.
The Hypno Toad

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 05-31-2003 19:08 »

small cable company???........ i think that CN is one of the larger cable companies.....
The Lesser of 2 evils......i think everyone knew that episode was airing, considering that it is one of the best Futurama episodes.......

« Reply #8 on: 05-31-2003 19:27 »

CN is owned by Turner Broadcasting, which is very large, but compared to CNN, ESPN, and HBO, CN's viewership percentage is very small
Red Decapodian

« Reply #9 on: 05-31-2003 21:45 »

Ted Turner doesn't own any cable stations anymore, CN is an AOL Time Warner property, although Ted might buy back some stuff (doubt CN is high up his list though)
Matt Wilson

« Reply #10 on: 05-31-2003 21:58 »

SQFreak is correct. Turner owns CN and AOLTW owns Turner. Doesn't matter if Ted is a part of the company or not. It still exists, it still owns CN, the end.
Red Decapodian

« Reply #11 on: 06-01-2003 00:07 »

I was under the impression that once Turner left the company earlier this year everything was under the AOLTW umbrella (actually i think that goes as far back as the the AOL/TW merger, and maybe the original TW/Turner merger from 98), does it really matter anyway since Turner himself has nothing to do with the station and calling it a "Turner Station" would just be giving it an arbitrary name?

« Reply #12 on: 06-01-2003 00:10 »

It is giving it an arbitrary name - because it is (directly) owned by Turner Broadcasting, which is owned by Time Warner Broadcasting (or something like that), which is owned by AOL Time Warner. Ted Turner isn't part of it, but he was and he gave his name to CN's parent company, Turner Broadcasting. Therefore, CN is a Turner Station.
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