
Urban Legend
the best part of the song was: Robot Devil: Producing bootlegged tapes is wrong, musicians need their income to survive Beastie Boys: Hey Bender gonna make some noise, while your hard drive's scratched by the Beastie Boys *turn tables* That's whatcha-whatcha-whatcha get on Level 5 by the way, nice dance gff! 


I like "Pizzicato Five - Baby Love Child" from Leela`s Homeworld


Well, it's been a year (thanks for the bump Habib  ), but my favourite is still the elves' song from A Tale of Two Santas. Incidentally, I rewatched ATOTS on DVD earlier today. It's either my second or third favourite episode (Roswell that Ends Well and Parasites Lost being the other two).


I liked the 'real' parts of the opera, that were sung by the actual characters, but the other bits (sung by the actors in Fry's opera) didn't do anything for me.

DOOP Secretary

I have to go with "I Want My Hands Back" from TDHAIP. Though it's not up there, other is, and other means that!
Futurama Nerd


They're all so good. Really. I can't pick just one. But I really like the elves from ATOTS.


Come on Broken Friend!!!!!!


I also like robot hell though
Robot devil:Mmmmm.. deep fried robot


Beelzebot: Cigars are evil, you won't miss 'em. We'll find ways to simulate that smell. What a sorry fella, rolled up and smoked like a panatella. Here on level one of Robot Hell.
Gambling's wrong and so is cheating, so is forging phony IOU's. Let's let lady luck decide what type of torture's justified. I'm pit boss here on level two.
Ooh! Deep-fryed robot!
Bender: Just tell me why. Beelzebot: Please read this fifty-five page warrant. Bender: There must be robots worse than I. Beelzebot: We checked around, there really aren't. Bender: Then please let me explain; My crimes were merely boyish pranks. Beelzebot: You stole from boy scouts, nuns, and banks! Bender: Aw, don't blame me, blame my upbringing. Beelzebot: Please stop sinning while I'm singing!
Beelzebot: Selling bootleg tapes is wrong. Musicians need that income to survive. Beastie Boys: Hey Bender gonna make some noise With your hard drive scratched by the Beastie Boys. That's whatcha, whatcha, whatcha get on level five.
Fry: I don't feel well. Leela: It's up to us to rescue him. Fry: Maybe he likes it here in hell. Leela: It's us who tempted him to sin. Fry: Maybe he's back at the motel. Leela: Come on Fry, don't be scared, I'm sure at least one of us will be spared. So just sit back, enjoy the ride. Fry: My ass has blisters from the slide.
Beelzebot: Fencing diamonds, fixing cockfights, Publishing indecent magazines. You'll pay for every crime, Knee-deep in electric slime. You'll suffer 'till the end of time, Enduring tortures, most of which rhyme. Trapped forever here in Robot Hell!
------------------------------------------- Thats pretty good, but i reckon hermes song beats it VV ------------------------------------------- Hermes: When I was four there was a hurricane in Kingston Town With a foot and a half of water. Everyone was alright, but I cried all night, It blew my alphabet blocks out of order.
And they said, 'This boy's born to be a bureaucrat', Born to be all obsessive and snotty. I made my friends and relations, file long applications To get into my tenth birthday party.
LaBarbara: But something changed when my man turned pro. Hermes: I was sortin', but I wasn't smilin'. LaBarbara: He forgot that it's not about badges and ranks. Hermes: It's supposed to be about the filing.
People, we didn't choose to be bureaucrats, No, that's what almighty Jah made us. We treat people like swine, and make 'em stand in line, Even if nobody paid us.
They say the world looks down on the bureaucrats, They say we're anal, compulsive, and weird. But when push comes to shove, you gotta do what you love Even if it's not a good idea.
Zoidberg: They said I probably shouldn't be a surgeon. Farnsworth: They pooh-poohed my electric frankfurter. Leela: They said I probably shouldn't fly with just one eye. Bender: I am Bender, please insert girder.
Hermes: Everybody sing 'Jamaica'! Everyone: Jamaica!
Hermes: Just the Bureaucrats. Bureaucrats: Jamaica!
Hermes: The Grade 19's. Morgan: Jamaica.
Hermes: Sing me Home! When push comes to shove, you gotta do what you love Even if it's not a good idea.


I don't know why, but I've always loved My Broken Friend.

DOOP Secretary

How could you have forgotten "Whalers On The Moon" and Bender's "Railgun Song"

Bending Unit
Goodness, I'd blocked "Whalers on the Moon" out of my mind until you mentioned, Frisco17. Thank you so, so much, you &%%$$!
I think TDHAIP has the best and longest musical number that Futurama has done. However, it's an opera (pretty much every character gets at least a line or two.) It's not just a song. So I understand why it's missing from the options. It's just TOO GOOD. (And long.)
Barring such a wonderful series finale coup de grace (pardon my French), I went with "Robot Hell", the other Dan Castellenata (sp?) tour de force (oops, more French; a problem, as French is an unintelligible lost language in 3000). There's just something about the Robot Devil that entices me. (I forgot that he could tempt me with things I want.)
I do wonder why Hermes's song (with help) from HHGHGB is missing. I don't think it's Futurama's best song, but it's pretty darn good.
I am quite fond, overall, of Futurama's songs. And I bet most of that has to do with the talent of Christopher Tyng, Futurama's musician and songwriter.
Can we all give a shout out to Christopher Tyng? I mean, whatever you voted for, he wrote it! Almost as much as Groening and Cohen, Tyng had tremendous influence on the series. Just because he's a "musician" doesn't diminish that. I'll bet he's even the inspiration for Leela's ex Sean.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Elves: We are free and fairly sober with so many toys to build. The machines are kind of tricky, probably someone will be killed. But we gladly work for nothing
Fry: Which is good because we don't intend to pay
All: The elves are back to work today
Elves: Hooray! We have just a couple hours to make several billion gifts. And the labor isn't easy
Leela: When you all work triple shifts! You can make the job go quicker if you turn up the controls to super speed
All: It's back to work on X-mas eve...hooray
Leela: And though you're cold and sore and ugly your pride will mask the pain
Fry: Let my happy smile warm your hearts
Elf: There's a toy lodged in my brain!
Elves: We are getting awfully tired and we can't work any faster and we're very very sorry
Bender: Why you selfish little bastards! Do you want the kids to think that Santa's just a crummy empty handed jerk? Then shut your yaps and back to work!
Elves: Now it's very nearly X-mas and we've done the best we could
Fry: These toy soldiers are poorly painted
Leela: And they're made from inferior wood Bender: I should give you all a beating but I really have to fly
Santabot: If I weren't stuck here frozen I'd harpoon you in the eye!
Elves: Now it's back into our tenements to drown ourselves in rye
Leela: You did the best you could, I guess, and some of these gorillas are ok Elves: Hooray! We're adequate!
All: The elves are resting X-mas day, hooray!