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Author Topic: futurama in real life  (Read 1169 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 05-14-2003 03:46 »

Consider adapting the futurama model to now.
A research scientist who used his many years of service and saved money to purchase a transporter to fund his independant creations in his retired years. The transporter would have to be a modified plane for high speed deliveries, say a few days for half way around the world. Considering its a one ship business, and taking into account the acedemic/business connections for this professor's years, there would be not only singular shipments important to private individuals or government leaders but repeatble business from other independant businesses. I don't see them doing something like Planet Express's contract with romanticorp unles the ship/plane used was VERY special in its speed capabilities.

From that we can see he would need a company/ships doctor, a main organizer-accountant-etc, a Captain, and heavy-lifters worker/helpers. Intern a Plus.

This idea sounds too unnessesary when you know they will not only fly the cargo, but moved it over land too.

Of course would this be possible? More ships? What? Anything that closly matched this model?
Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 05-14-2003 03:47 »

Welcome to PEEL!

« Reply #2 on: 05-14-2003 05:14 »

What are u asking?

Welcome to PEEL by the way!

« Reply #3 on: 05-14-2003 05:23 »

Probably very hard to compete with for example UPS or FedEx with a one-plane company  ;)

Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 05-14-2003 08:09 »


Anyway, welcome to PEEl.

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 05-14-2003 08:20 »

If you ever realize this plan, contact me, i'll be happy to participate. in about 50 years i probably could cover the part of the retired professor. up until then i would do anything else. Once i worked in a hospital for a short time, maybe that qualifies me as staff doctor. plus i could easily get hold of some fancy clothing for doctors. i have to add that i cannot fly or even parallel park a plane, so it would be difficult for me to be the captain.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 05-14-2003 09:56 »

Originally posted by flagg_swe:
Probably very hard to compete with for example UPS or FedEx with a one-plane company   ;)

Not if you call it PlanEx  :p


« Reply #7 on: 05-14-2003 11:06 »

Yay robots!

« Reply #8 on: 05-14-2003 15:40 »

Remember this word: CARTOON!

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 05-15-2003 14:44 »
« Last Edit on: 05-15-2003 14:44 »

Just a word of clarification. Minus the obvious cartoon aspect, I could see a independantly fund delivery service for private individuals, say off the books shipments. Like paintings for private dealers, anything presently illegal, and , well, whatever is asked of them. That could be the only possibility of somethingthing of a relic business like this.

Moving on to the cartoon. Maybe Planet Express really deals in in black ops movement or black market shipments. I could also see the CIA funding Farnsworth for recon. Like the coca cola company and the days of the cold war.

Off shoot: How do marvel comics creators explain how Proffesor Xavier created his stealth jet?

SO Arkard, that makes to 111?
Lee Roberts

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #10 on: 05-16-2003 02:42 »

Originally posted by Killerfox:
Remember this word: CARTOON!

All true, all true. Anyway, Welcome to PEEL.  :)


Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 05-16-2003 16:12 »

Just a cartoon? And you call yourself a Leelaholic, Lee?

Originally posted by green-gesus:
From that we can see he would need a company/ships doctor

The idea could work, afterall you see plenty of independent truckdrivers or one-man carrier companies. But in order to compete with major cargo airlines, you'll have to specialise, and probably go for very demanding (and thus very profitable) assignments. Or simply work as an independent sub-contractor to one of the big cargo airlines.

But about the doctor part: why would they need one? Wouldn't most people just use public healthcare?

The only reason Zoidberg is along, is probably necause most deliveries is destined for other planets, and any injuries would happen billions of miles from the nearest Earthican hospital.
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