

This was, without a doubt, the episode where "Futurama" turned the corner. I recently saw it for the first time in quite some time (thankx to the DVD box set) and I loved it even more than before. This episode is an example of what animation is truly capable of through great storytelling, pacing, and real emotion.
Now with that sappy stuff out of the way...Hello, little man. I will DESTROY YOU!
(Morbo is so my favorite character...) --E
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

same, i loved the ending. Up until then, i really didnt think Futurama could get that emotional. I think that The Luck of the Fryrish was really the first touching episode of Futurama in a long line Sting, Why of Fry, Jurassic Bark, TDHAIPT. I love this episode!


i did grow upin the eighties and that part was really radical. nothing like a new pair of parachute pants. but it really was a sweet touching ep.


Anyway, it's got to be my favorite episode. Futurama seems to differ from most other animated sitcoms in that it has episodes that are truly meant to be serious. I mean, I guess this isn't to say that the scene with Fry sitting by his nephew's opened grave and crying isn't meant to be a bit ironic, but the episode is still basically serious. This is true for other episodes too, I know, but yeah. Anyway, I've always been emotionally moved by this episode. But yeah, I saw it again tonight, so it's cool
Delivery Boy
WHAT THE HELL! What was so emotional about this episode? I usually like these eps (liked Jurrasic Bark and The Sting) but this one had no emotional part and no jokes.. final grade.. C
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Maybe the Professor needs to install an empathy chip into you then...


I LOVE THAT EPISODE! I mean, i love Fry, and i love Horses, so it is the perfect episode!


au contrare, cujoe, it affects everything that happens afterward, 'cause Fry changes from finding he was loved and never even knew it.


Damn it, this episode is definitely in my top 10.
The beginning was pretty funny, and I love how the episode slowly got better and better as it went on. The Flashback scenes were great, and that ending. Oh, my god that ending! It's probably the only TV Show scene that made me cry, and chokes me up every time. It was beautifully done for Futurama's first time, and no ending ever had the effect that this one gave to me.
Lost My Phone


This is probably my favorite 3ACV episode. I shed a tear at the end, to be honest. This episode was absolutely perfect.

DOOP Secretary

Well, perhaps "bittersweet" would be a more apt description than "sad". It is uplifting but definitely tugs at the heartstrings. And is one of the few eps that consistently get me, along with Jurassic Bark, and especially The Sting.

DOOP Secretary

The end of this episode hits me more than the ending of "Jurassic Bark". I think it's because so many people go on about the ending of JB that it's impact has worn away a little bit.  Not to mention "Bender's Big Score" completely retcons it.