
DOOP Secretary

Expect the worst, that way you're never disappointed.


I'm still waiting for someone to leak all the unaired episodes.


i hate to say this but its the truth: we will never see it on tv


I disagree, It will be aired probably this year, why would fox buy a show and never air, it, even tho they dont like it they will air it
@Zoidyzoid- I believe we'll probably see the last episode by next year sometime.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

My hest bet is at the end of the year (2003).

DOOP Secretary

I hope that they will show the rest of the episodes like next month/arond summer time or sometimes by the end of the year.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

If FOX Home Entertainment have any influence on the FOX Network division, we'll see the episodes during this summer.
Why? Because it would allow them to release the DVD's before Christmas. Going by the reasoning that parents will be more inclined to buy a (rather) expensive DVD set for their kids during those days, than any other time of the year.
FOX wont air the episodes once the new season starts, the need that timeslot to kill another innocent show (Oliver Beene, wasn't it?), so they have to air those episodes quickly. Also, Cartoon Network probably want a shot at them before the DVD is released.
So hinging my hope on FOX HE's desire to maximise protfits, we will see the episodes soon.
Of course the cancellation of the show, could be seen as an indication that FOX HE have absolutely no influence on FOX Network whatsoever.

Damn the FOX fatcats. We all enjoy the show, and I'm sure there are Millions more like us. Why drop such a profitable and easily diversible show which is entertainment to so many young viewers, wether it be 7:00pm on a Sunday evening (Damn UK show times! Always The Simpson's First!) or 6/7pm on whatever day everyone else gets it,people still enjoy to see the slapstick humour the talented writers of the show can produce. I just bought Season 3 on DVD and judging by how my sides are aching so much and how my eyes are diluted from lack of sleep, from wanting to watch ALL the eps. I'd say that I'm not the only one willing to do it. Futurama DESERVES another series at least. If the simpsons can go on for well over 10 years, then why not our sci-fi epic cartoon of tommorow?

DOOP Secretary

October 19. Trust me. I'm basing this on absolutely nothing, but still - trust me.