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Author Topic: Thoughts on [3ACV05] "The Birdbot of Ice-catraz"  (Read 7401 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #40 on: 03-11-2001 18:53 »

i thought the first 20 minutes were hilarious. i was laughing out loud the whole time.  during the last 10 minutes though, the writer had to tie up the loose strings in the plot, and it wasn't very funny at all.  what i'm saying is that the jokes weren't very spread out, and just concentrated in the begining.

that scene at the dinnertable would be in my top 5 funniest scenes of all the episodes.  it had joke after joke. and i couldn't stop laughing.

Space Pope
« Reply #41 on: 03-11-2001 19:32 »

Originally posted by r_hawks:
The only thing I didn't like was Leela being bitchy about her "causes".  I hope they don't make a habit of it.  It would seriously jeopardize her babe-o-licious status.

I find women with causes extremely sexy...

"Look. Monkey. and he has a little hat. And little pants... The monkey is the only cookie animal that gets to wear clothes, you know that... So I'm wondering, do the other cookie animals feel sort of ripped? Like, is the hippo going, 'Hey man, where are my pants? I have my hippo dignity.' And you know the monkey's just, 'I mock you with my monkey pants!', then there's a big coup at the zoo..."

[This message has been edited by Kryten (edited March 11, 2001).]

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #42 on: 03-15-2001 00:57 »

Originally posted by Mighty Mighty Me:
I loved how everytime Bender put on or took off the tux he always put it on a hanger

hehe yeah that was funny  :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #43 on: 03-15-2001 22:46 »

Originally posted by futurefreak:
hehe yeah that was funny   :p

And cute  :)


salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #44 on: 03-16-2001 03:04 »

Originally posted by Juliet:
And cute   :)

hahaha yes very cute  ;)
frozen fry

Delivery Boy
« Reply #45 on: 07-10-2001 13:00 »

great episode very funny i rate it 5 stars with honors

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #46 on: 10-30-2003 10:08 »

Woohoo another great ep....! I was laughing all through this one....Bender as a penguin is one of the funniest things I think I've ever seen.... :laff:
"Full of fish?" "Not entirely"
"Then let's fish....!!"

1.Acquire food
2.Frolic   :laff:

And when he resets back to normal mode
1.Bend things
2.Cheese it  :laff:

Zoidberg and Fry flying the ship was great "Stop yelling at me   :cry: "
Also Zoidberg slapping Fry, and Bender calling Fry "Wiggles",  Classic....

And of course, the penguins at the end with the guns....brilliant....!
Mouse On Venus

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #47 on: 10-30-2003 18:38 »

Someone on the CGEF episode reviews section for this episode mentioned that the director had done a somewhat flawed job when it comes to the camera angles in this episode and the more I watch it, the more I'm inclined to agree. I felt that a lot of the physical jokes in this ep, such as the PE ship flying backwards and the peace ring, fell flat because of ill-advised camera angles.

Those niggles aside, this was nonetheless a pretty good episode. The plot was ace and it was nice to see the writers putting existing solar system planets to good use by making Pluto a penguin preserve. Bender crashing a tanker because he wasn't drinking and fooling the peace officers by making himself shorter and wearing a tuxedo were nice touches, as was the change in attitude of Penguins Unlimited at the end of act 2.
 Free Waterfall Sr. stole the show for me in this episode though.

 Free Waterfall Sr.: Good way to avoid frostbite folks: put your hands between your buttocks. That's nature's pocket!
 Leela: Errrrr, I think I'll go check on Bender.
Free Waterfall Sr.: Watch that he doesn't pick your pocket!

 Not to mention the fact that there's something disturbingly funny about someone who can look so proud about having his hands up his arse.  :laff:
Foxxy Gurl

Bending Unit
« Reply #48 on: 02-07-2006 21:54 »

Originally posted by VelourFog:
I like the penguins
they were the right mix of cute and humorous and deadly

although i have to admit i was a bit embarrassed that I totally missed that huge star wars ref.

It seemed along the lines of an average futurama episode (which is way better than other tv episodes).  Zoidberg was good.  i'd give it a thumbs up

I SO agree with u. I like the pengins, but I also like how Zoidberg was totally tearful and controlled in this episode (kinda)

Space Pope
« Reply #49 on: 09-14-2011 13:00 »

Posting my review for "The Futurama "Random Order" Test" :)

This episode wasn't as good as I remembered it to be. The concept of Bender being a penguin seemed kinda silly, and a few of Leela's lines were eye-roll worthy.  :rolleyes:

However, I do like the Waterfalls, so this episode still gets a 6.5/10.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #50 on: 09-14-2011 21:55 »
« Last Edit on: 09-14-2011 21:58 »

Bender as a penguin? REALLY? That part felt like it didn't belong I mean you have Leela doing a good deed.. Fry and Bender fighting.... and Zoidberg just being Zoidberg.

Overall I give this episode a 5/10     

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #51 on: 09-14-2011 22:00 »

Actually, this does seem like something you'd see in Season 6... So it isn't just nostalgia goggles, it's the quality of the ep.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #52 on: 09-14-2011 23:19 »

I loved it, and give it an 8/10


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #53 on: 09-15-2011 02:07 »

This one gets an 8/10 for me. Good, not great. Definitely enjoyable. Bender's line about "Oh, and bring my toboggan" is hilarious. There are a number of nice Bender/Leela moments, which I always enjoy.

It's one of the crazier premises of the original run which is why it seems like something from Season 6. Unlike a number of things in Season 6, though, everyone is pretty much in character here.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #54 on: 09-15-2011 04:18 »

"Oh, and bring my toboggan"

"toboggan".  Yes.  Several have commented that they thought the toboggan gag was obvious, but I thought the obvious gag would have been to make Bender the toboggan, no?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #55 on: 09-15-2011 04:34 »

...Did I spell it wrong or something?

Yeah, I agree, Bender-as-toboggan would have been more obvious and a lot less funny. The way they ended up was also more in-character; of course Bender wouldn't volunteer for such a job.

Space Pope
« Reply #56 on: 09-15-2011 05:34 »

There are a number of nice Bender/Leela moments, which I always enjoy.
This just reminded me of that recent scene in "Law and Oracle" where things are real awkward between Leela and Bender.
Which makes me think... apart from that moment in this episode, there really aren't many scenes in the series were Bender and Leela are alone together...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #57 on: 09-15-2011 14:36 »

Great ep, well I'd say it's an average ep which means it's great as it's Futurama. I liked the beginning joke with the throwing away the biscuits. Dr Zoidberg was really good in this one, and the whole penguin plot was clool. Bender becoming a penguin was neat and the ending was good...


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #58 on: 09-15-2011 15:18 »
« Last Edit on: 09-15-2011 17:10 »

It's just average for me. I'd say 6/10. By no means do I dislike it, but it just seemed to miss an "ooomph" that I can't put my finger on. Perhaps the lack of a sci-fi-ey plot? Or the lack of a storyline with clever twists, or one that was thought-provoking? Or that it wasn't packed with jokes? I think that all those three omissions are what make the episode "meh" for me. Still, I prefer it to some clunkers in both the original run and the new run (and note that I will take a Futurama clunker or snoozer to reality TV shows and sitcoms, or anything else on TV--even the edgy shows on cable. I guess I just don't have the time).

My favorite thing about this episode is the use of Zoidberg. His presence on the ship seemed so gratuitous and random, and maybe that's part of why he's so hilarious.

Also, an aside, I'm curious about Leela's "lime green, off-the-rack affair" (Professor's description of her jacket in The Sting). It looks pretty much like something a lady would wear in this era. I'm kinda curious about the thinking behind the animators' fashion decisions.

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #59 on: 09-15-2011 22:08 »

I watched the episode today, at lunch. I've never thought of it as a particularly brilliant episode, despite the occasional moment of hilarity.

I'm giving it 7/10. It's not bad, and includes things like Free Waterfall Sr, but ultimately falls slightly short of the mark for brilliance. Some of the jokes are just boring, the characterisation isn't great, and the animation and the fact that it's set in the Futuramaverse are the two main things that keep the score from descending further. All in all, it has good moments and the occasional great line (It's nature's pocket!), but aint great. Watchable though. Better than TCW, YLL or TFHS.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #60 on: 09-16-2011 02:32 »

Also, an aside, I'm curious about Leela's "lime green, off-the-rack affair" (Professor's description of her jacket in The Sting). It looks pretty much like something a lady would wear in this era. I'm kinda curious about the thinking behind the animators' fashion decisions.

I do like how her jacket turned into "the captain's jacket" and they all wear it. I don't know why, but that whole little plotline really amused me. A lot of clothing choices look like the sort of thing people could wear today, except with shoulder rings or something. The jacket lacks that, but Iunno, it's not like it's ever stood out to me as being un-futuristic.

« Reply #61 on: 09-16-2011 06:46 »

It was one Leela oriented episode that didn't dissapoint.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #62 on: 09-17-2011 00:57 »

I really love this episode, for some inexplicable reason. It's not laugh-out-loud hysterical, and the story itself isn't brilliant, but...I don't know. I have a soft spot for stories that allow for some breathing room--where there's a definite plot line running throughout the episode, but you get a lot of opportunities for the characters to just be themselves and bounce off one another. The dynamic between Fry, Bender, and Zoidberg is really funny, and I agree with spira that it's equally nice to see Leela and Bender sharing some scenes.

And I like how this episode explores Fry and Bender's friendship without being too obvious about it (*cough*GhostintheMachines*cough*); you get a sense of how important they are to one another without that overwhelming the entire story. Bender drunkenly soberly dealing with Fry's absence ("I'm a real good captain") is so great.

And for some reason Fry amuses the hell out of me in this episode. His role isn't too prominent, and he's actually sort of a jerk, but how could you not love the idea of him drawing comics where he sits on Leela's lap while she teaches him to pilot the ship? Or him swatting a fly from his shoulder when he's at ease? Oh, and I love how he angrily blames Zoidberg for getting kicked off the penguin cleaning crew for consuming the eggs: "You ate most of them!"

And I agree that this is a particularly strong Leela-centric episode; she has a lot of great one-liners here ("They're like if puppies and kittens could have babies"; "It's just like murdering a little butler"), and I like the quasi-environmentalist theme. (Which reminds me: Free Waterfall Sr. is probably my second-favorite Waterfall, after Hutch.)

So, yeah. Overall, I think this is a really strong and really underrated episode. It has a strange vibe about it that I can't quite identify, but I've always like the quieter, less show-offy, almost-but-not-quite-forgettable episodes. This episode doesn't seem like it has anything to prove, you know? It's just crazy Pluto-based penguin silliness, with a lot of fun character interactions and a sort-of moral. And I like it a whole bunch.


« Reply #63 on: 09-17-2011 08:00 »

I enjoyed this episode. It had been a while since I had actually seen it, and because of that I caught on to more jokes than before.

It seems as though it was just a goofy episode, mostly for the characters of Bender, Fry, and Zoidberg. They were just so lost and hopeless without Leela, and so it was possible to just make everything seem chaotic. Like Gorky said, Fry was also extremely funny. I agree with everything she's said. Here are some of my favorite lines of his:
  • "Fine, I've got a toast. To Captain Bender, he's the best at being a big jerk who's stupid and his big, ugly face is as dumb as a butt." (This made me laugh out loud and was my favorite of his lines.)
  • "Oh, the fools! If only they'd built it with 6,001 hulls! When will they learn?"

Another character that I loved in this episode was Dr. Zoidberg. He just had great lines and moments in this episode, such as when Fry takes out his comic ("Ooh, the new one's out!"), when he is trying to get Bender to drink ("Please, sir, I love you like a father!"). Although it seemed random that he was with them, I'm glad he was. For secondary characters, he is one of the funniest, and this episode was no exception.

Bender also had some great moments, and I especially liked when he was flying the ship sober, and he was rambling on about things, especially when he is talking to Zoidberg and says "Gah! I once knew a guy ... you look like him. But he wasn't either." Also, him naming Fry "Wiggles" amused me for some reason.

Anyway, overall, this was a funny episode. I liked it a lot, laughed out loud, and wasn't bothered by much at all. I thought that all the main characters were wonderful in this, and there wasn't a strict focus on only one of them (although, Leela and Bender were more prominent in the story plot.)

I give it a solid 8/10
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #64 on: 12-10-2011 18:25 »

A solid episode, but not groundbreaking. Had some goo jokes and we saw some cute penguins.


« Reply #65 on: 10-05-2013 00:17 »


Good ep, I like alot of the visual gags, and Zoidberg's moments. Also, Bender being a penguin was pretty cool.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #66 on: 01-08-2017 13:47 »

Apparently, there are Futurama fans in Antarctica!  I wonder whether he's a Peeler?

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