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Author Topic: Sky One Passing FOX?  (Read 2402 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 04-22-2003 14:56 »
« Last Edit on: 04-26-2003 00:00 »

OK - I wouldn't get too excited (yet) but DigiGuide updated their Sky One schedule today. This Sunday is "The Why of Fry" (as expected) - but the entry for Sunday 4th May is "The Sting" (which, as you may all recall, is the episode scheduled after TWOF).

Links :

Now, we're still a fair way off the 4th May, and Sky could still change their minds (Malcolm repeats, anyone?) but I thought I'd just point this out to everyone (i.e. - where did Sky get the idea of the next episode to air?).

Oh, and nobody tell FOX      ;).

EDIT: Removed first link as it's no longer valid.

« Reply #1 on: 04-22-2003 15:05 »

Cool. Go Sky!
The Names Nick

« Reply #2 on: 04-22-2003 15:11 »

How do I get sky in over here in the US of A?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 04-22-2003 15:32 »


please be true, please be true, please be true

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 04-22-2003 15:32 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2003 15:32 »

I'm pretty sure you can't. Presumably the Sky satellite is geo-stationary, so the signal won't reach even the East Coast of the US.

As I say, I wouldn't get too excited yet. There are at present more things to dispute this scheduling than to confirm it. DigiGuide may not get their info from Sky (i.e. from the Web), Sky may not have cleared it with FOX, etc. However, I can't say I've ever seen DigiGuide wrong before.

Edit: Curse you, Otis!!! Posting inbetween to make my post make no sense!!!    ;).
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 04-22-2003 15:41 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
Edit: Curse you, Otis!!! Posting inbetween to make my post make no sense!!!     ;)

Anytime  ;) hehe


Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 04-22-2003 15:53 »

That would rock, sounds unlikely, tried loking at sky ones TV guide but they only go up to next week. Let's try the Radio times......

and they say http://www.radiotimes.beeb.com/ListingsServlet?event=10&channelId=248&programmeId=10494311&jspLocation

also The Sting
so a little more hope. :D

« Reply #7 on: 04-22-2003 16:02 »

Yay! Now we get to watch bootleg copies before FOX airs the episode(s)!
Err, I mean, we get to patiently wait for FOX to air the episodes while you lucky people who have Sky get to see them sooner. Yeah. That's what I meant to say.

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 04-22-2003 16:15 »

I just want to take a moment to remind everyone that d*wnl**ding is wrong and will not be tolerated.  Just because the final 8 may air in England before the US does not give us permission to violate the law.

Totally unrelated - does anyone one have an opinion on which is best, DSL or cable for broadband.  I need to choose one and get hooked up by the 5th of May for, uh, no particular reason or anything...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 04-22-2003 16:17 »

Is it even possible for Sky to get ahead of FOX? Doesn't FOX have first dips at airing the episodes? And more importantly, this probably mean no way for us non-UKians to see the episodes, until the season 4DVD comes out.


Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 04-22-2003 16:20 »

Well aren't Sky, one of Murdoch's media empire therefore they would alos have the rights to the episodes.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 04-22-2003 16:23 »

I expect Sky are fed up of Fox screwing everything around, and can't be bothered waiting anymore. Also people have to pay for Sky, and they wouldn't be happy for only 8 episodes in the season. And also Sky have already advertised 'Bend Her' as part of this season, and if they didn't carry on showing eps, they could get into trouble. And also maybe Fox wants them to carry on because the Season 3 DVD's are coming out soon over here, and the video game  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #12 on: 04-22-2003 16:24 »

That would be brilliant, but, like people are saying, we shouldn't get our hopes up yet. I remember once a few years ago Sky were scheduled to show an episode of 'The Simpsons' before Fox, but it was changed at the last minute.  Then again, it doesn't seem like Fox cares much about 'Futurama' at the moment - maybe they don't mind if we get it first..?

« Reply #13 on: 04-22-2003 16:25 »

There's a huge difference between "illegal" and "wrong". I have a pretty strong set of ethics, and I lose no sleep over what I do. But this board is not a place for such discussions, so I'm sorry for bringing it up.

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 04-22-2003 16:26 »

True fox don't see to care abbout Futurama but they do seem to care about making it's fans miserable.
Starship Captain
« Reply #15 on: 04-22-2003 16:33 »

Oh, God, no!  :eek: I'll just die if the UK gets the eps before we do!

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 04-22-2003 16:39 »

We have got the DVD's before the US
Starship Captain
« Reply #17 on: 04-22-2003 16:46 »

At least with the DVDs I'd already seen the episodes so it wasn't that bad, and FOX had a good excuse (to see how they'd sell). But letting the UK see an American show first is different. That's our show. Okay, that sounds a little selfish, but I'd hate to have entire countries see episodes before me.

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 04-22-2003 17:10 »

OT: Has Sky shown "The Cartridge Family" yet?

Space Pope
« Reply #19 on: 04-22-2003 17:13 »

Hmm, this might be interesting. Suddenly I have a positive opinion about Sky.

Urban Legend
« Reply #20 on: 04-22-2003 17:24 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2003 17:24 »

My guess is it'll probably change at some point, as Mike said. Depressing, I know, but I have my own little saying:

"He who expects the worst is never disappointed".

This is related in a way to Humphrey Appleby's quote:

"A pessimist is what an idealist would call a realist".     :D

I would think the first major milestone would be next Monday when Sky put up their weekly schedule. Of course, they are also known to say "the episode being aired is different from the one advertised" etc.

BTW, Otis, I bet Sky are fed up of FOX screwing them around (over). I wonder if their deal with FOX stated they could air all the episodes, but only if they started after a certain date (i.e. March 2nd).

Anyway, at the very least, we get to see TWOF this week, regardless of what happens.

Kristi, I wouldn't worry about it. For a start, Sky One's maximum audience reach is only about 10 million, less than a sixth of the UK population. And if you factor in that Futurama's been pulling down (solid) ratings of 0.7-0.8 million, that's less than a sixtieth of the total population, so it's hardly an entire country  ;).
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #21 on: 04-22-2003 18:00 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
I would think the first major milestone would be next Monday when Sky put up their weekly schedule.

Actually May 4th's schedule should be up on Sunday evening.

Bending Unit
« Reply #22 on: 04-22-2003 18:31 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
My guess is it'll probably change at some point, as Mike said. Depressing, I know, but I have my own little saying:

"He who expects the worst is never disappointed".

That sounds a lot like Jonathan Swift's "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed". You haven't been stealing from the boy Swift, have you? Have you???

Urban Legend
« Reply #23 on: 04-22-2003 18:50 »

No  :D.

Honestly, I didn't know Swift said that. It's probably so obvious that millions of people over the years have had it.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #24 on: 04-23-2003 04:09 »
« Last Edit on: 04-23-2003 04:09 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:

Now, we're still a fair way off the 4th May, and Sky could still change their minds...

Sky aren't going to change their mind when Futurama is bringing in excellent ratings for the channel - it would suicide, purely on a ratings and advertising point of view (because far more 18 - 34s watch Futurama than Malcom in the Middle).

Sky will have already bought the entire rights for Series 5 for the UK - so it's up to them when they show them.
This situation probably occured because when Sky bought the rights, Fox were planning to screen the episodes earlier, only delaying a few (sounds unlikely, but it's the best explanation I could come up with).

@Damitol - I use cable, and when compared to my friend's (who use DSL) I get much higher download speeds.

Bending Unit
« Reply #25 on: 04-23-2003 06:29 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
It's probably so obvious that millions of people over the years have had it.

You're right, I saw it in an introduction to a book, but have heard something similar attributed to someone else.

Space Pope
« Reply #26 on: 04-23-2003 07:04 »

Originally posted by sheep555:
 Sky will have already bought the entire rights for Series 5 for the UK - so it's up to them when they show them.
This situation probably occured because when Sky bought the rights, Fox were planning to screen the episodes earlier, only delaying a few (sounds unlikely, but it's the best explanation I could come up with).

CN has bought all episodes as well, but so far they haven shown any of the episodes that haven't been broadcasted by FOX yet.
Then again, Sky doesn't really compete with FOX...

Urban Legend
« Reply #27 on: 04-23-2003 07:19 »
« Last Edit on: 04-23-2003 07:19 »

If Sky do air the ep(s) before FOX, it'll be interesting to see if there is a ratings jump (as those who, erm...aquire the episodes will be watching   ;))?

How are ratings in the UK measured anyway? Do we have Nielsen families (or equivalent) as well?

EDIT: Well, shows over. The entry now lists "Luck of the Fryrish" as the episode to air. We have a mole!!!  ;)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #28 on: 04-23-2003 07:44 »
« Last Edit on: 04-23-2003 07:44 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
EDIT: Well, shows over. The entry now lists "Luck of the Fryrish" as the episode to air. We have a mole!!!    ;)

Pity...I'll see if I can get any thing out of Sky

« Reply #29 on: 04-23-2003 11:49 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #30 on: 04-23-2003 12:04 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
How are ratings in the UK measured anyway? Do we have Nielsen families (or equivalent) as well?
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #31 on: 04-23-2003 14:22 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
EDIT: Well, shows over. The entry now lists "Luck of the Fryrish" as the episode to air. We have a mole!!!   ;)

What a minute, does that mean Sky changed their minds?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #32 on: 04-23-2003 14:24 »
« Last Edit on: 04-23-2003 14:24 »

Yes, it does (or Fox made them 'change their minds') - I emailed them just now asking for a clarification...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #33 on: 04-23-2003 14:31 »

Damn!  :( Oh well...

Thanx anyway  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #34 on: 04-23-2003 18:08 »

Woo yeah go sky go sky  :)

I always thought this might happen.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #35 on: 04-23-2003 19:28 »

Er MattyB, you do realise Sky won't be showing the episode before FOX after all?

I don't blame Sky, they probably tried their best.  I bet FOX turned round and said that SKy couldn't show them first.

Bending Unit
« Reply #36 on: 04-24-2003 14:12 »

Oh sorry. Whoops.

*quietly* go sky go sky go... Ah forget the whole thing.

Urban Legend
« Reply #37 on: 04-25-2003 07:14 »

I bet Sky really hate being put in this position. A show they pull in fantastic ratings on, one which the original company doesn't care about, and which they are going to be forced to show a single new episode (after the 300th Simpsons) and then go into 3rd season reruns. They're probably holding back the final 8 so as not to upset FOX on other shows.

I still vote we get the SAS to raid Sky One HQ  ;).

« Reply #38 on: 04-25-2003 07:15 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2003 07:15 »

FOX probably refused to deliver the final 8 episodes because with such high ratings, they'd have to renew it. And they can't renew Futurama; they hate it too much.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #39 on: 04-25-2003 07:23 »
« Last Edit on: 04-25-2003 07:23 »

If Sky showned the new ep before Fox I be laughing my ass off. Still I think Sky will show the new ep when Fox have which means we have to wait.

No I just find out that they not showing the new ep on 4th may they showing Luck Of The Fryish.
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