Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #80 on: 05-11-2003 16:34 »
« Last Edit on: 05-11-2003 16:34 »
Just read it (looks like I got in just in time, before Geoshitties closed the gate). Great job, Andy. Lots of good and interesting information bits. Two things of note:- Damn! We can't blame FOX for the late run of "The Route Of All Evil" anymore.
- Take that all Amyholics! :p :evillaugh:
Once again, great job. Now to go hunt for DVD Review.
Urban Legend
Just read it. Great interview. Especially interesting that they've recorded an extra commentary for Jurassic Bark (I wonder where that puts the release date - when were the S3 commentaries finished?). On the subject of Amy v Leela (glad to see he's sane, I was getting worried with all the Mac talk ), I agree (with his reasoning, not just his conclusion ).
« Reply #85 on: 05-11-2003 18:01 »
« Last Edit on: 05-11-2003 18:01 »
For those of us around the world who want the applicable magazines, the phone numbers are: DVD Review - +44 (0)1202 99900 Hotdog - +44 (0)207 396 8000 Note: The telephone number for Hotdog is for the Overseas Distribution office for the publisher's international distributer, Seymour International. From the US, dial: DVD Review - 01144120299900 Hotdog - 011442073968000 In Australia, Seymour International (Overseas distributor for Paragon Publishing, publisher of Hotdog) has a special office for Australian queries. Call +1300 650 666. Other phone numbers for Seymour International's overseas offices (there's no phone number for the US) can be found here: http://www.paragon.co.uk/distributor.htmlPayndz or somebody, please please please please tell us what issue we need![/u] Edit: Both DVD Review and Hotdog are published by Paragon Publishing Limited, which means you can probably get them both by calling Seymour International.
Bending Unit
« Reply #88 on: 05-11-2003 18:45 »
« Last Edit on: 05-11-2003 18:45 »
Amazing interview. And there is still hope for a movie. Sleep is ashured for tonight! Ah yes, and I knew it would be Leela
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
What I find interesting is: Simpsons made FOX millions, and is probably the reason it still exist as a network. Yet when the creator of that hit came with another idea, they didn't even give him a decent budget. If the Futurama staff produced such greatness on a limited budget, and with the bare minimum of writers. Imagine what they could come up with if they were fully funded and fully staffed. Or maybe they made these great episodes, because they were short on funds and low on staff.
Very nice job payndz, it was a good interview, i liked it very interesting also. Teral come on we all have our Amy-loving personality
Issue number, issue number, issue number! Does anyone know what issues of DVD Review and Hotdog the pieces of the interview are going to be in?