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Author Topic: Why can't Santa Ride? (the afterschool special)  (Read 2146 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 02-21-2001 01:49 »

Ok, from the news I've heard, 'A Tale of Two Santas' may not be airing, because it has been dubbed 'too violent' for that time slot. BAH!...this from the people who threw Winnie the Pooh into a wood chipper... (Malcolm in the Middle)

Space Pope
« Reply #1 on: 02-21-2001 02:45 »

Oh, you're looking for consistency from the  channel that gave us "World's Bloodiest Dismemberments" but thinks an evil robot Santa is too scary?
The Baz

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 02-21-2001 03:33 »

or Worlds largest tumor...  but FOX will say  that gory stuff aired at 8-9pm while 7pm is to early.


salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 02-21-2001 04:05 »

murdoch is an idiot...just my opinion...

too violent? it's a cartoon...c'mon...this coming from a network with world's scariest police chases and america's most wanted...   :p

« Reply #4 on: 02-21-2001 07:48 »

Where did everyone come up with the idea that its to scary and could not be shown?  Its not to scary!  Fox are idiots!  That's why!  I asked someone at fox and they said it will be shown this xmas!  SO THERE!

Peace out

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 02-21-2001 19:29 »

Originally posted by bart182:
I asked someone at fox and they said it will be shown this xmas!  SO THERE!
Peace out

really? that's good then...cuz i really want to see that episode...  :p

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 02-22-2001 01:30 »

So last year it was too scary, but this year it's suddenly fine? I smell the grimy hand of the censor...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 02-22-2001 02:55 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
So last year it was too scary, but this year it's suddenly fine? I smell the grimy hand of the censor...

i smell the grim reeper close by...murdoch is his name...  :p

« Reply #8 on: 02-22-2001 03:12 »

No no no no no no no! it was never to scary!  It just was not shown. 

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 02-22-2001 06:15 »

THIS xmas!!??
The Baz

Bending Unit
« Reply #10 on: 02-22-2001 21:28 »

Originally posted by bart182:
No no no no no no no! it was never to scary!  It just was not shown. 

It was reported at Futurama Outlet, that it would be canned due to violence.  Darrel reported that he heard from someone at FOX that it was too violent.  Sooo either the story has now changed (which would be great) or someone is just miss informed.  0~well someday I hope to see 'A tale of 2 Santas' even if I have to break into FOX studios  ;)

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 02-23-2001 01:48 »

KILL MURDOCH...how's that for violence?  :p

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 02-23-2001 02:55 »

Yes, let's ALL kill Murdoch...

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 02-24-2001 00:47 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
Yes, let's ALL kill Murdoch...

yes, murdoch must die...

hmm...my sig goes perfect with this discussion...  :p

« Reply #14 on: 02-24-2001 01:59 »

I'm getting a little sick of everyone saying kill Murdoch!  Let live and let die.

Bending Unit
« Reply #15 on: 02-24-2001 03:48 »

no-one answered my question......
but seriously, who cares? just show it, for gods sake.

« Reply #16 on: 02-24-2001 05:16 »

Originally posted by hangman3k:
THIS xmas!!??

I thought a already answerd this.  Any way yes, this xmas.

Starship Captain
« Reply #17 on: 02-26-2001 04:03 »


originally posted by Kryten:

You're a mean one Mr. Murdock
You have termites in your smile...

Space Pope
« Reply #18 on: 02-26-2001 04:43 »

Gee, I wonder who wrote THAT?  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #19 on: 02-26-2001 05:24 »

Sorry Kryten! I forgot to credit you.  I'll go change that right now.

Space Pope
« Reply #20 on: 02-26-2001 06:02 »

Thanks. Appreciate it.
Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 02-26-2001 22:42 »

The last thing I heard from the AskFox lady (paraphrased):

The episode was not shown because it was too violent, and will never be shown as long as Futurama is in the 7pm timeslot. Futurama will be in the 7pm timeslot next year (supposedly because it's the only show that's ever been successful in that slot, and they're not going to mess with a good thing). Therefore, we will have to wait until the Futurama videos and DVDs come out to see this episode.

Now, she may be wrong, but that's what I've heard.

Meanwhile, as far as episodes from this year being shown next year:

If you work it out, even not counting "Two Santas" or the four episodes made as part of the season 3 production run but planned for the start of season 4, there are still more episodes left this season than there are weeks. So, unless Futurama runs long, or they show two episodes/week, at least 2 of the episodes everyone's listed as "Season 3 Upcoming Episodes" will actually be shown season 4.

And, since no network ever shows a new episode every week for any show (normally it's 11 or 12 new episodes per 18- or 19-week half-season), it'll probably be more like 5 or 6 episodes carried over.

Finally, remember that football will be on again next year, so Futurama's first half-season will be shortened. Plus, they've started their season late two years in a row, so can we really expect them to get their act together next year?

So it'll probably be over a year from now before we see any of the 18 episodes they ordered as the "season 4" production run....

« Reply #22 on: 02-27-2001 00:59 »


Space Pope
« Reply #23 on: 02-27-2001 01:44 »

Actually, I believe we're supposed to get fresh episodes through May (except for the week they run "Star Wars I: Okay, We Admit it, Jar Jar Sucks"). There's plenty of precedent for a move like this; ABC's done it a number of times with "NYPD Blue".

Starship Captain
« Reply #24 on: 02-27-2001 03:28 »

I'm still getting used to the term "fresh episode."

oh well.  the penguin episode lookes good.
Bending Unit
« Reply #25 on: 02-27-2001 03:38 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
Actually, I believe we're supposed to get fresh episodes through May (except for the week they run "Star Wars I: Okay, We Admit it, Jar Jar Sucks"). There's plenty of precedent for a move like this; ABC's done it a number of times with "NYPD Blue".

Well, they could run until the end of may (two weeks past the end of the season). Fox does this more often than other networks (although it's usually with 90210 and/or Melrose Place). But even then, they'd still have to show a new episode every single week to finish the season. And they've never done that before.

For example, the first time they showed 90210 into the summer, they went four weeks over (meaning they had a 40-week season instead of 36), but they still only fit 27 episodes in. In other words, it was still the typical 2 new episodes every 3 weeks.

Space Pope
« Reply #26 on: 02-27-2001 03:56 »

Originally posted by payn:
Well, they could run until the end of may (two weeks past the end of the season). Fox does this more often than other networks (although it's usually with 90210 and/or Melrose Place). But even then, they'd still have to show a new episode every single week to finish the season. And they've never done that before.

As I mentioned, ABC has done exactly that with NYPD Blue.
Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 02-27-2001 09:05 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
As I mentioned, ABC has done exactly that with NYPD Blue.

They actually ran a new episode every single week from the start of February to the end of May? Are you sure?

Space Pope
« Reply #28 on: 02-28-2001 03:01 »

I'm positive. Twenty straight episodes. They made a really big deal of it, as I recall...

Bending Unit
« Reply #29 on: 02-28-2001 07:18 »

They have at fox promised us a straight line of new eps from feb to may.

But for gods sake you people (FOX) are stupid, I cant beleive no-ones thought of this option: If its too violent for that timeslot, then show it as a special 'After Hours' episode!!! Tv shows down here do it all the time, no big deal! I dont want to wait to see it on dvds that may never even come out down here!! Welp ,anywayz, no matter how pissed we are, I'll bet Matts doing his best to make sure us Futurama fanatics get what we deserve, after all the preemption crap weve been put through.

Bending Unit
« Reply #30 on: 03-01-2001 00:39 »

Yeah, I think we can all say Matt Groening is really being kind to Futurama -- Mind you, Simpsons is appearing to suffer because of it, but at this point, do I care? I can't wait for the DVD's to come out, if they do. And I would have to agree with "Why the hell don't they just show 'A tale of two Santas' as a special after hours episode?" And at the rate they're going with the new episodes, "A Tale of Two Santas" can be a "Christmas in July" special.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #31 on: 03-01-2001 01:36 »

Originally posted by BNLbum:
And at the rate they're going with the new episodes, "A Tale of Two Santas" can be a "Christmas in July" special.

Christmas in July? freaky...but yeah you're right BNLbum...they really need to quicken the pace for all the fans...  :p

Space Pope
« Reply #32 on: 03-01-2001 01:38 »

Actually, "Christmas in July" would be a pretty good idea... think of the promotions they could run!

Space Pope
« Reply #33 on: 03-01-2001 01:49 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
Actually, "Christmas in July"... think of the promotions they could run!

It'd be a heck of a lot better than "its da boom" anyway

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #34 on: 03-01-2001 04:20 »

Originally posted by Kryten:
Actually, "Christmas in July" would be a pretty good idea... think of the promotions they could run!

almost as great as the idea for the holiday Love Day  :p
The Baz

Bending Unit
« Reply #35 on: 03-02-2001 00:18 »

Originally posted by VelourFog:
It'd be a heck of a lot better than "its da boom" anyway

haha, or "Toonsday night" when Futurama was a tuesday show.
also some spoiler info on A tale of 2 Santas
is at http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=8279

its also available on the Futurama Outlets homepage.

[This message has been edited by The Baz (edited March 02, 2001).]

Starship Captain
« Reply #36 on: 03-02-2001 01:58 »

i never look at spoilers.  all i do is look at the titles
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