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Author Topic: Futurama Downloads: The Ethics  (Read 3353 times)
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PEE Poll: Futurama Downloads: The Ethics
100% ok   -59 (74.7%)
Ok if you don't live in USA   -8 (10.1%)
Ok if you have the DVDs   -9 (11.4%)
Ok if you saw it   -1 (1.3%)
Ok if you missed it   -0 (0%)
Don't know   -0 (0%)
No, i don't believe it's right   -0 (0%)
No, it's illegal and i stick by the law   -2 (2.5%)
Total Members Voted: 79


Space Pope
« on: 04-01-2003 12:30 »

    Well, last time i did this it caused abit of discussion, but times have changed. We now have 2 DVD boxsets released and FOX have decided to cancel Futurama, these may change your opinions.
    I've provided a range of options for you all.

    I think it's fine to download episodes, especially if you don't live in the USA. It's the only way i can see the new episodes and C4 cut the episodes. I never realised how funny bits of How Hermes Requisitioned his Groove Back were (the Fry/Proctor stuff) as they were cut.

    Last time we got too much into downloading episodes, please avoid:
    • Talking about how to download
    • Talking about your collection

« Reply #1 on: 04-01-2003 12:39 »

I download the episodes... only because if I didn’t I would just tape them. I see no real difference. I also buy the DVDs when they are released for the extra features and the fact I am showing support for the Show.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 04-01-2003 12:44 »

Originally posted by MuscaDomestica:
I download the episodes... only because if I didn’t I would just tape them. I see no real difference. I also buy the DVDs when they are released for the extra features and the fact I am showing support for the Show.

It is a sensitive matter, however the episodes that are "available" on the internet have been broadcast by FOX anyway, therefore it's like giving a videotape of an tv episode you taped to a friend. Also nobody pays or demands money for it.
I'll also deleted all 2nd Season episodes once I had my DVD Set.

Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 04-01-2003 12:47 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2003 12:47 »

I believe it is also technically illegal to videotape shows on TV, but that nobody gives a damn. It's the sheer scale of the internet that is causing FOX and other companies consternation.

I think they're foolish for missing out on a huge market segment - I would certainly pay to watch a Futurama episode (even once) if it wasn't going to air here in the UK for a few months.

But I can see FOX's point (barely) - the whole advantage Sky One has is the ability to get US shows first (much like the movie channel's ability is to get movies first). The old adage, you get what you pay for, applies.

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 04-01-2003 12:48 »

All of my futurama episodes were 'acquired'(due to geographical reasons). I'd buy the DVD's if I had $150 lying around the house. :(

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 04-01-2003 12:53 »

I download them, and I do not feel guilty for it. It would take years before the latest episodes are aired in my area.

To me, it feels the same as watching them on TV, or taping them, and it 's not as if I don't support The Curiosity Company and (hate to admit it: ) Fox. I bought the season 1 and season 2 DVD's.

Once I get the other DVD's I plan to delete the episodes from my HDD.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #6 on: 04-01-2003 12:57 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2003 12:57 »

i have downloaded all the latest ones (well, i live in the uk - but we're catching up!!)but only to see them because im just to anxious to just wait whether sky will show them or not but it wont stop me from buying all the dvd's (i got the 2) when they are released or any of the other merchandise, besides, downloaded episodes are blurry and crap compared to dvd so even more reason to get 'em!!


and FOX have decided to cancel Futurama -

so they did cancel it, when was it announced officially anyone??

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 04-01-2003 13:25 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2003 13:25 »

May is when official cancellations will be made public, so we have a few more weeks.
As to downloading, I don't because I'm still dial-up, but I am videotaping the Cartoon Network reruns (and I have all of the newer ones taped off of Fox), so I don't see a big difference.

However - I did buy the Season 1 DVDs and I will buy all other sets as they become available in R1 (hurry up September!), but as long as you are not paying money or charging money for a download, then I don't see the real issue. Just promise to buy the DVDs if at all possible so Groening and Co. get paid as they more then deserve, and I say download away.

I can't believe, given the choice and if they actually had the money to buy them, anyone who goes to the trouble of downloading would not rather have the DVDs. As noted above, downloads tend to be inferior to even a VHS recording of a show on cheap tape.

If someone honestly can't afford the DVDs (and if you have broadband internet that would be a very, very hard case to prove) or geographically has no other choice, then it's not like anyone is really losing out on a sale due to the download. The real loser is FOX for not recognizing and taking advantage of the real potential of this show. It could easily have been their #2 show, second only to the Simpsons worldwide, meaning hundreds of millions in potential revenue they pissed away.

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 04-01-2003 13:36 »

I don't see the problem with downloading episodes once they've been aired.  Broadcasting essentially means that the content owner is providing their material to anyone who cares to partake of it.  I've never paid anyone for access to episodes on the net, nor do I know of others who have done so.  Fox is not losing direct revenue here (or the amount they are potentially losing is so small as to not matter, even to them).

I'd even be happy to have internet copied episodes with commercials embedded, ensuring that FOX gets all possible revenue from advertising.

As long as the downloads are being used for personal viewing and not for commercial viewing, FOX really doesn't have much of an arguement against viewers having copies. 

I've turned more than a few people onto the series by being able to show them clips on my PC - I wonder what FOX will give me as commision for expanding their audience???

Delivery Boy
« Reply #9 on: 04-01-2003 13:43 »

I can honestly say I would not be a fan if it weren't for the downloads.  I had forgotten about the series until I stumbled across them online.  Now I can't wait to see the new ones being broadcast, which means me in front of a TV watching Futurama and the commercials (which is what the executives want us watching anyway.) 

On the weekends I will load up all the episodes I have into a playlist and let them play.  Futurama - 24 hours a day, all weekend long! 

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 04-01-2003 14:02 »

Originally posted by drunkenangel:
I can honestly say I would not be a fan if it weren't for the downloads.  I had forgotten about the series until I stumbled across them online.  Now I can't wait to see the new ones being broadcast, which means me in front of a TV watching Futurama and the commercials (which is what the executives want us watching anyway.) 

I was just about to type that. If it wasn't for episode downloads and my cousin showing me 'Roswell That Ends Well' (downloaded) in Christmas '01 i still not have would remembered about Futurama, and FOX wouldn't have made money out of me from buying the DVD sets. So episode downloading has made FOX money in my case.

And ezy234, even if it's not technically cancelled it's going to be near impossible to get the show's creators back again. It's been on hiatus for over a year, would you wait a year for your job, not even knowing if you'd get one?
Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 04-01-2003 14:12 »

i dont see a problem with it especially if you live outside the US. but if you download the episode you should watch it on TV too so the ad people get their money's worth. or if you download it ahead of time (I know many of you download the FTV copies > :) )

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 04-01-2003 14:14 »

I have only ever downloaded "Roswell That Ends Well," for the simple reason that I will not see it on TV for months and months and I heard on PEEL that it was a really good ep.

I plan to only d/l two more eps, "They Why of Fry," and "Devil's Hands..." because I really love PEEL and I don't want to have to stop coming here in case I see spoilers for these 2 important eps which will not be broadcast in the UK for years :P

The reason I don't download more eps is because I am dial-up, if I had ADSL I would get all the latest eps and delete them once I got them on DVD. It aint really very wrong in my opinion.
« Reply #13 on: 04-01-2003 14:25 »

Well I try my best to see futurama evey sunday and you can bet your pennies that Im buying the DVDs and whatnot.  I dont see much of a problem with it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 04-01-2003 14:26 »

I downloaded all the episodes, cause I have to wait too long sice they'll air in germany.
I also don't like the german translation.
But I'm going to buy the DVDs.

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 04-01-2003 15:56 »

Originally posted by aslate:
If it wasn't for episode downloads and my cousin showing me 'Roswell That Ends Well' (downloaded) in Christmas '01 i still not have would remembered about Futurama, and FOX wouldn't have made money out of me from buying the DVD sets. So episode downloading has made FOX money in my case.

Exact same situation here. I forgot about the show because of its rampant pre-emptions, but through episode downloading, I fell back in love with the show. If Fox didn't want us to download episodes off the internet, then maybe they should actually *show* them on *TV* (gasp!)

I also bought the Season 1 DVD set, and will buy the Season 2 set when it hits the States. I support the show, although, without episodes online, I probably wouldn't even know it still existed.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #16 on: 04-01-2003 16:07 »

As a Norwegian, I'm left with only two options. Either pay TV2 a visit (again), and ask when that Season 4 we were promised about a year ago is supposed to air, or I could hook up my internet connection and download the episodes.
I buy all the DVDs, so FOX couldn't possibly make more money on me than they already do (though I realize downloading the episodes is illegal, and probably should be so too).

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #17 on: 04-01-2003 16:21 »

I'm basically in the same boat as Ricky.

I wrote probably about 2 snailmails and 2 dozen emails to TV2ZULU asking them when Futurama would return to the airwaves. Time and again they told me "soon", and on 3 occasions actually gave me a date, only to postpone it another 6 months (which they only told me after a new email).

Now they finally started airing them again, but in the meantime TV2Zulu have change from public tv to pay-tv (around 15-20 bucks/month). I love Futurama, but no way in hell would I pay that amount to see just one show, when the season 3 and 4 DVD's will be out within a year.

If I didn't have the oppurtunity to get episode on the net I would still be around AOI I, or so in the run.

I have both DVD sets, all the comics, the 2002 and 2003 calendars, and a few other stuff. So I really don't see how they could claim they've lost money on me downloading the eps.

I voted for option 1. Yes, it's illegal, but what choice do we have? It's not like I didn't try.
Oni Zyxer

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 04-02-2003 11:42 »

The only way it could be immoral is if you download as apposed to buying the DVD's, like, 'I don't need the DVD's, I've got all the eps on my computer'. THAT'S wrong. Otherwise, it's a-ok by me.

« Reply #19 on: 04-02-2003 11:55 »

Well the only reason I download episodes is to transcribe them at TNP as early as possible. If I didn't do that then I would probably wait until the episodes came round on Sky and then ask someone to tape them for me. And I only ever watch downloaded episodes a few times because the quality is so bad anyway.

Its not like we all download them then sell them to people (at least I don't...) so its hardly illegal. I think its fine if you know you won't see the episode for a long time.

Bending Unit
« Reply #20 on: 04-02-2003 12:24 »

I'm ready to buy all future DVDs (now I have german R2 S1+S2 DVDs, full price purchased of course) in spite of absence MY LANGUAGE SUPPORT, only thanks to internet (P2P). This is positive side of "piracy".

Delivery Boy
« Reply #21 on: 04-02-2003 12:57 »

This is positive side of "piracy".

A-Men to that   :cool:

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #22 on: 04-02-2003 17:26 »

Bottom line is, downloading has gained more fans for Futurama than lost them.

By Oni Zyxer:
The only way it could be immoral is if you download as apposed to buying the DVD's, like, 'I don't need the DVD's, I've got all the eps on my computer'. THAT'S wrong.

But going back to the tape comparison, how is that any worse than saying "well I've already recorded all the episodes, I don't need to buy the dvds". I don't think either is "wrong", I just think it's stupid. Who would want vhs tapes or crappy low-quality video files, when they could have clean looking, organized dvds with sexxy commentary?

Honestly I'll be glad when I can finally delete all these episodes that have been taking up half my hard-drive space.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #23 on: 04-02-2003 20:53 »

Seeing FOX gives us crap all the time, and the DVDs have yet to arrive in the States. I would say it's OK to get these eps electronically.

Originally posted by FishyJoe:
Who would want vhs tapes or crappy low-quality video files, when they could have clean looking, organized dvds

Actually it is possible to encode a downloadable video that looks almost as good as DVD. I have a couple videos in Divx format that are only about 900kbps in bitrate, yet are 640x480 in size and look smooth as butter. I haven't seen any like that for Futurama, this is more of an anime thing.


Bending Unit
« Reply #24 on: 04-02-2003 21:01 »

I see no issue with DLing previously broadcast episodes.  It is, as others have said, essentially the same as taping it on a VCR.

To take it a step further and address the internet and computer aspects....

It is like taping it, capturing it on your computer (since VHS tapes break and whatnot) and storing it in your computer.


Using the internet (email-bbs-etc.) to contact another fan and asking them to send you a copy of THEIR tape because you missed it (I did this once for FarScape)


Trading tapes and whatnot at a local convention or with your friends, at work, school, etc.

I'm sorry, I do know it potentially cuts into "entertianers" revenue, but I see no difference in this then I did in one of my "gang" buying the latest [fill in the band] album and then we all giving them blank tapes to make copies.

The Entertainment industry is going to have to evolve or die.


Delivery Boy
« Reply #25 on: 04-02-2003 21:25 »
« Last Edit on: 04-02-2003 21:25 »

I see no issues with it either, becuase given the opportunity, i would buy all the box sets, and i have bought them all up-to-date. IF its not worth buying, its not worth watching. Downloading is just a great way to reach the entire globe.

Space Pope
« Reply #26 on: 04-02-2003 21:27 »

My friends sent me almost all episodes
also I dont care if its illegal.

« Reply #27 on: 04-02-2003 23:17 »

OK by me. The quality is simply better than my tapes.

That said, I'm a US resident, and imported the S1 and S2 DVDs from the UK. I'm going to England this summer (will arrive June 8th) and will pick up the S3 DVDs while I'm there. FOX got a whole lot more of my money than they deserve.

I watch them on FOX and CN, so the advertisers get their money's worth. But there's a computer in my room and no VCR, so I can watch the eps in my room if I have them in electronic format. I also like burning VCDs so I can watch them on my DVD players (R1 locked - stupid Pioneer).

« Reply #28 on: 04-02-2003 23:19 »

I watch the show, i tape the show, i download the show, i buy the show when i is released on DVD. Its just another way to see your favorite TV show any time that you want.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #29 on: 04-02-2003 23:39 »

Any way you want it
Thats the way you need it
Any way you wa-aant it!!
Australian Guy

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #30 on: 04-03-2003 03:43 »
« Last Edit on: 04-03-2003 03:43 »

This thread hasnt been locked yet? ......................  :confused:   :cry:

Space Pope
« Reply #31 on: 04-03-2003 03:51 »

Why, it's not like we are talking about downloading episodes from the internet.
WHAT, we are?
*runs away*

Starship Captain
« Reply #32 on: 04-03-2003 03:53 »

I think it is okay if you live outside the US and there is no chance of them being on TV.

I live in Australia and I have not seen half of Futurama because it has not been on TV and I would download them...if only I knew were from :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #33 on: 04-03-2003 03:54 »

i dont see the problem in people like me who havnt even got to see season 4 yet downloading, i think the choice should be up to the creator of the show. I dont think matt would care.
Starship Captain
« Reply #34 on: 04-03-2003 04:00 »

Downloading's okay because Fox already has the money from the advertisements, right? So does it really matter if you download them?

Delivery Boy, here I come!
Australian Guy

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #35 on: 04-03-2003 04:09 »

Id tell you where to get them, but then the thread would definalty nbe locked. I have broadband. Its a really piss-poor situation in australia. The Max dl limit an Australian can get is 3 gig. And you have to sign into contracts. Id dl all the eps if given the chance. But Im only on the 1 gig plan, and i cant afford to pay for the DVD's so im stuck with the season ! Cd my freind gave me, and the ones i tape on air.

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #36 on: 04-03-2003 06:02 »

i live in Australia so there is no other way to see the episodes, but when each dvd comes out i will get it no matter wat, even if i have all the episodes.

Space Pope
« Reply #37 on: 04-03-2003 20:18 »

Originally posted by Australian Guy:
This thread hasnt been locked yet? ......................   :confused:    :cry:

As i said in the first post, this is about the ethics. The only download talk not allowed is when you talk about collections or how to get them.

Also, 3GB download limit? Wow! I only pay £23 a month, no limit, 512 DSL.

Starship Captain
« Reply #38 on: 04-04-2003 01:15 »

I download the episodes but I intend to buy every DVD sets that Fox will produce.

I don't feel bad because nobody is losing money, I am not stealing anything.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #39 on: 04-04-2003 01:20 »

I just buy the DVD's
Downloading is just a waste of my time
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