

1. Probably around 100. 2 Taco-bellevue hospital for broken robots. 3. George Michael, Marilyn Monroe, Madeleine Albright can't think of nay more either.

Bending Unit
1. something around 140? 2. Cedars-Sinewave Robot Hospital 3. "Any Celebrity from A.A. Milne to Z.Z. Top" Gwyneth Palthrow, Cleopatra, Marilyn Monroe, Heads in jars: Cheech, Michelle Gellar, Madeleine Albright, Harrison Ford, George Michael, Pamela Anderson, Nicole Kidman. i think that's all 
my man-wich!

Starship Captain
so can i have it..if i can then: 1. what is 'gummies cafeteria' in florida home of? 2. who was the 20th centuries greatest spiritual leader? 3. how many stars did the american flag have in 'roswell that ends well'? (p.s. i sort of copied btyrie's question but with a different question  )

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

wow you guys are some real hardcore fans, and i made the thread! kudos to you all...*hangs head in shame*
my man-wich!

Starship Captain
« Reply #452 on: 04-29-2006 06:50 »
« Last Edit on: 04-29-2006 06:50 »
yeah mate thats right. so to recap 1.answered- heat lamp 2.answered- al sharpton 3.answered- 48 your up bty (ff- well if that was a compliment to us thankyou  . I tried to make them hard so dont hang ya head)


i'll go becuz im about to go to skool and u can answer while im gone... 1.how many "pimples" did Macaulay Kulkonbot(srry bad spelling) have?? 2.How fast can the PE ship go? 3.When he's youthisized Professor needs a fake i.d for what???
hope theyre not too easy, first time lol.
H. G. Blob


1. -------------- 2. 99% light speed 3. Ultra porn.


nope..... but close... lol i had to watch it like three times to see the full number but... yah keep guessing....


it was 7! ok so either zoiby or H.G. Blob go.... (srry for stupid last Question!!! lol)