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Author Topic: Fox to run out Futurama over the summer?  (Read 1041 times)
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Action Jacktion

« on: 03-26-2003 14:22 »
« Last Edit on: 03-26-2003 14:22 »

According to these articles, Fox plans to pre-empt Futurama during the April-May sweeps period (replacing it, of course, with reruns of The Simpsons) and then run the remaining episodes over the summer.  I mentioned before that ABC did something similar with The Critic: they showed it in the early spring, cancelled it, and ran out their remaining episodes that summer.

Apparently Fox will run lots of other new stuff over the summer, including the new series Keen Eddie, more Temptation Island, and several new reality shows, including Junior American Idol (no, I didn't make that up).

If the stories are accurate, it seems that Futurama will finally be on a regular schedule, even though it's only for the show's last six or so episodes.  The scheduling problems would reach a new level of silliness if the show still gets pre-empted over the summer, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 03-26-2003 14:31 »

This might just make "McSeason 5" the shortest ever for a high-budget television show. And "McSeason 6" to snatch the title afterwards.

How does this play into my theory of a renewal during April/May, and a handfull of episodes held over for lead-in in the next season?

Not extremly well I guess, well it was a nice dillusion while it lasted.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #2 on: 03-26-2003 17:57 »

Junior American Idol?  :(

Crap, I'm hardly home during the summer because of vacations and what not.. damn you Fox!
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 03-26-2003 17:59 »

Originally posted by Teral:
This might just make "McSeason 5" the shortest ever for a high-budget television show. And "McSeason 6" to snatch the title afterwards.

Yay, somebody else used a word I invented!  :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 03-26-2003 20:27 »

that word has made its way into my daily vocabulary, and now i add MC to other words as well. You've started a revolution!

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 03-26-2003 23:48 »

Hell will freeze over if fox showed Futurama at a regular time for any extended period of time.  I'll make the shocking prediction that they won't get through the remaining episodes during the summer.
Spice Weasel

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 03-27-2003 00:27 »

^ I concur.  Even with the last few eps that only die hard fans want to see, fox will still fart around and fuck about with the airtimes and the series will peter out sometime between the cancellation of Oliver Beene and the introduction of America's Funniest War Bloopers.  Ooops...the cruise missile missed the bridge and hit the orphanarium...those kids sure get some major air!
S14 Nemesis

« Reply #7 on: 03-27-2003 00:55 »

Originally posted by en0mis:
Crap, I'm hardly home during the summer because of vacations and what not.. damn you Fox!

I second that.  Damn FOX!  Damnit to hell and don't come back  :mad:

Why can't they just keep the good damn shows on.   :cry:
Prowla RX7

Starship Captain
« Reply #8 on: 03-27-2003 00:57 »

As long as they play it on Sunday...  To sound like Roberto... "U playin it on Monday?  Monday, man?  Ima kill u!"
S14 Nemesis

« Reply #9 on: 03-27-2003 00:59 »

Roberto: "Stop tellin' me how to do my job!"

« Reply #10 on: 03-27-2003 02:29 »

Kill me or not, but I Kill me or not, but I like the idea. Who knows, maybe FOX can pull this off! After all, I love the summer, and summer, combined with new Futurama equals a very, very good summer...like the idea. Who knows, maybe FOX can pull this off! After all, I love the summer, and summer, combined with new Futurama equals a very, very good summer...
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