Yah Theres a Few: 1.Jurrasic Bark(The song: i will wait for you by Connie Francis) 2.Time keeps on slippin' (Fry Tries everything for Leela) 3.The luck of the Fry-rish 4.The Devils Hands Are idle playthings(I dont know why!?!)
J. Samuel Lyons
Delivery Boy
Leela's homeworld was sad because when I first saw it I thought Leela was going mad when she cornered her parents in their house, and also because of the end music. Jurassic Bark was just all out sad because Fry was hopelessly rallying trying to get his dog back. Also because of the fact when Bender throws fossilised Seymour into the lava and Fry tries to go in there and get him out but Leela and Amy have to hold him back. Time Keeps On Slipping when Fry and Leela finally get married but Leela won't accept that Fry didn't use drugs or anything and then Fry yells "wait" when they were going to blow up the stars that he moved for Leela and no-one but him saw them. Parasite's Lost because Fry was so smart but he was really romantic because he said "I have to see if you love me or the worms". That was so sad. And I loved it when he played the holo-phoner the second time (after he got rid of the worms) Luck Of The Fry-rish because of all the flashbacks and the end music, especially when we see the flashback of Yancy (Fry's brother) when he says "I have a name for him..." That was really sad.
#1: The Sting: Just wake up! "It got through Fry, it got through." Best episode ever!
#2: Time Keeps On Slipping: Definatly when Leela accuses him of tricking her, when she says 'i guess not' on the bridge but more so the final scene: 'then what?' 'Nothing...'
#3: Love and Rocket: The U leave me breathless scene did it for me. Come on! how did he not get a kiss after that?!
#4: The Why of Fry: The scene under the cryogenics table at the end. "You really think i would of had a chance with Leela???" and of course the following scenes involving photos.
#5: Devils Hands: Final Scene of course!
how bout the last episode? even though its not the most emotional part it just got me sad thinking that the story ends there.
Liquid Emperor
the ones that do it for me are: The end of Jurassic bark The Sting and the end of The Devils hands-they get me every time......
just jurrasic park a small tear dripped out of the corner of my eye
Somehow those dinosaurs just didn't do it for me =P Too many people were getting eaten for me to get upset
its got to be jurrasic bark of the sting were fry is telling leela to wke up at the end
Ah, there are two tearjerker topics? I hope no one minds me copying and pasting my response from the other topic then.
I'll have to vote a tie between 'Luck of the Fryrish', 'Sting' and 'Time Keeps on Slipping' They all are sad, but in different ways. I'd like to note before I start that these also happen to be my favorite episodes, for this.
Luck of the Fryrish is just something unexpected. You spend the episode thinking his brother is a tremendous jerk, and a thief, but that moment where you discover that in truth he not only never forgot Fry, but genuinely cared about him, and named his nephew after him..and that perfect cue on the music, too. Honestly, most shows that would've just killed it and made it corny, but it was done right.
For me, 'Sting' and 'Time Keeps on Slipping' are both sad for very similar reasons. Of course, it deals with Leela. However, I think why I find them sad differs somewhat from what most people would say.
Sting not only really breaks the mold by having the guts to very seemingly kill a main character, but also heavily implies suicide. Most shows, especially comedies, never dare to even come close to that, and just for having the guts to do it is one of the reasons Futurama is one of my favorite shows. And that, of course, adds to the overall effect of the episode because part of it is just shock that a comedy would do that.
But in Sting, aside from feeling sad for Leela because of what she's going through, with insanity, stress, and depression..you also see for once just how much she truly cares about Fry. You see a side of Leela you never really see. You never really think about the possibility of Leela having a breakdown, especially one *not* due to anger or stress caused by crazy mishaps. This episode just really left an impression on me, and is one of the reasons Leela is quite possibly my favorite character, when before I ranked her high, but had no second thoughts about putting Fry, Zoidberg, Kif, and Bender above her.
Time Keeps on Slipping is similar in that it's sad for romantic reasons, but it's painful to finally see Fry figure how to get a girl he loves so much finally love him back, only to have it all blow up 3 seconds later. What makes it more impactful is that it wasn't a hilarious backfire that causes a huge but hilarious misunderstanding;..All that happened was he lost his chance. And because of that, it stings all the more. No hilarious antics arise, he just loses his chance, and only he knows about it. There's nothing he can do about it; he can't prove that he did anything and he can't even repeat his actions. He truly has just been dealt a harsh blow.
Honorable mention to Parasites Lost for similar reasons. He finally gets Leela to like him, but has to deal with her not really loving *him*..just, in effect, the parasites. That Fry is honorable enough, and cares about Leela enough, to want her to really love *him*, and not just the parasites..that he'd even notice that in the first place, much less going through the process of removing them..It just really shows you how good of a guy he is.
He *had* Leela..yet he didn't. It wasn't him, and he knew this. He could've kept the parasites, and had all the hot cyclops sex he wanted, but that wouldn't have been right, and he knew it. It takes a really strong and caring man to change things for what you know is right, when you have your dream come true.
And that after that, Leela just kicks him out, truly hits the point home. She really *didn't* love him, but the parasites. Painful.
The best (In a depressing kind of way) episode for me is "Jurassic Bark" It's just the combination of that music with the images of the dog waiting and waiting, through all the seasons. I never thoought a cartoon could have such emotion and be so touching. That song just gets e every time. The worst lyric (when i say worst i kinda mean best) is: I will wait for you For a thousand summers. Ahhh god im making myself sad. I gotta end this post.
Bending Unit
About "The Sting" --
Aristobulus is right: The episode shows how much Leela cares for Fry. But, Aristobulus, I would add that it also shows (even if only in the final minutes) how much Fry cares for Leela. He stayed there talking to her until she woke up; and without him, it is implied, she would not have woken from her coma.
And what really makes me tear up, especially because it makes me smile, too, are the final voice-over words:
Leela: [whispering] You could really use a shower.
Fry: [whispering] You too!
If you want proof of how close Fry and Leela are, this episode, summed up by its final, funny-yet-touching words, spells out their relationship better than a thousand words by me could.
Strawberry Cat
Has an episode ever made you cry? I personally have never cried while enjoying an episode of my favorite cartoon television show but many tell me they cried during Jurassic Bark. (the episode)
Anyone who doesn't cry at the end of "Jurassic Bark" has no soul.
Strawberry Cat
I can tell by your avatar you are quite the animal lover!
I too am a softy but I just can't bring myself to cry during a cartoon.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by NastyInThePasty:
Anyone who doesn't cry at the end of "Jurassic Bark" has no soul. I never believed that Seymour died when he layed down, as it was obvious he died standing up. Thusly, I did not cry. However, Time Keeps on Slippin' was depressing and made me cry, and Leela's Homeworld made me tear up with happiness to an extent that has only been recently matched by last week's Doctor Who.
Officer 1BDI
Starship Captain
« Reply #309 on: 06-12-2008 01:41 »
« Last Edit on: 06-12-2008 01:41 »
Originally posted by NastyInThePasty: Anyone who doesn't cry at the end of "Jurassic Bark" has no soul. *slumps further into her seat* See Xanfor's reason; I was too confused to feel sad at the time. I have cried during episodes before... just not that one. I started to cry at the end of Fryrish, but my little sisters walked into my room just as the episode was ending; the older one took one look at me and asked me in this really condescending tone if I was going to start crying over a cartoon, and suddenly my bittersweet tears gave way to offense. I was still pretty emotionally numb after watching the episode, though. I made up for the lack of crying the next season. I completely lost it a few hours after I watched "The Sting" the first time. It took me a while for the full impact of the episode to hit me... I actually cried myself to sleep that night. And, of course, I cried after watching the (at the time) series finale.
I used to cry when things were sad, but now I laugh when random people are getting slaughtered.
I was just kidding! XD But seriously, I love bender....ALOT! I felt sad on the episode he played as god to a microscopic people of some type. T_T So sad, why did they have to die? WHY!?!?
Starship Captain
No tears, but I remember the first time I saw The Sting. I think it is a great episode and it put a lump in my throat. Fryrish and Bark are good, but I always felt the Fry/Leela episodes to have the most emotional impact
DOOP Secretary
I'm going to admit that it was Fryrish for me. That was like the third episode I ever saw and I think it's what really hooked me into the show. The one's I'd seen before that were hilarious but it's that extra level of brilliance that really did it for me.
DOOP Secretary
When I first saw The Sting, I at fist thought that Fry actually did die and was sad. Then I realized he couldn't have, or the final 6 episodes of Season 4 would be really bad.
Jurassic Bark and Time Keeps On Slippin' were very touching, but I didn't cry. At least I don't remember... Maybe I'm so manly that I don't remember...
I, um, cried myself to sleep after seeing Fryrish...