I haven't cried at any of them. But I did feel emotional while watching a few:
The Sting Leela's Homeworld Jurassic Bark
OK, I admit it! There was maybe half a tear at the end of JB. You happy now?
The one i luv is time keeps on slipping
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
I cried along with you Coilette. *sobs*
Other than Jurassic Bark, i think i cried during The Sting, and TDHAIPT.
Bender + Zoidy
I cried at Parasites Lost for the ending, as well as the end sequence in Jurassic Bark. I cried at the Phillip J. Fry ending in Luck of the Fryish and I cried at the "See You On Some Other Channel" beggining in Devil's Hands as well as the ending. Also, I cried at the end of Time Keeps on Slippin' for the "I LOVE YOU LEELA" part and the ending with Bender humming the Globetrotter tune. Also, if I can say I cried for laughter it would have to be the 100 cups of coffee in 300 Big Boys.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Yeah i cried at the beginning and end of TDHAIPT and at the end of time keeps on slipping too, both great episodes!
Oh, and Welcome to PEEL Bender+Zoidy! It's Highly Addictive!
Action Jacktion
« Reply #174 on: 03-29-2004 16:49 »
« Last Edit on: 03-29-2004 16:49 »
Originally posted by boxie: What does shippy mean? That question gets asked a lot. "Shippy" moments are those that deal with the romantic relation ship between two characters (in this case, Fry and Leela). A "shipper" (short for "relationshipper" ) is someone who likes the romance between those characters and wants them to get together.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
It's handy having someone with a good vocabulary around!
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Ya know, its really weird talking about this if you think aboot it. Talking about how a comedic cartoon made us cry. W.E.I.R.D.
But i must digress, I've cried along with you...
Bender + Zoidy
Like I said earlier I think Luck of the Fryish and Jurassic Bark are the two saddest.
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Yep, im with you there Bender+Zoidy. The Sting and Devils Hands too.
The Professie
Definately Jurassic Bark. Get a lump in my throat everytime i watch it. As DXC says on the commentary, "If you don't start sobbing at the end of Jurrasic Bark then you're a cold heartless bastard." or something like that.
Also Luck Of The Fryish always tugs at my heart strings.
Originally posted by Chanukah Zombie: Has anyone ever wept over something they saw in Futurama? I don't smoke weed very often but I was stoned out of my mind when I saw "Leela's Homeworld" and I bawled like an infant at the ending. Weed just takes away your inhibitions. You usually don't do anything you wouldn't want to do otherwise. So, I'm gonna say that I was genuinely moved by that scene. There were also a few others that tugged at my heart-strings. How about you? Did you ever sniffle or swallow a lump in your throat or go misty-eyed over the lives of the Planet Express crew? Be honest now. If not, what would you say were the most emotional moments in the show so far? you actually remembered what you did while stoned? impressive...
I cried myself to sleep the night I watched the end of "Jurassic Bark".
I just saw JURRASIC BARK on DVD and i couldnt help but shed a tear when i saw Fry make the decision about Seymour, the music that played at the end also really added to the moment. God i loved it.