The fact that Australia is quite a way behind the US in tv airings! ...which meant I had to get internet with unlimited downloads... @carb, he's a robot, he's programmed to use that phrase, stopping ripping on the poor mexican / microsoft programmer that programmed him
Action Jacktion
I've never liked the heads in jars. It just seems to me like a transparent way of getting celebrities to play themselves in a setting that shouldn't have recognizable people, so they can continue the Simpsons tradition of having ordinary people meet an unbelievable number of celebrities. It's supposed to be a joke, but after seeing it so much you have to wonder why the heads don't get new bodies (if you can bring a dead person back to life, why do only their head?), and someone else asked why the characters know so little about the past when all of these people from the past are still around. Maybe it's a geeky quibble, but it still bugs me. I think it would have worked as a one-time joke, and the situation in "I Dated a Robot" made sense, but otherwise I think it's silly and overdone.
Of course, as far back as The Flintstones, famous people have usually played themselves in cartoons because it can be hard to tell whose voice it is (it took me the longest time to realize that Jeff Goldblum played Troy McClure's agent MacArthur Parker).
Space Pope
Originally posted by LittleMiss: Okay, so it *really* irks me for some reason when ever Bender overuses the phrase "bite my shiny metal ass" or tweeks it a bit (such as "Bite my frozen, metal ass" or "Bite my colossal metal ass" ).
I think it's been used enough, but not too much. He hasn't said it much recently either. It also irritates me when they say that robots don't have emotions when Bender clearly does. That's the whole point of that gag! Bender: 'Robots don't have emotions, and sometimes that makes me very sad' Hillarious! I'm not 100% sure about that quote
Urban Legend
Personally, I've always felt that the more low-key appearences (like Jeff Goldblum) always worked so much better on the Simpsons than the latter-day actual celebrity appearence (with the notable exception of Leonard Nimoy; and then only because he made so much fun of himself unabashedly). IMHO, the best celebrity appearence on The Simpsons was Dustin Hoffman (in "Lisa's Substitute). Futurama peeves? How dare you state such a blasphemous thing! Sorry, sorry. I've obviously been watching too much FOX News on Sky here - possibly the most entertaining and biased news channel in the history of creation. .
DOOP Secretary
But come on, with head in jars, we wouldn't have NIXON!!!
Urban Legend
Originally posted by Teral:
Now for my pet peeve: the fact that not a single member of the Turanga family can cry convincingly! It sounds forced and fake. I never thought I should say this, but there is a part of Leela I don't like, namely the fake crying. I know katey is capable of doing better. i completely agree with that. it kind of kills the mood when the crying is bad, And i know Katey can do better, i've seen her do better. in Trail Of Tears she had me in tears
Starship Captain
Originally posted by Teral: Now for my pet peeve: the fact that not a single member of the Turanga family can cry convincingly! It sounds forced and fake. I never thought I should say this, but there is a part of Leela I don't like, namely the fake crying. I know katey is capable of doing better. I totally agree, Teral. LoL Her cries are so fake... I don't think I've ever seen her cry good once, kinda like Britney Spears and her shitty performance in "Crossroads". Leela is much better, though! But LMAO, when Fry cries it's just so cute. He sounds like a little boy or something. :] Another pet peeve of mine is when they make one of the characters say something stupid completely out of character. Like Leela saying "We're boned". WTF, that's Bender's line, bitch! LoL, j/k. I love Leela. <33 :] That does kinda bug me, though, when the writers sometimes make the characters OUT of character. So does Hermes... he's just... always there for no apparent reason. O___o
transgender nerd under canada
DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by Kryten: Never getting to see it. That, and the fact that at the end of "The Cryonic Woman" Fry falls out of a moving spaceship, jobless. Next episode ("Amazon Women In The Mood" - opener for S3) he's unhurt, and a delivery boy with PX. What the HELL happened between TCW and AWITM ?
Space Pope
Originally posted by LittleMiss: I completely agree, totalnerduk!
And I hate it when they make Bender a complete asshole sometimes. Like when he's *too* mean, ya know?
And I don't like Nibbler for some reason. O___o He just seems to have absolutely no point on the show what-so-ever except to fuel the ship... and be Leela's annoying, slobbery pet.
--Missy Nibbler: Froze Fry (seems likely) Race is one of the most powerful Helped save earth from giant brains Cute in a weird way Often funny. But where is he? He seems to be missing, he's not even in a 'dog' basket or wandering around the PE buildings.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by LittleMiss: I completely agree, totalnerduk!
And I hate it when they make Bender a complete asshole sometimes. Like when he's *too* mean, ya know?
As in "A Pharaoh To Remember". Yeah, that was pretty bad. Not even Leela in that skimpy slave girl garb could save that episode, thanks to Bender's over-the-top cruelty.
Bending Unit
Originally posted by aslate: Nibbler:
But where is he? He seems to be missing, he's not even in a 'dog' basket or wandering around the PE buildings. Nibbler probably remains around as Fry's "bodyguard"... Let's face it, Fry's a clumsy idiot. Who knows how many time's Nibbler's saved his life? Nibbler stays around a takes care of Fry, so Fry can take care of everybody else when a problem with the Brain Spawn arrises, or something. As for he recent semi-absence (we've seen him in Crimes of the Hot, but no other episode, right?), maybe he's off on Nibblonian buisness. Or, much more likely, at good ole Apartment 1-I. As for missions: Crimes of the Hot: Deliver Giant Ice Cube Route of All Evil: none Jurassic Bark: none Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch: Deliver headache medicine Less Than Hero: none So, two out of five... Maybe we'd get more missions if FOX aired the show more often.
Some people will kill me for this, but I never thought amy had much of a purpose other than her relationship with kiff, which is one of the funnier reccuring storylines. The only thing I can think of that bothered me was that they gave a whole episode to Lucy Lu and treated her as some hugely famous celebrity when I had absolutely NO freaking clue who she was until long after the episode aired. I still only know because I've been told. I've never seen her in anything. Same with all my friends who saw the ep.
Bending Unit
Originally posted by Scythemantis: The only thing I can think of that bothered me was that they gave a whole episode to Lucy Lu and treated her as some hugely famous celebrity when I had absolutely NO freaking clue who she was until long after the episode aired. I still only know because I've been told. I've never seen her in anything. Same with all my friends who saw the ep. That was on actually a big part of the joke. Lucy Liu is not a huge star. She is a celebrity very popular with fanboys - the kind who would download her looks to blank robot in order to make out (and more) - who appriciate her physical attributes and couldn't care less about any acting accomplishments. It's like when you see someone's web site name "hot women". The average person would probably only recognize half of the names, with a Google search revealing the rest to be minor cookie cutter actresses and/or models. The writers of Futurama are very smart and Lucy was a great choice for the role. What impressed me (and gave me a new respect for Liu) is that she was obviously in on and supported the joke by making fun of her two best known accomplishments "Ally McBeal" and "Charlie's Angels". Most other "fanboy faves" would never do that. Would Britney Spears make a joke about her cheesy music or Crossroads? Not in 1000 years.
Originally posted by S14 Nemesis: Okay, so it *really* irks me for some reason when ever Bender overuses the phrase "bite my shiny metal ass" or tweeks it a bit (such as "Bite my frozen, metal ass" or "Bite my colossal metal ass" ). It also irritates me when they say that robots don't have emotions when Bender clearly does. It's just a weird lil' pet peeve of mine about Futurama. Other than that, I love this show! I gotta agree with you there. I thought that Futurama wanted Bender to say that catch phrase is so they can sell Bender dolls that say that catch phrase. It got annoying after a while I gotta say. And how does a robot shed tears?! Wouldnt the tears be oil or something? Ah well I'm waisting my energy on this arent I. I like futurama dont get me wrong, its just the little mistakes they make