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Author Topic: A Nightmare Scenario  (Read 2280 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #40 on: 03-09-2003 05:11 »

There's definitely not another "Anthology of Interest" - since when the writers were making Season 4, AOI2 had still not yet aired.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #41 on: 03-09-2003 09:21 »

And the title of the episode would obviously be ANthology Of Interest III", if it was an AOI.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #42 on: 03-09-2003 19:18 »

Originally posted by Grim:
I was under the impression that the farnsworth parabox was possibly a THOH format episode, I could be wrong tho

That thought did occur to me, but from the description on TLZ I get the feeling there may be more to it than that.

Bending Unit
« Reply #43 on: 03-09-2003 20:27 »

Fry won't die, that would make an un-open-ended episode. DXC was making a joke about the radioactive monkey thing.

Pure speculation, based on the one-line synopsis of "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings" (So I guess spoilers if you haven't read it):

1.) Fry tries to get Leela again.
2.) Leela shoots him down, Fry is sad.
3.) Encounters Robot devil, sells soul for hands
4.) Performs
5.) Gets out of soul selling
6.) At the very end of the episode, he and Leela kiss.

And that's what I think will happen. I'm most sure of #6 - I can't think of a more fitting pseudo-ending. Fry is finally totally accepted, basically solving the "big conflict" of the series: Fry is unhappy. Its the only thing left un-done, people! From the very first episode, we saw how unhappy Fry was and sympathized with him. No friends, bad job, no love, all around un-happy. But through the course of the series, he's gained friends, come to have a job he enjoys - the only thing keeping him from happyness is the lack of love (Leela). He and Leela kissing, while not cementing any relationship, would serve as the perfect ending. Should the show return, they don't HAVE to be dating! They could be, or they could be dating in a non-serious setting, or they could be still "just friends". In any of these three situation, the crew would continue to have wild, out there space adventures. Travel to distant planets, test their relationships with each other - hell, there's a world of depth to be explored with Kif's character, Amy's character, Farnsworth's character, Hermes' character, and the relationships between the following: Zapp & Leela, Zapp & Fry (if Fry and Leela hook up), Kif & Amy, Zoidberg & Hermes... The list goes on, and on, and on.

So, my two cents. Completely groundless, but... Hey, whaddya gonna do.

Urban Legend
« Reply #44 on: 03-09-2003 20:41 »

i agree with everything he just said!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #45 on: 03-10-2003 14:25 »

Apart from the "Fry and Leela dating is a possibility" part it's pretty much my opinion.

As for kissing in the end, wouldn't it be more fitting to leave us gussing? Fry and Leela share "a moment" at the end, after some big action, almost like the end of "Love & Rocket" (sans Zoidberg). Implying that something could develop, but not for sure. Come to think of it, the handtouching scene from "Love & Rocket" would be the perfect ending to ""The Devils Hands...".

IMO, ofcourse.

I think I wrote something similar a couple of months back.

Ah, here it is.

And finally remember what Sarge told us about "The Devils Hands...":
Sarge: ...a real bittersweet ending. (relating to idle hands).

Urban Legend
« Reply #46 on: 03-10-2003 14:33 »

Of course, a nice science-fiction way to have the two dating is for an alternate-universe Leela show up in "The Farnsworth Parabox", and have Fry and HER date  ;).

(Dang, I almost wrote two "of course"'s there  ;))

However, I'm sure this would enrage certain 'shippers, a la "Course : Oblivion" (shudder) and "Drive".

« Reply #47 on: 03-10-2003 15:09 »

I agree with most of the things you said BNLbum but I think Fry will end up playing the holophoner for Leela or maybe even the gold violin.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #48 on: 03-10-2003 16:15 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
Of course, a nice science-fiction way to have the two dating is for an alternate-universe Leela show up in "The Farnsworth Parabox", and have Fry and HER date   ;).

Now there's an awesome idea! I hope that happens, that would be class  :)

PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #49 on: 03-10-2003 18:39 »

Originally posted by CyberKnight:
Of course, a nice science-fiction way to have the two dating is for an alternate-universe Leela show up in "The Farnsworth Parabox", and have Fry and HER date   ;).

(Dang, I almost wrote two "of course"'s there   ;))

However, I'm sure this would enrage certain 'shippers, a la "Course : Oblivion" (shudder) and "Drive".

Two Leelas could never enrage me.  :love:
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