hey everyone, i need your help. the english teacher is making us write a persuasive essay, so i decided to do it on keeping Futurama on the air. we need 5 sources to back us up (magazine, internet, etc.) and i'd like yo use some of your input in my essay to back up my main points. so, just a few, short quotes will do. also, any suggestions for additional main points? i;ve chosen a few, but i haven't decided on them yet. Well, here's the
ROUGH draft of the intro paragraph:
It’s Sunday night, 7 p.m. You flip through the channels on the television to examine what exactly is on the tube. “Hollywood Squares? Nah. Dateline NBC? Too boring. Gilmore Girls? Too predictable!” are the thoughts that pound your mind. All of a sudden, you stumble on to a fascinating, sarcastically witty program. The humor, the plot twists, the characters! You can’t believe a show like this has been on the air for years and you’ve never heard of it! As you stare blankly into the set, you become more and more engrossed by the second. Just before your eyes are allowed to view the exciting conclusion, static can be heard as wavy lines appear throughout the screen. You bang the television—no use—the show is gone and can’t be brought back. Who could have committed such a horrible act? You notice that the cord protruding from the television set is unplugged, and wrapped tightly around it are cold dead hands—the cold dead hands of FOX Broadcasting Company. Who dares to support a company that will “pull the plug” on such a great show? Not me, that’s for sure.
Thanks for your help everyone.
Mods: i wasn;t sure where to place this topic, general discussion or off-topic. So feel free to move it if i put in the wrong place.
Thanks again!

[edit] i just remembered to mention the show name...hehe...oh well, ill add it in the end of that paragraph somewhere. you get the idea though