
Delivery Boy
« on: 01-20-2003 16:29 »
soz about the last (almost crypted message) I kinda found this board after a "fun" day out..... but i need some questions answered because england sucks for tv. So, does anyone know if and when all episodes are gonna be shown/repeated and if so what channel? i sorta missed seasons 3,4 and 5 so i feel i'm kinda missing out  Also, i read a post about a possibility of the latter seasons not being released on to DVD, is this true? if it is then i will vouch to bring FOX down in anyway possible....... Thanks chumps.


aslate: Is CN in the UK showing Futurama? I thought it was only CN USA.

DOOP Secretary

Sky listings can be found at FSAC, including when new epidodes will be on, look here.


there are reports of season 3 dvd being avaliable in europe by may time or so. i really hope its true, as i will be collecting every dvd set i can now the show has been cancelled.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

The info about the release date for season 3 come from payndz, so it's quite reliable. And stop moaning about bad scheduling of Futurama, I have you all beat.  No Futurama for almost 15 months, no info on when (if ever) we'll get new episodes, and the station broadcasting it here just started to charge you 20$/month. So I don't even have the channel anymore.


Teral: Where are you and what station is that?


20 U.S. Dollars per month? I don't even think HBO charges that much here; it's about 12 U.S. Dollars per month.
We have PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), which is a nationwide network supported by viewer and corporate donations. Around here (North Carolina) it's broadcast on multiple stations statewide by the University of North Carolina. Maybe TV2Zulu could go that way?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Zulu is actually taking the different direction. Moving from public funds to commercial business. Corporate donations would be viewed as very suspicious here, as many think it would color the news coverage of TV2. Besides it's just not part of our cultur.
We have 4 national tv stations here: DRTV, DR2, TV2 and TV2Zulu (DR2 and TV2Zulu only on cable or sattelite).
DRTV/DR2 are 100% public funded (tax-money) and owned, in exchange of providing a broad range of quality programs.
TV2/TV2Zulu are part public, part advertizing funded and act as a private company. Although the state own all shares, the station act autonomous. claiming the ad market has been low the last couple of years, they announced that TV2Zulu would switch to payment. They emmidiately lost 60% of viewership, as lots of community reciever unions opted out, until they had the chance to ask their members if they would like to keep Zulu, and pay the prize. Most expect the members to turn down Zulu.
And that's very I stand. Not that it's a bad thing. I suspect Zulu never would air season 3 and 4 anyway.
Wow, got carried away there.


I'm sorry.
All I can say is the D-word.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Already there.  That's how I keep up with you Americans.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Lee Roberts: Did anyone see Seson Three on Channel Four? I did and didn't miss a single episode! Hello Lee you may not miss a single episodes but you have missed every scenes with C4 has cut.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by ezy234: Also, i read a post about a possibility of the latter seasons not being released on to DVD, is this true? if it is then i will vouch to bring FOX down in anyway possible.......
Thanks chumps. Don't worry, luckily all Seasons are now out on DVD... Unless you're R1...