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Author Topic: Goodbye Futurama. FOX schedule for Feb  (Read 2618 times)
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Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 01-22-2003 15:22 »
« Last Edit on: 01-22-2003 15:22 »

Could it be that FOX intend to save all the episodes they can't find the time (ha!) to air this season for spot coverage whenever they find themself with a 20 minute gap in the schedule?

5 December 2008: Because of the earlier than scheduled end of todays Glutton Bowl, FOX is proud to present the all-new Futurama episode "The Why Of Fry".

Okay, maybe not this extreme, but unless they manage to air all episodes before May, or (more unlikely) they order a 5ACV production, they're left with a bunch of episodes with a high price-tag and no slot to air them. Either the 6th season of Futurama will be the shortest ever for a tv program, or the episodes will be used as filler.

Unless the Apocalypse is upon us, and FOX order more episodes.

Bending Unit
« Reply #41 on: 01-22-2003 16:28 »

Originally posted by Zed 85:
Then again, I may be better off just waiting a couple of months anyway and have Sky One actually treat it infinitely better.

Hah hah hah! Oh wait, you're being serious. Let me laugh even harder. BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!  :D

The only way that Sky treats Futurama 'better' than Fox is that once it starts showing it, it *usually* keeps on doing so. Except when it decides to pre-empt it for the latest crappy Hallmark miniseries, Hear'Say Live special, unmissable double bill of Dream Team, six consecutive episodes of The Simpsons that you've seen eight times already or anything else that takes its fancy.

Then there's the 6:30pm censorship, Annoying Voiceover Bitch babbling away about sodding Dream Team over the end credits, the ever-growing Sky One All New bug in the top-left corner...

I thought the best slot Futurama ever had was the 8:30pm Tuesday slot, as it could go out uncut. What's there now? Boot Camp! Frankly, Sky is very nearly as moronic as Fox, just with a smaller budget.

But then, we're suckers for watching it, so what does that say about us? After all, we're paying to watch *adverts*!

« Reply #42 on: 01-22-2003 16:36 »
« Last Edit on: 01-22-2003 16:36 »

I wouldnt be surprised if CN doesnt know yet if they can show new episodes or not.  they have about 3 seasons to show on CN before they can air an episode that might not have aired on fox yet.  so advertising new episodes, but not for a few months, would be idiotic in my opinion.  they arent gonna do that.

A very bad example would be that they got the rights to the first season of pokemon and no other seasons, and advertise it as 'the first season of pokemon on cartnoon network'.  Not just advertising it as pokemon on cartoon network.

« Reply #43 on: 01-24-2003 18:14 »

Lets just hope they really are making new episodes.  Does anyone think CN would buy Family Guy.  (Another Great Animated Show, Cancelled Before Its Time.)

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #44 on: 01-25-2003 03:15 »

Back to the original topic: No Futurama on the 9th. 16th and 23rd are also unlikely. Weeeeee.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #45 on: 01-25-2003 03:35 »

Originally posted by payndz:
 Hah hah hah! Oh wait, you're being serious. Let me laugh even harder. BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!   :D

The only way that Sky treats Futurama 'better' than Fox is that once it starts showing it, it *usually* keeps on doing so. Except when it decides to pre-empt it for the latest crappy Hallmark miniseries, Hear'Say Live special, unmissable double bill of Dream Team, six consecutive episodes of The Simpsons that you've seen eight times already or anything else that takes its fancy.

Then there's the 6:30pm censorship, Annoying Voiceover Bitch babbling away about sodding Dream Team over the end credits, the ever-growing Sky One All New bug in the top-left corner...

I thought the best slot Futurama ever had was the 8:30pm Tuesday slot, as it could go out uncut. What's there now? Boot Camp! Frankly, Sky is very nearly as moronic as Fox, just with a smaller budget.

But then, we're suckers for watching it, so what does that say about us? After all, we're paying to watch *adverts*!

I still stand by my original opinion.  ;) No matter what shit Sky does to Futurama, it's still infinitely better than FOX.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #46 on: 01-25-2003 06:16 »

So long FOX!!.

Urban Legend
« Reply #47 on: 01-25-2003 06:19 »

I'm willing to back you up there, Zed 85. FOX treats Futurama with *zero* promotion, *zero* respect, in fact *zero* anything. Sky treats it at least a tiny bit better. Thus, any number divided by zero gives infinity. Proving it is technically true that Sky treats Futurama *infinitely* better than FOX.

P.S. If you're English, like me, replace zero with nought, if you insist. I like zero ("The Z makes it sound cool"  ;)).

P.P.S. Alright, I know technically that dividing by zero gives undefined.

P.P.P.S (if it exists) And dividing zero by zero is defined as 1.  ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #48 on: 01-25-2003 16:23 »

Originally posted by [-mArc-]:
Back to the original topic: No Futurama on the 9th. 16th and 23rd are also unlikely. Weeeeee.

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