Matt Wilson
That's an accurate guess, yes. I do expect FOX to keep this same schedule every week. I imagine they're doing this for Sweeps month.
But if I recall, FOX did this last year to Futurama too.. by removing the Sunday night airing and sticking it on Thursday nights so it could be pre-empted by movies. So far, I don't see it scheduled on Thursdays (the TV grids don't go that far, anyway).
Matt Wilson
But I do so enjoy drawing conclusions early.
Originally posted by Matt Wilson: It also means CN will be able to air all the new Futurama episodes before FOX can. Interesting. Do we know that the contract says that CN can air unaired episodes? That seems strange that FOX would allow CN first-run rights. CN has currently scheduled through "Bender Gets Made" on February 16 which is way behind FOX. That's 2ACV13. But they could easily catch up. (See http://schedule.cartoonnetwork.com/servlet/ScheduleServlet?action=viewAll&showID=324815&show=Futurama) FOX's next unshown episode is production code 4ACV04 according to Shadowstar. Since CN is showing them in production order, let's count: 17 2ACV14 18 2ACV15 19 2ACV16 20 2ACV17 23 2ACV18 24 2ACV19 25 3ACV01 26 3ACV02 27 3ACV03 ------MARCH------ 2 3ACV04 3 3ACV05 4 3ACV06 5 3ACV07 6 3ACV08 9 3ACV09 10 3ACV10 11 3ACV11 12 3ACV12 13 3ACV13 16 3ACV14 17 3ACV15 18 3ACV16 19 3ACV17 20 3ACV18 23 3ACV19 24 3ACV20 25 3ACV21 26 3ACV22 27 4ACV01 30 4ACV02 31 4ACV03 ------APRIL------ 1 4ACV04 ----------------------------------------- So we should see "Less than Hero" on April 1. According to TVTome, "Less than Hero" is the next episode on Fox's To-Air list. If FOX doesn't show a new ep of Futurama through February and March, CN could show a first-run! Check my work.
Matt Wilson
FOX allows CN to air first-run episodes. CN has the rights to ALL of the episodes, not just seasons 1 through 3. ALL 72 EPISODES.
Matt Wilson
Also, if FOX airs Less Than Hero first, that doesn't mean CN won't air other episodes before FOX. Especially considering how FOX keeps separating new episodes by weeks at a time.
DOOP Secretary
Am I surprised? No. Am I saddened? Yes.
Only because it was a Valentine's Day special. I think FOX realized for once there was a good reason to air an episode on the right date.
Unfortunetly I gotta agree with Marc on this one, If CN had the chance to air new eps before FOX it would be stupid not to do it.
What was this about CN saying there is new episodes in production? Was that a mistake or do CN plan on order new eps or were they stupid enough to be tricked by FOX
DOOP Secretary
So we have to wait after Feb till fox showed a new episode? Fox is so Stupid.
Now we don't have Futurama running all night on the UK version of Cartoon Network but I like what they doing in the U.A.S
If they show new episodes before Fox, wonder if the people who downloads the episodes from the internet will get the chance to download the new eps?
DOOP Secretary
Damn FOX , even I cannot watch the episodes when they are airing I hope for all US Futurama Fans that they'll watch new episodes soon. And that I can download 'em
Matt Wilson
I seriously doubt that there is no limitation in the contract with CN to stop them from airing episodes before FOX did (unless FOX decided to stop airing Futurama all together). Otherwise CN would surely have started their new adult swim block with "all new episodes" or a back to back airing of Futurama (old)/(new) and got all the ratings they wanted. No, CN wanted to start from the beginning. Every show that premieres on CN, especially third-party material, starts from the first episode. The main reason is because people aren't going to tune into Adult Swim all at once. Right now, the first week of January was just a decent improvement. But in a couple of months, the 18-34 ratings will definitely skyrocket. And that's when CN will be airing the newer episodes. If they aired the new episodes first, it wouldn't reach CN's maximum potential of an audience. So you start small and work your way up. That's how network television works. What was this about CN saying there is new episodes in production? They never said that. Ooooh, if only.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #22 on: 01-20-2003 12:22 »
« Last Edit on: 01-20-2003 12:22 »
Actually, they did say there were new ones, which takes away a bit of credibility from them: FUTURAMA was created by Matt Groening, who also created The Simpsons. Groening and David X. Cohen developed the series, which debuted on FOX in 1999. New episodes are currently in production. I still say that with all the advertising they did, they could've gotten a really huge response if they made it "with all new never before seen episodes" - if they were allowed to. They didn't though. We haven't heard either way yet, so I guess we'll just have to wait some.
Space Pope
Originally posted by clampybot: meh don't care at least you have it better than aussies all we are probably expecting is c7 finishing season 3 and stopping thier and Fox 8 hasn't even shown season 4 yet unbelievable!
Please stop moaning! We know Australia don't like Futurama but nor to C4 in the UK. There are no plans to show 'I Dated A Robot' even though it was meant to air a few weeks ago. Anyway, shows are always behind abroad. Originally posted by Juliet If they show new episodes before Fox, wonder if the people who downloads the episodes from the internet will get the chance to download the new eps? The way the internet episodes work at the moment is that FOX send the Futurama's out to their affiliates via satelite, some people use their dishes to intercept this and then encode it. That means we get good quality episodes without a FOX symbol. They used to be done by recording off the TV/direct TV input and then encoding, thus we get ok quality with a FOX symbol. Depending on how CN distribute their programs people will do one method or the other. Either way the episodes will reach the internet.
Originally posted by [-mArc-]: I seriously doubt that there is no limitation in the contract with CN to stop them from airing episodes before FOX did (unless FOX decided to stop airing Futurama all together). Otherwise CN would surely have started their new adult swim block with "all new episodes" or a back to back airing of Futurama (old)/(new) and got all the ratings they wanted. Could be that Cartoon Network wants to show them in order... there WILL be some new fans picked up because of the CN airings you know... people who haven't seen FUTURAMA before...
Matt Wilson
Considering they haven't even bought airtime on FOX yet, no. They wouldn't.
They do want good ratings, but Adult Swim increases its viewers VERY GRADUALLY, regardless of how much it's advertised.
Think about it for a minute. Right now, Adult Swim gets an 0.8 rating from 18-34 year olds. If they air Futurama for a few months, the rating will grow to an estimated 1.2 or 1.3 rating for 18-34 year olds.
Now which will gather a greater audience: advertising and airing new episodes to the 0.8 crowd or the 1.3 crowd? If there's more watching, that means more word-of-mouth, more recognition, more loyalty.
Right now, Adult Swim is not recognized, nor does it have faithful viewers. It's still struggling. Airing new episodes of Futurama now, while it's still trying to find an audience, would be foolish.
Originally posted by aslate: Depending on how CN distribute their programs people will do one method or the other. Either way the episodes will reach the internet.
But how did the episodes get from FOX to CN? By an SVHS tape, I'd imagine. If someone could intercept the SVHS tapes... Anyone work for Turner Broadcasting?
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Hmm, I have to agree with mArc on this one. If CN had the right to show the never-before-aired episodes ahead of FOX, they would've done so, and advertized it in big capital letters on Empire State Building.
Maybe it's a mix of both. A clause in the contract limiting CN to only show the new episodes after the already aired ones, on the first run. If FOX haven't aired the new episodes by then, though luck for FOX, but they've at least reserved the chance to do so first.
Originally posted by Teral: If FOX haven't aired the new episodes by then, though luck for FOX, but they've at least reserved the chance to do so first. Which would explain why FOX cleared out production season 3 so quickly in airing season 5 ("Route of All Evil" ), which should air on CN on March 12.
Originally posted by BNLbum: CN probably will be airing the final episodes first I think that FOX would have been smart enough to put something in the contract about airing first-runs. Seriously, does anyone work for Turner Broadcasting?
Bending Unit
Originally posted by SQFreak: I think that FOX would have been smart enough to put something in the contract about airing first-runs. You're giving FOX too much intelligence credit. ^_^ Seriously, does anyone work for Turner Broadcasting? i wish. ::cries::
Matt Wilson
Then FOX is just being retarded.
Perhaps if they had an airdate for these episodes, I'd understand their reasoning, but they seem to have no plan whatsoever, having just screwed over February.