
Urban Legend
 That's who's going to win. I'm sorry Nix, but your days of worship dirty, filthy sex is over. Let's face it. This That Guy v. Morgan Proctor battle isn't only about which character is funnier (because, if it was, That Guy would win unanimously). There's more at stake here than just favorites. This determines the whole of PEEL. The contestants...Morgan Proctor. Champion of 'the PEEL establishment'. Think about their camp: Nix, Tweek, Teral, etc...old guys. Old guys who enjoy keeping the new blood down. They shove all their space-popery and DOOP-secretaryism into your face. In fact, this fat, bloated, mysogynistic, hate-filled group would like nothing more than to see us younger folk squirm in their grasp. They don't care for Futurama, they only care about the money they've somehow made off of this site. Rumor has it that Tweek is actually one of the Fox execs that cancelled the show. Don't let [-mArc-] fool you...PEEL makes lots of money. And these guys are taking it all to the bank. [Zapp] "Plus, they said you guys look like dorks!" [/Zapp] On the other hand...That Guy. Champion of the dispossesed and trod upon. That Guy truly is the representitive of the 'young PEELer'. He's open to change. He loves people of all nationalities, races, and genders. The That Guy camp is as close to Utopia as man could ever get. The That Guy camp stands for progress. That Guy represents new episodes...perhaps a sixth or seventh *new* season? You didn't hear it from us, though... In conclusion, men, vote Morgan offThank you and good night. THis is a Message From the Committee That is Surprised That Guy Stayed on as Long as He Did.

DOOP Secretary

I want everyone to take a long look in the mirror. What do you remember about the 80's? What do you REALLY remember? Do you remember hating them no more than a few years ago? What was so great about the 80's? It sure wasn't the music, or the clothes, or the hair. Are you sure that any fond rememberences of the 80's are no more than a response to a shift in popular nostalgia?
Now, think about dirty sex. Who doesn't want some? Don't you hate it when someone bugs you to clean after yourself, whether it be mother or significant other? Don't you, in the deepest of deep places in your heart, want a partner who is wild and uninhibited?
Quite frankly, I don't see how there's even a contest here.

DOOP Secretary

I don't remember the Eighties.
Viva That Guy!!!,May he Live long and then die suddenly of Bone-Itus.


Pulls Dirty Sex back into the fight.
I agree with what Nix is saying. Why would you want to worship the Eighties when you can worship dirty sex? Beats me....
Also, where's the naked Morgan picture?


« Reply #14 on: 01-15-2003 17:56 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2003 00:00 »
I'll break the deadlock and vote against That Guy. "How Hermes..." is my second favorite episode ever, and besides Fry's speech, "Futurestocks" wasn't great and screwed up a lot of things, especially in "Route of All Evil" - see my post at http://www.peelified.com/cgi-bin/Futurama/3-000269/#t19 (Maybe because I was 5 when the 80s ended).

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Evan's post was nothing but sheer, unadultered propaganda. And we all know that nobody master the art of misleading the public better than 80's types. True there is a group of experienced PEEL'ers who take it upon themself to provide guidance to the younger crowd, out of the goodness of their heart. But there is no PEEL old-boys network, no establishment, it's all a ruse to lead attention away from the fact that That Guy is a threat to the PEEL way of life. 80's guys are slick types who would gladly sell their grandmother if it meant they could make "a cool 100 mill". Think about it, if That Guy and his philosophy win, we'll see big changes around here. According to a sketch, that have been leaked to the MP Movement, many forums will be closed to save money, later the most profitable forums (such as General Futurama and Fanart/Fanfic) will be sold to the higgest bidder. What is unsellable will be closed, and soon PEEL is but a page in history. What is labelled "the PEEL establishment" is trying to prevent this. Think about it. Now for some good news. Nix, our Chairman, have already given you the reasons to vote for Morgan, but I'll add this incitement from the MP Movement archives:  Sorry, we had to make it PG. People with access to the R-rated forums can see the original version. Which will be publicised when, and if, Morgan wins this round. Teral CEO, Morgan Proctor Movement

Urban Legend
« Reply #18 on: 01-15-2003 18:42 »
« Last Edit on: 01-15-2003 18:42 »
Ah, it appears that Ms. Proctor has no pupils. Just like her movement, she has no focus, and no clear sight into the future of PEEL. Listen to the PEEL Old-Boys Club. They're busy offering you sex by some easy strumpet in order to distract you from the truth. Whenever the truth becomes apparent, they try and put up a smoke-screen to hide the reality. They sit in their R-Rated Forum (which, we, as common PEELers, are not allowed into) and plot the destruction of all that is good and beautiful. Sure, you could vote against That Guy. That is, if you're willing to vote against someone who could make you permanently happy. The That Guy camp wants PEEL to all be happy and rich, together. The Proctor camp wants to divide you all up with promises of tawdry sex. For shame, Teral, Tweek, and the rest. For shame. Evan Smooth 80s Guy.  Mr. T's gonna shoot those fools who vote for That Guy. He has nothing put pity for their jibber-jabber.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
By Nixorbo: What was so great about the 80's? It sure wasn't the music, or the clothes, or the hair. Music? Clothes??? You're not looking at the big picture! The 80's weren't about the music. The 80's weren't about the clothes, or even the hair(although I'm still using the same tub of hair gel that I bought at the dollar store in 1987)! The 80's were all about shark-like business tactics. And also the Saftey Dance(which, while maybe not as safe as people previously said, is STILL PRETTY DAMN SAFE). And now you sheep are trying to keep us down. Well I've had it up to here(pointing at area just below head, which isn't my neck since sharks don't have necks) with your sheep-like antics! And the people agree. Vote against Morgan Proctologist. P.S. Though I hate to stoop as low as the MP party by promising sex, I'd like to point out that the 80's had more sex than any other decade, ever. The 80's were filled with ambitious coke-heads, who had more sex than you can shake a stick at. The 90's and 2000's are filled with lazy slacker gen-X/Yers, who wouldn't know sex if they had it in the ass.

DOOP Secretary

Face it, the 80's blew chunks, and everybody knows it. Some of us just choose not to believe it.
Search your heart, you know it to be true.

DOOP Secretary

Alright win.But after your big international mass orgy you discovered you caught a sexual disease.Your own fault if you do.

DOOP Secretary

Judging from the last two posts, I think this needs to be reemphasized:

DOOP Secretary

That Guy sucks donkey balls, any bloke that would want him to win is clearly very, very gay.

DOOP Secretary

And your acting very immature for a Moderator. *Hums Safety dance to annoy Tweek*