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Author Topic: Will they or won't they?  (Read 1202 times)
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PEE Poll: Will they or won't they?
Yes   -8 (33.3%)
No   -16 (66.7%)
Total Members Voted: 24

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« on: 01-06-2003 15:44 »

It's almost a year since Futurama was put on hiatus by Fox, and at some point during this year the disision will be made about wether to order a 5th production block of new episodes or not. It might not be very likely, but it's definately possible.

I think pretty much everybody wants a new production season, but my question is, do you think Fox will order a 5th production season or not? If your life depended on it, what would you choose?

« Reply #1 on: 01-06-2003 15:53 »

At first, I thought this was a Fry/Leela thread.
I don't think they will though. It's sad, but realistic. I hope PEEL survives though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 01-06-2003 16:27 »

They won't.If they do they will lose Us plus the bored Simpson fans.
They think it will just be like the Family Guy thing.

"Nobody said anything when we took Family Gy off,I asume they will do the same thing..".

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 01-06-2003 16:53 »

I doubt it. Besides, even if FOX would order new Episodes, they would never be able to produce them in time for the next season. Wouldn't be surprised though, if FOX uses this fact as an excuse not order any new episodes.

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 01-06-2003 17:02 »

I thought the same thing as Guy (Oh, yeah!) about this being a Fry/Leela thread. Surprisingly, this intertwines with the finale of the series.

I seriously, 100%, doubt that Fox ever really was going to renew Futurama. As soon as I heard 'hiatus' I thought that Fox had basically cancelled the show for good, but refused to admit it let the backlash start. Face it, Futurama on Fox is over. There won't be a new season next fall, unless, of course, they're still showing 4AVC eps then.

Hopefully, "The Devil's Hands are Idol Playthings" works as a good terminus. And, maybe, we'll also know the answer if Fry and Leela will or won't.

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 01-06-2003 17:05 »

Originally posted by evan:
I thought the same thing as Guy (Oh, yeah!) about this being a Fry/Leela thread. Surprisingly, this intertwines with the finale of the series.

I seriously, 100%, doubt that Fox ever really was going to renew Futurama. As soon as I heard 'hiatus' I thought that Fox had basically cancelled the show for good, but refused to admit it let the backlash start. Face it, Futurama on Fox is over. There won't be a new season next fall, unless, of course, they're still showing 4AVC eps then.

Hopefully, "The Devil's Hands are Idol Playthings" works as a good terminus. And, maybe, we'll also know the answer if Fry and Leela will or won't.

I hope that the final episode is not too final, especially regarding Fry & Leela.

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 01-06-2003 17:11 »

I think this will be the last season and Nothing we can do about it sadly.  :cry:

Maybe an act of god might save it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 01-06-2003 17:31 »

as much as i hope they will order another production season i dont think they will  :(  :(  :(

Starship Captain
« Reply #8 on: 01-06-2003 19:43 »

I really thought the perfect oppurtunity for Fox to renew the show was when they won the Emmy. It would have given them the perfect platform for bringing the show back and showing that they were really backing it. Sadly, that day came and went with little more than a peep from them. They really didn't promote Futurama for their achievement and really congratulate them on their success.
While I do not feel that Fox will come around to order new episodes their is always hope that they will. True, there will not be time enough to get the season ready for next Fall but it really wouldn't matter all that much. Fox really doesn't start airing Futurama until February anyways so if they went into production for the next year I think they could have something ready by then. Plus, Fox could look at it as a mid-season replacement if the episodes could not be delivered by the start of the Fall season.
The sad thing is that with what is left on the schedule there is a strong possibility for another run at the Emmy's and they are already in the running for more awards at the Annie's. If nothing else Futurama could go out on top and give Fox the proverbial nose in the air as it rides off into the sunset.
Starship Captain
« Reply #9 on: 01-06-2003 20:16 »

Originally posted by Bendo:
 If nothing else Futurama could go out on top and give Fox the proverbial nose in the air as it rides off into the sunset.

That's 'finger in the air', I think.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #10 on: 01-06-2003 20:32 »

Forget it. This is the last season, unless FOX gets their head out of their ass and sees how great a show Futurama is. I have great pity for the person who voted 'Yes.' Unless it's a mod, then I bow down to their everlasting knowledge.

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 01-07-2003 00:34 »
« Last Edit on: 01-07-2003 00:34 »

I think the only way it might get renewed is if Futurama does REALLY well on Cartoon Network, FOX might realize how popular the show is, although it is very unlikely.

Edit\ does anyone know if there is a date in which this decision is to be made?

« Reply #12 on: 01-07-2003 01:34 »

isnt it like in may wen fox usually order new seasons
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #13 on: 01-07-2003 03:58 »

I think it's more than likely that Futurama will be abandoned. On the plus side, this means that we can expect new and greater things from Groening and Co. as they'll be having a lot more free time. Maybe Life In Hell will be animated?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 01-07-2003 04:09 »

That would be cool, but I want more Futurama

« Reply #15 on: 01-07-2003 04:36 »

I emailed Fox and asked them why they cancelled the show. They replied a few hours later. That was today. Here's their reply:
"You really should stop listening to False Rumors!!

FUTURAMA will be back this coming Season with a full season of ALL-NEW episodes!!!

We have enough ALL-NEW episodes to air for the entire 2002/03 Season!!

Note: We don't pick up ANY FOX show for the 2003/04 Season until MAY 2003 - so check back with us in a year to see if we have renewed FUTURAMA for another Season!!  Hopefully the show will be with us for many years to come!

Thanks for writing


« Reply #16 on: 01-07-2003 04:37 »

Looks an awful lot like an automated reply to me.
Notice how they say one year from now as May 2003?!?!
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #17 on: 01-07-2003 05:14 »

BarMonger: You might not know it, but it's considered bad manners to double post. If you need to add further comments to your post, then the Mods would probably tell you to use the edit button.

Me, I'd tell you to look over what you've typed before posting, but I'm an idiot.
PCC Fred

Space Pope
« Reply #18 on: 01-07-2003 05:59 »

My bet is they'll renew it for another production season, make something like 24 episodes, which they can stretch to two McSeasons of 12 episodes.

Also a new season of Futurama wouldn't neccessarily have to be ready for fall 2003, since very few new episodes get aired before Xmas due to the NFL and World Series.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #19 on: 01-07-2003 06:43 »

Originally posted by PCC Fred:
My bet is they'll renew it for another production season, make something like 24 episodes, which they can stretch to two McSeasons of 12 episodes.

Also a new season of Futurama wouldn't neccessarily have to be ready for fall 2003, since very few new episodes get aired before Xmas due to the NFL and World Series.

Plus they already have enough unaired episodes to fill the slots described.

It would be nice if they renewed it, but the animation team has been broken up, the voice cast are all doing other things, the writing team haven't written anything since the last episode was handed over to FOX, and Groening is now pissed off at FOX for hiatusing the show in the first place. Even if all these obstacles were overcome, it costs a lot of money to produce each episode, and FOX may just decide to keep the cash, to purchase new and "better" shows.

« Reply #20 on: 01-07-2003 07:56 »

We should think positively

« Reply #21 on: 01-07-2003 08:57 »
« Last Edit on: 01-07-2003 08:57 by [-mArc-] »


Stick to the thread topic. Maybe consider the advice given by TNUK.

Urban Legend
« Reply #22 on: 01-07-2003 12:47 »

I think the show is done as far as FOX is concerned.  I'll be happy if I'm wrong, but Futurama's renewal looks like a no no to me. 

If Groening does do a new show, do you think it will have to be on FOX?  They don't give anything a chance anymore.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 01-07-2003 12:49 »

I don't think Groening will do the same mistake twice, he surely will not let FOX get his new show

Starship Captain
« Reply #24 on: 01-07-2003 15:40 »
« Last Edit on: 01-07-2003 15:40 »

They won't, but they should.

Simple as that really. FOX will go bankrupt in a few years (trust me, I know people who work as financial advisors in the US. FOX's profits have been steadily decreasing since about season 5 of The Simpsons) and Futurama will be but a faint memory for everyone. Cept us PEELers!!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 01-07-2003 15:42 »

I just hope that Fox let us have some more new futurama episodes. if not well I just want to see Bender in his best performance ever.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 01-07-2003 18:05 »

Probably not. It looks like FOX have made up their mind.

However consider this: 12 episodes left, and 20 Sundays left (end May), or more likely 16 Sundays (end of April). Definetely no episode will be aired January 26th, due to Super Bowl, and no new episode is scheduled for January 19th. That's 14 Sundays to air 12 episodes.

Either we'll get an amazing string of new episodes for the rest of the season, or (more likely due to FOX politic of "pre-emption builds fanbase" ) they'll have 2 or 3 episodes left for the start of season 6. With the late start Futurama usually is treated to, the production team will have 6 or 7 months to produce the new season. Technically that's possible, but getting the team back is different thing, altogether.

All in all I'm undecided.

And yes BarMonger, that is an automated reply. FOX have been sending them out for at least 6 months. Try replying to it, and you'll get a rather angry one saying something like "Have they been aired before? Didn't think so, that must mean they're "ALL-NEW"! Thanks for writing ASK FOX", after that you wont get a new answer.

« Reply #27 on: 01-09-2003 08:09 »
« Last Edit on: 01-09-2003 08:09 »

    Two or three episodes left for a season 6???  Wouldn't matter... by that time, Cartoon Network would have aired them all, and probably would haved aired the 2 or 3 several times... it will be on 5 nights a week on Cartoon Network, which means slightly more that 14 weeks to air the complete FUTURAMA...  which means these last three could concievably be in thier fourth showing before FOX "starts" season 6... 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #28 on: 01-09-2003 08:31 »

Hey, it's Fox... Of course, they'll decide to order a 6th season, and then rethink their decision two months later.

Bending Unit
« Reply #29 on: 01-09-2003 14:18 »

I'd be very surprised if Fox comissioned another season.  Of course it would be nice to have new episodes made, but after seeing season 4 last year, I came to the conclusion that I'd probably rather the show was cancelled now, rather than it taking the inevitable spiral downwards in the way that 'The Simpsons' has.  I'd rather be left with good memories of 'Futurama', which is something that definitely won't happen with 'The Simpsons'.

Space Pope
« Reply #30 on: 01-11-2003 18:47 »

An Edna K quote never seemed so relevant.


The best thing I'm hoping for is that Groening realises what a bunch of dumb fucks FOX actually are/were/will be in the future of the world, and for his next project goes to a different network. I'm sure many would be happy to host a show with the history of The Simpsons and the quality of both Simpsons and Futurama. And FOX loses out. weeheehee. Also X network might actually promote Y project.

At times like this I wish I had a mailbomb to attack FOX's automailer.

Bending Unit
« Reply #31 on: 01-11-2003 19:37 »
« Last Edit on: 01-11-2003 19:37 »

nope time will pass and futurama will die once I've seen every episode I won't be such a big fan as I am now you must let go futurama's gone who cares it was a good show while it lasted. If it ended maybe some of the obsessed people will let go or maybe they'll waste thier life watching classic episodes.      :sleep:
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